Chapter IV
The Jews' Prior 'Convictions' as 'Evidence': Reviving Infamous Antisemitic Myths

Along with identifying the guilty parties - that is, the Jews - and presenting the "evidence," the Arab media further supported their claims by citing the Jews' prior 'criminal record' - that is, well-known antisemitic myths that have long since confirmed the pattern of Jewish crimes.

A) Israel's history is rife with terror attacks

Al-Akhbar editor-in-chief Galal Duweidar wrote: "We must warn against attempts by those aspiring to incite the American administration against a number of streams considered to be Islamic and Arab. Reminding the American administration what happened with the Oklahoma bombing should suffice. Then, the Israeli and Jewish propaganda machines accused Arab elements. But later it was discovered that the perpetrator was American.... Using these charges, they want to deflect the suspicion that Mossad elements and their collaborators carried out such crimes in order to spoil relations between Muslims/Arabs and America. There have been precedents like this; they exposed disgraces such as the Lavon affair, which revealed this Israeli intelligence apparatus's involvement in the bombing of the American Cultural Center in Cairo in the 1950s, so the Egyptians would be blamed."[46]

Muhammad Abd Al-Fattah Muhsin wrote in Al-Ahram: "Israel, and the Jewish lobby behind it, have managed to drag American society into launching a hate campaign against the Arabs and Muslims, after they pinned the blame for terrorism on them. They have depicted the Arabs and Muslims as the ones behind the tragic events of 'Black Tuesday.' Yet if we browse through the pages of history we find obvious clues [indicating] that terrorism is originally 'made in Israel'...." [47]

Dr. Hayat Al-Huweiek 'Atiya said the Mossad had been involved in many attacks, including one in Paris. This, she said, intimated that the Mossad was also involved in the September 11th attacks. In Al-Dustour, she wrote: "...The investigation of the bombing of the Paris synagogue showed that the Mossad was behind the deed, and that the agent who infiltrated one of the extreme rightist organizations was the one who took responsibility. Nevertheless, this did not have political consequences. There are dozens of examples, including the bombs in Baghdad which caused mass Jewish emigration.... It is true that these are minor examples, and that they cannot compare with what happened yesterday, but it is not a question of scale.... Due to the scope of the disaster, it should be assumed that there were a number of elements creating it.... We must direct full diplomatic and media efforts not only towards washing our hands and denying our involvement from the dock, but also towards a counterattack to shift us from the weak position of those on the defensive to a stronger and more aggressive position." [48]

B) The Avaricious Jews Carried out the Attacks for Profit

Dr. Zahran of Suez Canal University wrote in Al-Ahram: "There were many rumors, and open publicity, that the Jews, who were huge stockholders in the airlines and insurance companies, sold their stocks at the highest possible prices in Europe some 10 days before the attacks on America. After the stock market began functioning again, on September 17 ... the Jews competed amongst themselves to buy [these] stocks at the lowest possible prices, or waited until the stocks reached their minimal value and then acquired them, for tremendous profits. There is no doubt that this can expose their involvement in the crime. This demands covert investigation by U.S. government bodies far from the official investigative bodies." [49]

C) The Jews Want to Take Over the World and 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' Proves It

Political and economic expert Dr. Amira Al-Shinwani summarized The Protocols for Al-Akhbar: "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, published at the First Zionist Congress in the city of Basel, Switzerland in 1897, rose from the depths of darkness. They were later printed in French, in 1905. In 1921, the publication of these protocols was completely banned, except for the Arabic version. We all understand why Israel conceals these protocols when we look at the calls for destruction an the immorality [appearing in them] - among them the call to destroy the world and set up 'a world Jewish government that will rule this land' - that is, rule the world."

To support her claims, Dr. Al-Shinwani referred to another article - one appearing in a book published in 1935 by the Germans titled A Handbook on the Jewish Question. She wrote: "In 1789, former U.S. president Benjamin Franklin [sic] warned against the increase in Jewish immigrants, saying, 'The U.S. faces potential danger from the Jews, wherever they may be. They bring down moral standards, they disseminate fraud in commerce, and they disseminate grief in the country. If the world gives them Palestine - they will be bloodsuckers. They must be among others so that they can trample them. If they are not constitutionally expelled from the U.S. within a hundred years at the most, they will infiltrate the U.S. in numbers that will allow them to rule and destroy it. They will set themselves apart from us even if they are among us for tens of generations. The leopard cannot change his spots. I warn you, if you do not completely expel the Jews from America, they will endanger our institutions.' [50] They themselves [the Americans] attested to this."

Dr. Al-Sanwani concluded her article with a final claim about the perpetrators of the 'Black Tuesday' terror attacks: "We do not support placing blame without clear-cut proof. It is only a possibility that the U.S. must consider in order to determine which body or country carried out the terrorist crime against it, before accusations are leveled at the Arabs or Muslims or bin Laden without clear-cut proof." [51]

A leading article in Al-Manar also draws heavily on the Protocols,: "The Zio-Americans were angry and deeply saddened when their candidate Al Gore and his Zionist-American colleague [i.e. Joseph Lieberman] lost the recent presidential elections. They were striving to begin the Judaization of the White House, politically and officially, by bringing a Jewish vice president into the White House as a first step towards the day when a Jew from the race of the House of David would stand at the head of the American Jewish Republic, thus fulfilling the Biblical prophecy that at the end of days a king from the seed of the House of David would rule the world ... and thus Israel would be guaranteed complete security and world Zionism would fully control America's material and spiritual power. This disappointment aroused the ire and the hatred of the Zio-American Jews; they expressed this in all areas [using] all means. They resolved that the administration in the U.S. should be brought back to the Clinton era, during which most of the ministers [sic] were Jews. [They will do this] with a win by the Zionist-controlled Democratic Party, in the next presidential election - which will be made possible only by toppling the Republican administration headed by President George Bush Jr. [sic] and offering the candidacy of a Zio-American Jew who will Judaize the White House politically and officially - although the White House has long been Judaized, since most of its officials are Zionist Americans...." [52]

Saudi Prince Mamdouh bin Abd Al-Aziz, president of the Saudi Center for Strategic Studies, wrote in the London daily Al-Hayat that the Protocols were based on a number of "other genuine documents": "Anyone who even skims through The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Pieces on the Chessboard, or the book The World is a Pawn in the Hands of Israel, and follows current events, becomes convinced that the Jews are behind the world's current 'terrorized' atmosphere.... These three books concur that there is a Zionist conspiracy ... [the goal of which is] to channel everything, as much as possible, towards the interests of world Jewry, primarily those among them called 'Allah's Chosen People'....

"Objectivity demands that we ask whether the disasters that have struck at the heart of the Arab and Islamic world over many long years were mere coincidence, or were the result of a conspiracy.... I have no doubt whatsoever that many Arab Islamic countries and organizations, both religious and pan-Arab, that acted in good faith, were infiltrated by the Jews...." [53]

D) Jewish Involvement in the Events of September 11 was Never Reported because the Jews Control the American Media

This was another of Egypt's Sheikh Gamei'a's claims: "When a group of people attacked my home [in America], I went out to them and asked why they were doing this. They said that because we were Muslims we were linked to terrorism. I explained to them that what they were doing was uncivilized and was, in effect, a twofold crime; you let the criminals go free and attack innocents. This does not suit a modern state and a modern people, and is opposed to human values.... During my conversations with this group, it became clear to me that they knew very well that the Jews were behind these ugly acts, while we, the Arabs, were innocent, and that someone from among their people was disseminating corruption in the land. Although the Americans suspect that the Zionists are behind the act, none has the courage to talk about it in public.... When I asked them whether they had the courage to talk about it openly, they said: 'We can't.' I asked why, and they said: 'You know very well that the Zionists control everything and that they also control political decision-making, the big media organizations, and the financial and economic institutions.

Anyone daring to say a word is considered an anti-Semite.'

"On the news in the U.S. it was said that 4,000 Jews did not come to work at the WTC on the day of the incident, and that the police arrested a group of Jews rejoicing in the streets at the time of the incident.... The Jews who control the media acted to hush it up so that the American people would not know.... We saw these Zionists, just one hour after the event, broadcasting on the BBC, the biggest media channel, that the Arabs, and particularly the Palestinians, were celebrating and rejoicing over the American deaths. [To do this] they broadcasted a video from 1991, [filmed] during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. But Allah thwarted them when a professor from a Brazilian university stated that the video was a forgery, because she had a copy of [the original film]." [54]

Dr. Zahran of Suez Canal University attempted to explain why the U.S. did not suspect the Jews of being involved in the attacks even in the face of ample "evidence." He claimed that there was a conspiracy of silence on the matter: "...The information that could help me prove the assessment that the Jews and the Mossad are responsible for the September 11 attacks on the U.S. is deliberately vague. Why not reveal the names of all the passengers on the four airplanes, and the names of all those who didn't board the flight, among whom were Jews? If they were to reveal the real data, it would help provide clear answers. But evidently this data will remain a big secret, so as to prevent accusations of Israel, its intelligence apparatus, and the Jews of America...." [55]

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