July 1, 2008 Special Dispatch No. 1973

Iranian TV Documentary Series Traces Zionist Themes in Western Movies: "Saving Private Ryan"

July 1, 2008
Iran | Special Dispatch No. 1973

Following are excerpts from a segment of an Iranian documentary series on Hollywood cinema featuring the film Saving Private Ryan. The segment aired on the Iranian News Channel, IRINN, on May 27, 2008.

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit . (To view another segment of this series, visit

"'Zion' Sometimes Becomes 'Ryan,' As In Saving Private Ryan"

Narrator: "The concentrated efforts of the Zionist lobbies in America have led the U.S. government to be the greatest supporter of the regime occupying Jerusalem. In recent years, following the exposure of certain information, hatred towards the Zionists has developed and intensified among various sectors of society in this country. Therefore, some of the efforts of the Zionist propaganda machine are aimed at improving the image of Zionism, and at painting a false picture of the historical role of the Zionists in American society."


Dr. Majid Shah-Hosseini, Iranian film critic: "[In The Matrix], Zion symbolizes the utopian Jewish Zionist land. These are the roots of Zionism. How come in such a popular and seemingly fictional American film, the utopia of liberty and humanity, which heralds the era of modernity – in the technical, rather than theoretical sense – is symbolized by a Zionist name – 'Zion?'

"Moreover, names may be selected for their rhyming value. 'Zion' sometimes becomes 'Ryan,' as in Saving Private Ryan. They exploit even the similarity of names.

"The Jewish Steven Spielberg, whose previous film Schindler's List reflected Zionist goals, and who turned the false story of the Holocaust into an influential movie, is now making a new movie, about Private Ryan." [...]

"By Exaggerating This Role [Of Jewish Soldiers In The Film], The Zionists Seem To Be Trying To Achieve Legitimacy For Their Post-War Actions"

Murtaza Ali-Abbas Mirzai, Iranian documentary filmmaker: "In Saving Private Ryan, one sees that they are the ultimate plunderers. The scene in which the officer puts some earth from various countries into cans was just a preview of what they are doing now – taking the land of Iraq, Afghanistan, and the European countries."


Narrator: "While the blacks and other minorities protest the fact that Hollywood ignores their role in American history, but to no avail, prominent films like Saving Private Ryan highlight the role of Jewish soldiers. By exaggerating this role, the Zionists seem to be trying to achieve legitimacy for their post-war actions. In the military cemetery shown in the opening scene of the film, the picture has been edited to draw attention to the Jewish graves among others." [...]

"This Cry Of Rage Is The Cry Of Zionism Validating The Crimes Perpetrated By Zionism After The World War"

Narrator: "Among the more unpleasant scenes of the film are the scenes in which a Jewish soldier directs his rage towards German POWs. When he sees some German soldiers wearing jewelry with symbols of his religion, this soldier has a fit of rage and attacks them. In these scenes, the film director presents a completely sympathetic view of this soldier's rage towards the helpless POWs. It seems as if this cry of rage is the cry of Zionism validating the crimes perpetrated by Zionism after the world war."

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