August 20, 2009 Special Dispatch No. 2478

This Week's Posts from the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor Project: August 1-7, 2009

August 20, 2009
Special Dispatch No. 2478

The following are excerpts from reports posted on MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) website from the past week.

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Lebanese Islamists in Favor of 'Offensive Jihad' to Conquer the World and Impose Islam

Excerpts from a public address delivered by members of the Islamist group Hizb Al-Tahrir in Lebanon on July 21, 2009.
To view this clip, visit


Ayman Al-Zawahiri: Obama Is Selling an Illusion; France Will Pay the Price for Its Hatred of Islam

On August 3, 2009, jihadist websites posted a 1.5-hour-long interview with Ayman Al-Zawahiri. In the video, Al-Zawahiri addresses the war on terror, and in particular the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, both of which he says are being won by the mujahideen; the situation in the Palestinian territories, which he largely blames on Fatah while striking a tone relatively favorable to Hamas; predator strikes in the tribal regions of Pakistan; and the situation in other Muslim countries such as Somalia and Yemen. He also addresses French President Nicolas Sarkozy's comments on the burqa and launches into a diatribe against France, saying that it will pay the price for its hostility to Islam...¶m=APT

Head of the Uighur Jihadists: 'China's Massacres and Savagery Will Not Go Unanswered'; Calls for Attacks on Chinese Embassies and Consulates

The Islamic Party of Turkestan (IPT), an Uighur jihadist organization currently based in Waziristan, has released a video from its Emir, 'Abd Al-Haq Al-Turkestani, in response to the violent clashes in Urumchi in China's Xinjiang province on July 5, 2009.¶m=APT


Post on Jihadist Website Offers Instruction on Operational Security for Fundraising

On August 6, 2009, a member of the Al-Falluja jihadist forum posted a short essay containing tips on operational security when raising funds for jihad. The author, who goes by the name "Al-Gharib Al-Ha'ili," describes himself as an assistant to Abu Hamza Al-Muhajir, who is war minister of the Al-Qaeda front group the Islamic State of Iraq...¶m=GJN

Turkish Jihadists Soliciting Donations Online for Families of Martyrs in Afghanistan

On July 17, 2009, the Turkish jihadi media group Elifmedya posted a fundraising message on the Sehadet Zamani website; it was later reposted in the Turkish section of the Ansar Al-Mujahideen forum as well...¶m=GJN

'Cubs of Al-Qaeda' In Iraq Arrested

The Operations Command in Baghdad [security unit in charge of fighting terrorism] announced the arrest of three children who belong to the “Cubs of Al-Qaeda” [ashbal al-qa’ida]and six terrorists who recruit the "cubs." A spokesman for the Operations Command, Major-General Qassim ‘Atta, said that Al-Qaeda is currently focusing on recruiting children, single and divorced women, and the uneducated.¶m=GJN

New Jihadist Counterespionage Unit Releases Info on Purported Jordanian Master Spy, Calls for His Assassination

A new jihadist counterespionage group named "Kata'ib Al-Rasid" ("The Watchdog Brigades") is calling for the assassination of a Jordanian whom it claims is a master spy who has infiltrated jihadist outfits the world over. The logo of the Watchdog Brigades...¶m=GJN

Video by Iraqi Jihad Organization Shows Execution of Suspected Spy

A 90-second video recently posted on an Islamist website by the Iraqi jihad organization Kataib Siham Al-Haqq (The Arrows of Justice Brigades) shows the brutal execution of a man suspected of spying...¶m=GJN

Jund Ansar Allah in Gaza Calls for Jihad in Defense of the Al-Aqsa Mosque

In a July 31, 2009 communique, the Gaza-based jihadist organization Jund Ansar Allah called on all jihad fighters to enlist in jihad in defense of the Al-Aqsa mosque - which, they claimed, the Jews were plotting to destroy and replace with their spurious temple - and to meet an honorable end as either victors or martyrs.¶m=GJN


Mullah Omar Holds Session of Taliban Council, Decides to Disrupt Afghan Elections

A Pashtu-language newspaper in Afghanistan reports that a meeting of the Taliban Council chaired by Mullah Omar has decided to sabotage and disrupt the August 20 presidential and provincial council polls in the country...¶m=UPP

Pakistan to Send List Of Afghan Terror Camps To Kabul

Pakistan has prepared a list of alleged terror training camps in Afghanistan and it will be sent to Kabul soon, according to an Afghan daily...¶m=UPP

Indian Defense Minister: Terrorists Can Resort to Chemical Weapons
Indian Defense Minister A. K. Antony has said that terrorists are getting "more and more aggressive" and can resort to using chemical weapons to cause maximum casualties, according to an Indian daily...¶m=UPP

Pakistani Interior Minister: 'Pakistan Army Officers, Intelligence Officials Arrested For Collaborating With Terrorists; Lashkar-e-Taiba And Jaish-e-Muhammad Supported Taliban, Al-Qaeda In Destabilizing Pakistan

Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik has acknowledged that several Pakistan Army officers of the rank of major and intelligence officials have resigned or been arrested for collaborating with terrorists, according to a Pakistani daily...¶m=UPP

Six Kashmiri Youth Crossing Into Pakistan For Terror Training Arrested

In Indian Kashmir, police officials have arrested six Kashmiri youth as they were trying to enter Pakistani Kashmir for terror training through the Line of Control (LoC), according to a Hindi-language daily...¶m=UPP

Omar Saeed Sheikh Moved To Karachi Jail Due To Security Concerns

British-born Islamic militant Omar Saeed Sheikh, who was sentenced to death for the beheading of U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl has been moved to a prison in Karachi due to concerns over security, according to a Pakistani website...¶m=UPP

Pakistan Books Militant Islamic Cleric For Sedition

In Pakistan, the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) government has registered a case of sedition against militant Islamic cleric Maulana Sufi Muhammad for inciting people against the state, according to an Urdu daily...¶m=UPP

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