Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) Pashtu-Language Book: While Islam Forbids Killing Of Ambassadors, Modern Diplomats Are 'Warring Unbelievers'

October 5, 2023

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On September 24, 2023, a Telegram channel that publishes materials related to the Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) shared a Pashtu-language book that assesses the Afghan Taliban's relations with non-Muslims, especially their diplomatic relations with foreign nations, in the light of shari'a.

The 145-page book, titled "Shari'a Evaluation Of Friendship And Diplomatic Relations with Warring Unbelievers," was produced by Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS). The writer of the book is not identified.

ISKP is active on social media, especially Telegram, and has been sharing news, books, booklets, pamphlets, infographics, pictures, translations, and magazines. The 16-chapter Pashtu book features photos of Afghan Taliban leaders and cites many Quran verses and hadiths to support its arguments. The book criticizes the Taliban rulers for their relations with non-Muslim nations.

The book's cover

The first chapter is titled "The Diplomatic Relations of the Taliban and Shari'a Explanations," narrating Islam's history with references to Chechnya, Dagestan, Samarkand, Bukhara, Mawar ul-Nahar, East Turkestan (i.e., China's Xinjiang province), Palestine and other locations. He argues that Muslims today have lost their glory and honor because they do not wage jihad.

The author further says that the Islamic State (ISIS) will not leave traitors alone and will soon eliminate them from Khurasan and rest of the world. Citing historical events as examples and narrating arguments from the Quran and hadiths, he concludes that the Taliban's relations with non-Muslims contradict Islam.

In a chapter on "East Turkestan," the writer says that China and Russia have joined hands to oppress Muslims, have taken their natural resources, and do not to let Muslims, especially Uyghurs, establish an Islamic government. He says that the "friends" of the Afghan Taliban – are committing atrocities against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

The author cites examples of execution of Muslims by the Chinese, imposition of Chinese law on Muslims as well as the destruction of mosques and burning of madrassas by Chinese officials. There are also examples of China's bans on praying, fasting, Quran recitation, and an overall policy of apartheid against Muslims. Despite all this, the author writes, that the Afghan Taliban maintains their friendship with China, sending delegations to China and receiving their delegations because it supports the Taliban in Afghanistan.

In a lengthy discussion, many reasons from the Quran and sayings of Prophet Muhammad are included to prove that the Taliban's relations with communist China go against shari'a. In this chapter, many interviews, speeches, press releases, and agreements between Taliban officials and non-Muslims are cited as arguments.

There is also a discussion, explanation, and definition of the concept of an ambassador according to Islam. The author says that modern ambassadors of unbelievers can be classified not as ambassadors but as "warring kuffar [unbelievers]." He says that killing an ambassador in Islam is forbidden, but modern ambassadors can be killed because they do not conform to the definition of an ambassador as articulated by Islamic scholars. The book also describes the ambassadors of an Islamic system, giving the example of the heralds of Prophet Muhammad, who were sent to kings and emperors, inviting them to Islam.  

Throughout the book, the author repeatedly calls the Taliban "apostates" and their emirate a "pseudo emirate," citing their links with unbelievers, especially China. At the same time, questions are raised on the presence of the ambassadors of non-Muslims in Islamic countries, saying that non-Muslims sent their messengers to Prophet Muhammad, but no one can prove that they remained in Dar-ul-Islam ("the Land of Islam") for long periods of time and built buildings there, as is done today when countries establish embassies.

The book accuses China, the "friend of the Taliban," of committing atrocities against Muslims.

The final chapters explain the difference between friendship and forbearance, saying that the Taliban's relations are friendship, not forbearance, which has its own conditions. The final chapter, "Legality of Trade and Dealings with Unbelievers," argues that the Taliban's dealings and business with unbelievers are against Islam, and in some cases they are lying: They are sitting with Americans and others but are only receiving packages of dollars, not establishing actual bilateral trade.

The 16 chapters of the book are titled: "Diplomatic Relations Of The Taliban And Shari'a Explanations"; "The Occupation Of East Turkestan By China"; "Horrors Of The Friends Of The Taliban Militia With Them"; "Shari'a Ambassadors Or Warring Unbelievers"; "Who Is Ambassador?"; "The Duty Of Ambassadors In Islam"; "Killing An Ambassador Is Forbidden"; "Ambassadors Of The Islamic System"; "The False Emirate And The Apostate Taliban"; "Ambassadors Of The Infidels In Dar-Ul-Islam (Islamic Land)"; "Forbearance Or Loyalties (Friendship)"; "First Discussion: Loyalties"; "Forms Of Loyalties: Forms Of Friendship"; "Second Discussion: Forbearance"; "Third Discussion"; and "Legality Of Trade And Dealings With Unbelievers."

Source: Telegram, September 24, 2023.

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