Article In 'Dabiq': The Shi'ite Mahdi As Actually The Devil; The Shi'ites Will Ally With The Jews In A Future War Against The Muslims

September 10, 2015

The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

Issue 11 of ISIS's English-language magazine Dabiq includes a two-page article titled "The 'Mahdi' of the Rafidha – The Dajjal", whose main thrust is that the Mahdi, the Shi'ite messiah, is actually the Dajjal, namely the Devil. The article claims further that the Jews also await this evil messiah, and therefore the Shi'ites can be expected to ally with the Jews in a future war against Islam and the Muslims.

The article begins by claiming that, unlike the "just rightly-guided Mahdi" spoken of in the Sunna, the Shi'ite Mahdi "wages war against Islam and the Muslims." It adds that, "the closer the Hour approaches, the more the Rāfidah [i.e., the Shi'ites] fall in line with the Jews in preparation for the appearance of this awaited evil leader."

The next part of the article is devoted to establishing that the Shi'ites have distorted the nature of the true Mahdi, and that their beliefs about him expose their ties to Judaism. It says: "The scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah doubt that al-Hasan al-‘Askarī ever had any surviving sons, yet the Rāfidah claim he had a son [i.e., the Mahdi] who was hidden by his father or his relatives… and would reappear before the Hour after living in hiding more than a thousand years." Moreover, according to Dabiq, "the  Rāfidī 'Mahdī' speaks in Hebrew, rules by the [laws of the Jewish] Torah, is followed by the Jews, and kills the Arabs, especially [Muhammad's tribe, the] Quraysh!"

Furthermore, says the article, the Shi'ites are descended from a Jew: "The Rāfidah are from the biggest Khārijī sects. They and the other Khawārij have a common root in the Jew ‘Abdullāh Ibn Saba’, who partook in the mutiny against the righteous Khalīfah ‘Uthman."

Concluding its doctrinal indictment of Shi'ites, the article states: "The apostate Rāfidah combined between major shirk (worship of the family of the Prophet), denial of the Qur’ān and the Sunnah (as they claim the Companions fabricated the religious texts), takfīr of the Companions and the Mothers of the Believers, and belief in the deviant innovations of the Khawārij and Qadariyyah. When reflecting upon this and the fact that the Jews await their so-called Messiah – as the Jews  deny the messengership of Jesus, who will return before the Hour – it is expected that the Rāfidah will ally blatantly with the Jews in the future in their war against Islam and the Muslims."

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