The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.
On September 16, 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) Hadramawt province in Yemen released a video titled "A Message to the Refugees [Heading] to the Abode of Unbelief." In it, an unnamed speaker warns Muslim refugees who left the Islamic State to seek refuge in the West that they have committed a "grave sin," and urges them to return to the Islamic State.
The speaker warns refugees that their decision to leave the Islamic State and live among the unbelievers would lead to their torment in the Hereafter. He also reminds them of their duty to make hijra from the land of unbelief to the Islamic State – and not the other way around.
The speaker also notes the ruling regarding those who have left in order to live among the kuffar (infidels), and says that Muslims who live among them and express support for them are considered apostates. He also notes that Muslims who continue to live among the unbelievers without openly disassociating from them, and who are also capable of making hijra to the Islamic State, are committing a haram (a forbidden act). The speaker adds that Allah had only exempted weak Muslims from making hijra if they lacked the means or the way to do so.
In attempt to dissuade Muslims from leaving the Islamic State, the speaker notes the various dangers awaiting them during their journey, including the possibility of them dying or being captured by the various human trafficking gangs. The speaker also urges refugees to return to the Islamic State where Muslims' dignity and honor are protected, and where, he says, all Muslims, regardless of their background, are treated equally.
Source: Shumoukh Al-Islam, September 16, 2015.