Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Background on the Internet Archive (
- How Al-Qaeda and Other Jihadis Utilize the Internet Archive Al-Qaeda-Affiliated Web Forums Instruct Readers in Use of Internet Archive
- Recent Examples of Al-Qaeda's Use of the Internet Archive
- The English-Language Jihadi Forum Ansarullah Posts on the Internet Archive Hidden Encryption Details For Readers to Communicate with Al-Qaeda
- The Online Jihadi Media Group Nukhbat Al-Jihadi Utilizes the Internet Archive
As part of their online media strategy, jihadi groups have in recent years begun using Western websites and technologies - uploading videos to YouTube,[1] "tweeting" news flashes from the jihadi fronts, and even creating official Facebook pages.[2] Jihadis have come to depend on free web hosting, where content, including large videos, can be uploaded anonymously and at no cost. Most recently, however, jihadi groups are invading the Internet Archive.
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