MEMRI has been monitoring Choudary, including his social media activity as well as video and interviews, since 2011, and has repeatedly warned about him and called for social media platforms to remove his content.
Reports On Choudary's Activity
JTTM report, Islamic Website Izharudeen Announces 'International Islamic Revival Conference'; Speakers To Include Omar Bakri Muhammed, Sheikh Anjem Choudary, November 15, 2010.
Inquiry & Analysis Series Report No. 755, Deleting Online Jihad on Twitter: The Case of British Jihadi Anjem Choudary - Tweeting for the Caliphate and the Conquest of the White House, November 4, 2011.
Special Dispatch No. 4278, UK Home Office Bans 'Terror Organization' Muslims Against Crusades; Group Spokesman Anjem Choudary Still Communicating Via Twitter, YouTube, November 11, 2011.
Inquiry & Analysis Series Report No. 797, British Islamist Anjem Choudary Launches 'Shariah for India,' Vows to Demolish Hindu Temples and Bollywood; Muslims Urged to Join In New Delhi March Next Month Marking 88th Anniversary of the End of Islamic Caliphate, February 9, 2012.
Inquiry & Analysis Series Report No. 1042, On Twitter, British Pro-Jihad Islamist Anjem Choudary - Whose Network Is Regarded As 'Single Biggest Gateway To Terrorism' For European Fighters in Syria - Incites To Violence And Jihad, Calls For Conquest Of West; In Tweet, He Defends Opinion Expressed By Accused Islamist During His Trial That U.K. Is 'A Theoretic & Practical Battlefield', December 13, 2013.
Inquiry & Analysis Series Report No. 1124, 1st Issue Of Jihadi Magazine 'Ihya-e-Khilafat' Praises 9/11 Hijackers, Reveals Realignment Of Pakistani Taliban Groups, British Youths Joining Jihadists In Pakistan, October 20, 2014.
JTTM report, Western Pro-ISIS Clerics Disseminate Radical Messages Via U.S.-Based Online Video Chat Platform Paltalk, August 11, 2015.
MEMRI TV Clips Of Choudary
#2349 - British Islamist Anjem Choudary: We Want to Implement Islamic Law in Britain
Press TV (Iran) - January 13, 2010 - 03:18
Press TV (Iran) - February 3, 2010 - 04:19
The Internet - May 6, 2011 - 07:11
#3133 - British Islamist Anjem Choudary Eulogizes Anwar Al-Awlaki and Says: May the Call for Jihad Never Die
The Internet - October 1, 2011 - 04:16
The Internet - December 22, 2011 - 06:08
#3842 - British Islamist Anjem Choudary: As Muslims We Reject Human Rights
The Internet, Press TV (Iran) - April 11, 2013 - 00:53
#4092 - Jihadi Leaders Anjem Choudary and Omar Bakri Acknowledge Sending Western Fighters to Syria
LBC/LDC TV (Lebanon) - November 27, 2013 - 02:49
#4116 - British Jihadi Cleric and Pro-Iranian U.S. Commentator Exchange Insults over Syria Crisis
The Internet, Press TV (Iran) - January 14, 2014 - 03:58
#4182 - London Islamists Campaign for Instating Islamic Law in Britain
The Internet - March 2, 2014 - 02:24
#4562 - British Islamists: The Caliphate Will Expand to Europe and the U.S.
The Internet - September 16, 2014 - 04:51
#4723 - British Islamist Anjem Choudary Praises Paris Terrorists: May Allah Accept Them in Paradise
Murr TV (Lebanon) - January 13, 2015 - 01:54
The Internet - March 23, 2015 - 03:08
#4874 - British Islamist Anjem Choudary Calls to Refrain from Voting in U.K. General Elections
The Internet - April 5, 2015 - 04:04
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