Currently Tweeting: Terrorist Ahlam Al-Tamimi - Just Added To FBI Most Wanted List For Involvement In Deadly 2001 Jerusalem Bombing - Shares Photos Of Bombing She Facilitated, Lauds Hamas Leaders And Martyrs, Promotes Her TV Show

March 17, 2017

Ahlam Aref Al-Tamimi, facilitator of the deadly August 2001 Sbarro pizzeria bombing in Jerusalem, who on March 14, 2017 was placed on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list and is being charged by the U.S. Department of Justice with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction against U.S. nationals outside the U.S. resulting in death, has been on Twitter (@dreamsnnn) since October 2013 (see MEMRI Special Announcement No. 527, U.S. Justice Department Announces Charges Against Hamas Terrorist In Connection With 2001 Jerusalem Bombing - From The MEMRI TV Archives: Interviews With Ahlam Tamimi - 'Everybody Was Congratulating One Another... Everyone Was Happy'; 'I Would Do It Again Today', March 15, 2017).

At the time of this writing, she has tweeted 1,228 times from her Twitter account, is following 386, and has 5,949 followers. She also has posted 345 photos and videos.

On March 16, 2017, a hashtag was started in support of Al-Tamimi: "#We are all Ahlam Al-Tamimi."

Her tweets have included videos and photos of the scene at the 2001 Jerusalem bombing that she facilitated, including one marking the 14th anniversary of the attack and praising the bomber; a model of a bombed-out Israeli bus against a mural of Jerusalem featuring Al-Aqsa; promotion of her program "Breeze of the Free Men" on the Al-Quds satellite channel; and images, photos, and poems on Palestinian topics, including photos of Yasser Arafat, Hamas bombmaker Yahyah Ayyash aka "The Engineer, Hamas cofounder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Hamas cofounder Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi, and imprisoned Hamas commander Abdallah Al-Barghouthi.

In her most recent tweet, on March 16, 2017, Al-Tamimi wrote: "Clarification released by Al-Tamimi's family. Please share widely. Thank you for your cooperation." The document included was in response to media reports stating that Jordan has refused to extradite her to the U.S. to stand trial. The family, it said, noted that no final decision had yet been made been made, and that they trust that the Court of Cassation will confirm the court of appeal's decision.

Just prior to the above tweet, Tamimi retweeted a video segment from Al-Jazeera about the 2001 bombing she had helped carry out. She also retweeted an opinion poll by Al-Jazeera asking about the most influential person of the week. The choices included, in addition to Al-Tamimi herself, former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, Dutch rightwing politician Geert Wilders, and Venezuelan terrorist Ilyich Ramírez Sánchez, aka Carlos the Jackal.

On December 7, 2016, she shared a link allowing readers to attend, via smartphone or tablet, a lecture by her on "The Art of Journalistic Interviews." The lecture was part of an online journalism course organized by the League of Youth for Al-Quds in Qatar together with the Correspondents for Al-Quds.

On July 2, 2016, she tweeted a photo of herself inside the Al-Quds satellite channel studio, writing: "In 15 minutes, watch us on Al-Quds satellite channel, [on my program] 'Breeze of the Free Men'..." On June 13, 2016, she tweeted, along with a photo of herself: "If you care about the prisoners and their families, contribute with us to paint a smile on their faces. Send us what Allah has ordained you to. Communicate with us via this phone number."

On May 21, 2016, she tweeted a photo of herself with the text: "During preparation of an episode of my program #Breeze of the Free Men. We will talk about the Prisoner of the Nakba. Tonight at 10:00 on Al-Quds satellite channel."

On May 5, 2016, she tweeted another photo of herself in the studio, and wrote about that week's program. On April 28, 2016, she tweeted a photo of a model of a bombed-out Israeli bus on display against the backdrop of a mural of Jerusalem, featuring Al-Aqsa, with a sign being held up saying "Greetings to You, Oh Gaza the peace." On April 27, 2016, she tweeted a photo of men praying, and wrote: "The [color] green suits you, Birzeit #Al-Wafa Islamic Bloc"

On April 15, 2016, Al-Tamimi tweeted a map of Palestine composed of photos of prominent Palestinians, including Yasser Arafat, Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi, Osama bin Laden mentor Abdallah Azzam, and Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, with a poem: "Palestine unites us/ Hugs us/ Gathers us/ Embraces us/ Be angry with us/ Forgive us/ She is our mother."

On March 29, 2016, she tweeted a photo of a cup of coffee and a pamphlet whose cover featured photos of Yahyah Ayyash, Hamas commander Abdallah Al-Barghouthi, and Sheikh Ahmad Yassin and a scene of a bombing, with the text: "Mornings are different with the literature of the prisons."

On March 21, 2016, she tweeted a photo of what appears to be a family group and wrote: "A Jewish Yemeni family moved to Palestine under the care of Zionists and the support and supervision of the intel of the intelligence under the command of [Palestinian] President Abbas Abu Mazen in Yemen."

On March 8, 2016, she tweeted a photo of a gathering of women watching a screen projection of herself, and wrote: "My participation in a women's conference and the culture of resistance in Gaza Strip. The title of my paper is "The Role of Media in Motivating Women to Support the Resistance."

On January 29, 2016, Tamimi tweeted a photo of corpses prepared for burial, with the text: "Carry him... Carry him/ Let the breeze of earth bid farewell from his forehead/ Carry him... Carry him/ Look at the dew becoming prettier and decorating his eyelashes/ #men of the tunnels." On October 3, 2015, she tweeted a photo of a man identified as a wanted Al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades fighter, Qays Al-Sa'di. On September 15, 2015, she tweeted a graphic of Al-Aqsa showing time running out on the Jewish clock with the text "#Won't be divided."

On August 9, 2015, the 14th anniversary of the 2001 Sbarro bombing that she facilitated, she tweeted a photo of the scene of the bombing that included a photo of the bomber Izz Al-Din Shuheil Al-Masri prior to the attack, along with a poem referencing the guitar in which he concealed the bomb: "When the melody becomes destructive/ Then we would enjoy listening to music/ Oh guitarists, your time has passed/ Only your memory is left."

On April 16, 2015, she tweeted a photo of Hamas cofounder Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi, with the text: "A light source from amongst the light sources of history." On March 20., 2015, she tweeted a photo of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, with the hashtag "#commemorating the Sheikh of Palestine."

On November 25, 2014, she tweeted a photo of two books by Hamas commander Al-Barghouthi, who is currently serving 67 life sentences in an Israeli prison. One of the books features on the cover a photo of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Bana. She wrote: "Despite the hardship of the Zionist prison for our prisoners, we are surprised with their written creative [works] to be a jihadi methodology for us. Works by prisoner Abdallah Al-Barghouthi."

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