The pro-Muslim hacker group Anoncoders emerged a few months ago, but has been prolific in its cyber-attacks, mainly targeting British websites, but also American and Liberian ones. The group has said that the message they look to spread is "that Muslims are not terrorists. And the world [should] open [its] eyes. And to help Palestine be free from the Zionists." Members of the group espoused conspiratorial Antisemitic views in an interview with a hacker website, accusing Israelis of being behind 9/11 and the Charlie Hebdo attack.
Some of the websites defaced by the group in recent months include: The Gentleman's Journal, Daily Jobs Post, Neyland Town Council, India Police Science Congress, Huguenot Museum, Confidence University, the New York Film Academy, Harvard University, The Exponential Times, and the National Civil Society of Liberia.
Source:, September 2, 2015.Latest Posts