Table of Contents
- Part I: Tweeting Jihad And Martyrdom: Minbar Al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad, Website Of Imprisoned Jihadi Leader And Scholar Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi
- Part II: Ansar Al-Mujahideen Arabic Forum (AMAF), An Al-Qaeda Affiliate, Tweets
- Part III: Muhammad Zawahiri - Brother Of Al-Qaeda Leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri - Joins Twitter
- Part IV: Former Bin Laden Jihadi And Gitmo Detainee Walid Muhammad Hajj Tweets In Support Of Al-Qaeda, Jihad, And Martyrdom
- Part V: How Online Jihadis Are Using Twitter - The Taliban Video That Revealed Planning Behind June 1, 2012 Attack On U.S. Military Base In Khost
- Part VI: New Egyptian Pro-Al-Qaeda Google Blog Group Joins Twitter
- Part VII: The New Breed of Al-Qaeda Groupies on Twitter - Abu Malik Al-Maqdisi
- HASHTAG "#Jihad" - Easy to Find, Easy to Remove Terrorist-Related Content From Twitter
As part of their online media strategy, jihadi organizations have in recent years begun using Western websites and technologies - uploading videos to YouTube[1] and to the San Francisco-based Internet Archive,[2] creating official Facebook pages,[3] and over the past year, "tweeting" news flashes from the jihadi fronts. During that time, MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Project has monitored how Al-Qaeda-affiliated online jihadi groups and their followers have embraced Twitter.
As the number and activity of jihadis and terrorist groups on Twitter continue to multiply exponentially, the issue is attracting more attention from media outlets and from U.S. government and military officials; while the latter have been reluctant to take action, Twitter officials remain neglectful.
To request a full copy of this MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor report, send us an email with the report title, number, and date in the subject line, and include your name, title, organization, and official contact info in the body of the email.