Hizbullah Launches Online Fundraising Campaign

February 10, 2017

On February 7, 2017, Hizbullah launched an online fundraising campaign on social media urging its followers to donate money to equip its fighters. The campaign was announced on a Hizbullah website and on Twitter. The notice posted on the website reads: "Under the slogan of 'jihad with money is obligatory,' the Council for Supporting the Islamic Resistance launched the 'Equip A Mujahid Campaign.' Allah the Almighty gave priority to jihad with money over jihad of the soul, even though the soul is more precious and dear, since spending [money] for the sake of Allah is the preparation to [wage] jihad and carry weapons later. That is why the Holy Koran began by mentioning jihad with money, in order to train the people to extend their hands and pay money. The resistance fighter [Hizbullah fighter] who is fighting on the frontlines of jihad needs clothes and military equipment. This project allows you to participate in equipping a resistance fighter. It is possible to make the donation out of shari'a obligations [obligatory charity donations]. It is also possible to divide the sum into monthly installments or to donate a limited sum."

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