On January 9, 2018, The Times Of India reported that police in Jammu and Kashmir had recently unearthed a closed Telegram group called Al-Qarar, which claims to be the chief messaging channel of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Jammu and Kashmir, and that the group had said on the channel that that the terrorist that police had killed on November 17 in Srinagar, Mugees Ahmad, aka Khattab, was the first ISIS operative from there. According to the report, Mugees had been considered to be a top commander of the Al-Qaeda-linked Ansar Gazwat-ul-Hind, while at the same time Tehreek-ul-Mujahideen (TeM) claimed that he had been its district commander.
Source: Timesofindia.indiatimes.com, January 9, 2018.
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