On March 30, 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) announced the launching of a new Twitter web app that would help disseminate its news and releases on the social media platform.
The app, which ISIS says was developed by its own members, will be used to disseminate ISIS releases as well as to counter anti-ISIS hashtags. "This app is meant to support the Islamic State, [and] it helps to publish monotheistic tweets, as well as new [ISIS] releases, and to raid the enemies' hashtags," wrote ISIS in its announcement on the Shumoukh Al-Islam forum.
The app, which is called "Cheap Juice 3" - an unassuming fictitious name meant to hide its real purpose, can be accessed via juice.za.tn. Once there, a person is redirected to Twitter where they can authorize the app to use their Twitter account. A user must be logged in to their Twitter account for the authorization to happen.
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