Jihad Supporters Launch Pro-ISIS Campaign On Social Media

May 29, 2014

Recently, supporters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) launched an online campaign whereby supporters of the group from all over the world create and post pro-ISIS images. Each image features a message in support of this group alongside a photo of the author's passport, to emphasize that the group has sympathizers the world over.

The images were posted, starting in May 25, 2014, on a popular jihadi Facebook page called "Democracy Is The Cancer, Islam Is The Answer," which circulated jihadi material in Arabic and English, and recently had some 10,000 followers.

On May 27 some of these photos, and others, were also posted on the Facebook page of "Brahim Al-Alone," a French-Moroccan ISIS supporter living in Nimes. Al-Alone, who also calls himself "Crush-our-enemies-by-stealth," is a central figure in the online community of French-speaking ISIS supporters. He has ties with many fellow supporters and with mujahideen currently fighting in Syria, and is very active online, collecting material from jihadi websites and social media, translating it into French and distributing it. He also posts news, always from ISIS sources, criticizes rival jihad groups, and emphasizes ISIS's popularity around the world. In one posting he stated: "[ISIS] is the most advanced of all the battalions, controls more roads and checkpoints, and is supported by almost everyone (I am talking about people in Syria, South-East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Somalia, China and even South America). Almost all the peoples of the world support it. The ones who don't [support it] do so because they have a vested interest." Referring to Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani, the leader of the rival jihad group, Jabhat Al Nusra, Al-Alone wrote: "Al-Joulani will repent soon, Allah willing."


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