On February 26, 2021, a group of Islamic State (ISIS) supporters dedicated to producing pro-ISIS video clips using videogame footage, released a new seven-minute clip titled, "The Caravan of Light's Martyrs." The group produces clips which are meant to mimic official ISIS videos, including ISIS nasheed (Islamic religious chants) soundtracks and re-enactments of battle and execution scenes, using captured in-game footage.
Most of the group's videos appear to have been produced using the Grand Theft Auto V (GTA-V) engine, and/or a modified version of the game, which includes ISIS-style character skins and 3D models. The editing style suggests that the individual or individuals making these clips are very familiar with ISIS videos, which enables them to recreate their style. For several years ISIS supporters have employed the process known as "machinima," or using in-game videogame footage to produce cinematic videos, to recreate ISIS-style propaganda clips.
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