On July 28, 2016, the pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Hacking group United Cyber Caliphate (UCC) posted an infographic on its Telegram channel highlighting the group's most prominent hacks. The infographic lists the group's hacks according to the countries targeted, the number of websites hacked, and the number of soldiers whose information was leaked. Both the United States Central Command (CENTCOM)[1] and the French TV5 Monde[2] television station were hacked in 2015 by the Cyber Caliphate, which later went on to become part of the United Cyber Caliphate.
The infographic reads: "Statistics About The United Cyber Caliphate Islamic State Hacking Division -
"Prominent Hacks:"Hacking US State Department website and releasing information on its staff.
"Hacking TV5 Monde live feed and social media accounts. "Hacking all US CENTCOM social media accounts.""150,000+ Detailed information about infidels in various countries were released for targeting.
"8,000+ Websites were hacked from multiple countries and many information were released.
"+10,000 soldiers information were hacked and released to the public for lone wolf operations."The bottom of the chart shows the most hacked countries. The U.S. leads with 40%, while 20% targeted Saudi Arabia, 13% targeted France, 12% targeted Britain, 8% targeted Israel, 4% targeted Russia, and 3% targeted Australia.
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