Saudi Ministry Of Religious Endowments Researcher Permits Use Of Israeli Credit Card Numbers Obtained By Hacking

May 9, 2013
1 'Abd Al-'Aziz Al-Tarifi In January 2012, Saudi cleric Sheikh Abd Al-Aziz Al-Taraifi issued a fatwa per­mit­ting Mus­lims to exploit infor­ma­tion obtained from hacked Israeli credit cards, in an appearance on the Saudi-owned Al-Risala TV. Not­ing that Israel is "not a peace­ful coun­try," Al Taraifi exempted Israeli targets from Islam's ban on deal­ing with or prof­it­ing from stolen mate­ri­als: Host: "Is it permissible to use stolen Israeli credit cards?" Abd Al-Aziz Al-Tarifi: "With regard to stolen credit cards and bank accounts, there are two types of bank accounts. The first type is an account in a bank that is protected, like the Muslim banks, or banks in countries that have peace with the countries of Islam. With regard to countries that have peace with the Islamic state- a person is not allowed to take money that does not belong to him. But if a certain country does not have treaties with the Islamic countries, this is not a peaceful country, and taking its money is permissible. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with using the credit cards of Israelis, or of people from other countries without agreements with the Islamic countries. Therefore, using these credit cards is allowed if they are available." Al-Taraifi has a large Twitter presence with 234,383 followers ( In response to a later ques­tion on his Twitter feed regarding whether this fatwa could be applied to all non-Muslims, Al-Taraifi con­firmed that this excep­tion to Islam's moral teach­ings per­tained only to Israel.   Sources:, January 29, 2012.

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