On July 16, 2017, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Telegram channel named Khilafa InfoSec began publishing instructional posts and video tutorials on encrypted applications that purportedly keep sensitive information private on computers and mobile devices. One post encourages followers to download textPlus, an application that enables users to create multiple Telegram accounts using a virtual number. Another post recommended the Android application Quadcopter FX Simulator for those wishing to learn how to operate an aerial drone. iShredder Pro 4 was suggested for those wanting to wipe mobile devices clean of information. The Telegram channel's byline reads: "This channel provides applications, security information and tutorials for education and protection of dawlah [i.e. Islamic State]." At the time of this writing, the channel had 261 members.

Khilafa InfoSec Telegram channel
TextPlus And TempMail
"When Creating a TextPlus account the application will ask for an email address and for security purposes we will not be using our real one. Instead you will be using a fake email by using TempMail application. TempMail is very simple to setup. After installing you will instantly be provided a fake email address. After your email is given to you touch the copy button then paste into the TextPlus application then verify your email address with TempMail application."

"In this very important tutorial we will teach you how to create virtual numbers for use in making multiple Telegram accounts and multiple Telegram applications on the same device. This is very useful for making backup accounts or if you would like to manage several accounts from the same phone.
"To begin we will install a virtual phone number application called TextPlus. This application will allow you to make phone numbers you will need to create Telegram accounts.
"Now that you have your virtual numbers we can now use up to five Telegram accounts all on the same device. This can easily be done by installing as many Telegram applications that you want and using the number assigned to you by TextPlus. If you need additional accounts just use the TextPlus application to create more virtual numbers."

"This tutorial video will teach Dawla Telegram channel administrators how to use bots with the very useful Idarat Telegram application to help control what members can post, stop sticker floods, ban members forever and more."

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