The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.
On January 1, 2021, the Telegram channel of the Fatemiyoun Electronic Team, which is affiliated with the pro-Iranian, Iraqi militias, announced that it had succeeded in perpetrating a cyberattack and penetrating the database of the American KBR security company. Its post states that the team had managed to obtain maps and information about the Balad Air Base, which were passed on to Islamic resistance factions.[i]
The Iraqi Balad Air Base is situated about 60 kilometers north of Baghdad and is also populated by U.S. Army forces. The base was shelled several times over the past year, most probably by groups loyal to Iran.
On January 3, 2021, the channel posted a map which it claims depicts the Balad Air Base, which it says it obtained in its cyberattack on KBR. The accompanying post states that the map comprises all the details pertaining to the base and that it is just a small part of the information which was attained in the cyberattack. It also states that all the information was passed on to several factions of the Islamic resistance. The post includes a threat: "The black death lies in wait for you, we won't take our eyes off you, we are monitoring your every move. Without a doubt the revenge is on its way."[ii]
[1] Telegram, January 1, 2021.
[2] Telegram, January 3, 2021.