U.S.-Based 'Internet Archive' Hosts Massive Amount Of Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, And Holocaust Denial Propaganda – Serving As Major Resource For Recruitment And Radicalization

January 27, 2021

Table of Contents

Preface By Prof. Yehuda Bauer, Academic Advisor To Yad Vashem, The World Holocaust Remembrance Center  


I. Background On The Internet Archive

II. MEMRI Calls On The Internet Archive To Remove Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, Antisemitic, Racist, And Other Hate Content, And Add Registration To Deter Uploading And Using It 

III. Internet Archive Search Results For "Holocaust," "Jews," "Talmud," "Jewish Holocaust," "Shoah" and "Hitler"

IV. Examples Of Racist, White Supremacist, Neo-Nazi, And National Socialist Channels

V. Historical Nazi And Other Antisemitic Documents

  • Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels

  • Nazi Newspaper Der Stürmer

  • The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

VI. Holocaust Deniers

  • David Irving

  • Robert Faurisson

  • Arthur Butz

  • Bishop Richard Williamson

  • Ursula Haverbeck

  • Other Holocaust Denial Content

VII. Neo-Nazis, Antisemites, And White Supremacists

  • Atomwaffen Division Posts "Complete Collection" Of Its Videos

  • Patriot Front Posts Videos

  • Ku Klux Klan

  • The Neo-Nazi Website Daily Stormer – Print Publications

  • Stormfront – The Original White Supremacist Forum

  • Don Black – Former KKK Grand Wizard, Creator Of Seminal White Supremacist Forum Stormfront.org

  • James von Brunn – Conspiracy Theorist Who Murdered Guard At U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

  • Austin J. App – Holocaust Denial Conspiracy Theorist

  • The White Supremacist Conspiracy-Theorist Media Outlet Red Ice

  • Other Racism/Antisemitism

  • Migration Crisis and White Genocide – Orchestrated By The Jews

VIII. Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories

  • Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Conspiracy Theories

  • Jewish "New World Order" Conspiracy Theories

IX. Other Hate Content: Influential Antisemitic And White Supremacist Texts And  White Supremacist Mass Murderers' Manifestos

  • Influential Antisemitic And White Supremacist Texts

  • Manifestos Of Christchurch Shooter Brenton Tarrant And Poway, CA Synagogue Shooter John T. Earnest

  • Training Manuals For Carrying Out Attacks

Appendix – Additional Examples Of Search Results, Channels, Holocaust Deniers,  Historic Nazi Content, And White Supremacist Content On The Internet Archive



Preface by Prof. Yehuda Bauer, Academic Advisor To Yad Vashem, The World Holocaust Remembrance Center 


This MEMRI report on neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and Holocaust denial content on the Internet Archive, authored by Steven Stalinsky and R. Sosnow, is of major importance in the fight against hate speech generally, racism, and extreme rightist white supremacy propaganda, and especially its central antisemitic component. Based on a tremendous and detailed examination and presentation of original source materials, it counters the usual reaction to such materials that deems them to be a marginal phenomenon in democratic or partially democratic societies. Most of the material is of U.S. provenance, though there is also some originating in Europe. The great advantage of this report is that it not only describes the antisemitic and racist propaganda, but presents its actual texts and images, thus obviating the need to prove that such propaganda actually exists.

The Internet Archive, which is universally available, is circumventing all the efforts, in themselves laudable ones, to limit hate speech disseminated via social media.  Antisemites and racists can and do easily refer to the Archive for their propaganda purposes, and there appear to be no legal restrictions on  such efforts.

Hate speech, and specifically antisemitic and racist (white supremacist) materials, are part of a dangerous global trend which should be fought tooth and nail by all governments and societies – and within them NGOs – that seek to defend humanity from a repeat of the ravages caused by not dissimilar conspiracy theories some 80-100 years ago.

To those who think this is marginal, two answers suggest themselves. One, no one has as yet found out the dimensions, in the aggregate, of the public that supports this hate speech. Two, it is worth remembering that Adolf Hitler joined what was then called the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, later renamed the German National Socialist Workers Party – NSDAP (Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), as Member No. 7 in 1920, when it was a completely marginal and tiny outfit. Thirteen years later, he was in power.

Prof. Yehuda Bauer is Professor Emeritus of History and Holocaust Studies at the Avraham Harman In­stitute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew Uni­versity of Jerusalem, Academic Advisor to Yad Vash­em, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, and a member of the MEMRI Board of Advisors


In recent years, neo-Nazis, antisemites, and other white supremacist and racist groups have been using the Internet Archive (archive.org) for spreading their propaganda and incitement online. The massive online digital library is serving as a platform for these groups and individuals by allowing them – like everyone else – to easily create an account, using only an email address, in order to, in the Internet Archive's own words, "upload movies, audio, texts, software, images, and other formats... any time you wish."[1] The page and link created when content is uploaded can then be shared with anyone else at any time.

For over a decade, MEMRI research[2] has focused on how the Internet Archive has enabled Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other jihadi groups to use it as a file storage database from which they distribute their propaganda materials, conduct recruitment campaigns, incite violence, and fundraise.

Now, like jihadis before them, the Internet Archive is enabling neo-Nazis and white supremacists to spread their messages of hate, incitement, and violence by allowing them to post content such as videos and books, and they are sharing this content by linking to it on the Internet Archive via other platforms, including Telegram.[3]

"Adolf Hitler – The Man Of Honor" – a six-minute lyrical tribute to Hitler with colorized still photos and footage from the era, set to "My Immortal" by Evanescence. Archive.org/details/adolfhitlerthemanofhonor_201907

The content in this report, all of which MEMRI found freely available on the Internet Archive, includes the manifestos of mass killers who are lionized by white supremacists and neo-Nazis and who serve as inspiration to them. Among them are the manifesto of March 2019 Christchurch mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant, who inspired subsequent attacks. One of those so inspired was the August 2019 attack by Poway, CA synagogue shooter John T. Earnest, whose manifesto is also available on the Internet Archive. Earnest himself – himself directly inspired by the October 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers who, while he posted no manifesto, had been very active on the Gab social media website – in turn inspired El Paso Walmart shooter Patrick Crusius, as well as Philip Manshaus, who carried out a shooting attack at an Oslo, Norway mosque a few days after Crusius's August 2019 rampage.[4]

The Internet Archive makes available the books The Turner Diaries and Siege, by leading neo-Nazis William Luther Pierce and James Mason respectively, which are major sources of inspiration for white supremacists and neo-Nazis. It also houses training manuals for carrying out attacks – including an "SS Werwolf Combat Instruction Manual."

The Internet Archive houses thousands of antisemitic and extremist videos, books, and more – for example, a video montage with antisemitic depictions of Jews titled "Jews Are Inbred Neanderthals"; claims that Jews, "NOT white people," had operated the Africa-U.S. slave trade; claims that Jews are promoting mass immigration and mixed-race marriages in order to bring about "white genocide" – and how "feminists" also allegedly "supported rape by causing the migrant crisis" – by "vilifying white men and instead pairing up with men of color"; promotion of the conspiracy theory that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was "an elaborate PSYOP" carried out by the Obama administration to push a gun-control agenda; and comparing "skinheads idiotism" with the original National Socialism.

The Internet Archive is not an academic data base that keeps content in its historical context, nor does it carry out research on the content that it hosts. Rather, it is a tool in the hands of those who upload content to it, to be used to further their own antisemitic, conspiracy, anti-immigrant, anti-black, misogynistic, anti-LGBTQ, and Holocaust denial goals. This content is in sharp contrast to the Internet Archive's status as a non-profit organization aiming to provide "Universal Access to All Knowledge"[5] and to the aims of its funders, both government and private – including the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Council on Library and Information Resources, the Democracy Fund, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Science Foundation.[6]

"Adolf Hitler The Ultimate Collection Of Speeches – 5 Hours Of Hitler's Speeches" - Archive.org/details/hitlertheultimatecollectionofspeeches2hoursofhitlerspeeches

For example, searching the Internet Archive for the term "National Socialist" – i.e. Nazi – yields not only primary-source Nazi documents, but also contemporary white supremacist content designed to spread racist ideology and recruit supporters,[7] such as memes with the popular white supremacist figure and recognized hate symbol Pepe the Frog.[8] Tags like "Nazism" or "Fascism" yield search results that are often dominated by contemporary white supremacist content.

Another tool provided by the Internet Archive is its suggestions to readers for reading or viewing additional, similar content – making it easy for readers to consume more and more of it, especially since it adds a helpful "Play All" button. For example, the page for a Holocaust-denial document titled "Holocaust? What Holocaust!" suggests at the bottom "Similar Items" that include titles such as "Holocaust, The New Religion," "Holocaust Legend Exploded," and more.


The debate about antisemitism online has not included the Internet Archive. Congress and NGOs have demanded that social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and others be held accountable for preventing the spread of hatred, misinformation, and incitement to violence on their platforms, while no such demands have been made of the Internet Archive. Thus, the Internet Archive remains the go-to platform for antisemites, neo-Nazis, racists, and Holocaust deniers.

The Internet Archive, which seeks to preserve the ephemeral content of the web, has in the process lent permanence to material that has been removed from other social platforms like YouTube. Many of the videos hosted on the Internet Archive had been previously posted and banned from YouTube.

The Internet Archive Flagging Option  

While the Internet Archive Help Center does not mention a flagging feature, each page on the platform offers an option to flag the item on it. However, when MEMRI researchers flagged five items in order to find out how this feature functions, we discovered that it appears to be useless.

What MEMRI found was that a flagged item will show as flagged only to the user who flagged it. Additionally, after an item is flagged, the platform does not confirm to the reader that this was done; does not explain what, if anything, happens next regarding the item; and does not communicate in any way about what, if anything, the flagging has actually accomplished.

To flag an item, the user clicks on the flag icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the item – in this case, a video about allegations by German Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel about German suffering allegedly caused by Jews.


The reader can then select the reason for flagging – either "Graphic Violence" or "Graphic Sexual Content." When the item is flagged, the flag icon will be red. Again, this flag will be visible only to the user who flagged the item.

It should be emphasized that there is no explanation or even mention in the Internet Archive Help Center of the flagging feature, and of course no information on what happens to an item once it is flagged by a user. This is in stark contrast to flagging features on other platforms, such as YouTube.

The Internet Archive Begins Alerting Users About "Debunked" Stories On Its Platform

In May 2020, it was reported that the Internet Archive had begun alerting users when they clicked on stories that had been debunked or taken offline, due to reports that people were spreading false coronavirus information via its Wayback Machine section.[9] Thus, the Internet Archive has the capability to alert readers to false information on its platform. However, the only subject on which it has alerted readers have apparently been the coronavirus or the GOP health care bill.

At the time of this writing, no Holocaust denial or antisemitic conspiracy theory content found by MEMRI has had any such notification about "debunking" attached to it.

On October 30, 2020, the Internet Archive officially announced, in an Internet Archive blog post that it was annotating "false and misleading information" by "providing convenient links to contextual information" and that by doing so "we hope that our patrons will better understand what they are reading" in its Wayback Machine section.[10] It stated that it was adding a "yellow context banner" to articles indicating that the item has been checked against a review of it by a factchecking organization – in the example below, by Politifact.

In another example, it stated that a different page was found to be "part of a disinformation campaign" according to research by Graphika.com, and the yellow banner provides a link to that research.[11]

Thus, the Internet Archive clearly has the ability to examine and identify problematic content on its platform and decide whether its users should be warned or informed about it.   

I. Background On The Internet Archive

Founded in 1996, the Internet Archive (www.Archive.org) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization aiming "to provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public. Our mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge."[12] The Internet Archive offers digital versions of "330 billion web pages, 20 million books and texts, 4.5 million audio recordings, 4 million videos, 3 million images, 200,000 software programs."

According to the Internet Archive website, recent funding has been provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Council on Library and Information Resources, Democracy Fund, Federal Communications Commission Universal Service Program for Schools and Libraries (E-Rate), Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Knight Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, Office of Digital Humanities, National Science Foundation, The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation, The Philadelphia Foundation, and the Rita Allen Foundation.[13] Anyone with a free account can upload media to Internet Archive using only an email address.

The Internet Archive's founder, Brewster Kahle, describes himself as a digital librarian. He tweeted recently: "'If the Truth doesn't matter, we are lost' Gosh, seems obvious. As a librarian, parent, citizen – my job is to help surface strong evidence, and to live by it..."

In his keynote speech at the 2019 Charleston Library Conference, titled "Building Trust When Truth Fractures," Kahle discussed the role of the Internet Archive in digitizing all information so that it is accessible to all, in order to counter untruth. He said:

"We now have a lot of information out there on the open Internet that isn't true, that is specifically not true, and people are looking for better, solid information out there. They need the libraries, they need publishers, they need authors, they need access to materials in new and different ways to be able to go and understand their world. It's important to do and it's important to do now... I think there's a growing idea and a growing understanding that the Web is betraying us, that it's not working very well, it's not on our side anymore, it's not from us, by us, it seems to be coming at us filtered by people and reasons that aren't reflecting what it is we want to have happen."

He added that at a meeting that he convened with executive directors of high-tech non-profits, including Wikipedia, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Mozilla Foundation, he had asked, "What is the Internet Archive for now? What should we be? How should we operate? What can we do that would do the maximum public good with the skills that we have?"[14]

The Internet Archive promotes itself as providing "universal access to trustworthy knowledge"

On occasion, the Internet Archive has been at the center of controversy. Most recently, on March 24, 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Internet Archive announced on its blog that it was creating a National Emergency Library "to serve the nation's displaced learners," to give students access to assigned readings and library materials.[15] The move made the platform's 1.4 million scans of mostly 20th century print books available for unlimited borrowing, and received widespread public support from libraries and universities across the world, including from MIT, Penn State, Emory University, the Boston Public Library, Middlebury College, Amherst College, George Washington University, the Claremont Colleges Library, and the Greater Western Library Alliance.

In April, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee, raised concerns that this effort may be infringing the rights of authors and publishers, suggesting that the Internet Archive was "unilaterally" creating an "emergency copyright act," and expressing concern that the library may be "operating outside the boundaries of the copyright law that Congress has enacted and alone has jurisdiction to amend." Kahle rejected these concerns, stating that "the fair use doctrine, codified in the Copyright Act, provides flexibility to libraries and others to adjust to changing circumstances."[16]

The creation of the National Emergency Library also drew rebukes from some individual authors and publishers, as well as accusations from trade associations, including the Association of American Publishers, which has accused the Archive of an "opportunistic attack on the rights of authors and publishers," and the Authors Guild, which accused the Internet Archive of "acting as a piracy site." Kahle rejected those criticisms as well.[17]

In June, a number of leading publishers filed a lawsuit against the Internet Archive alleging "mass copyright infringement," and the National Emergency library was shut down in June 16. However, the plaintiffs are now seeking to close the Internet Archive's entire Open Library project that aims to create "one web page for every book ever published."[18]

Internet Archive's Terms Of Use – Warnings But No Prohibitions, And A Comprehensive Disclaimer

The Internet Archive Terms of Use makes it clear that the platform takes no responsibility for content uploaded to it, stating that because it "comes from around the world and from many different sectors," it "may contain information that might be deemed offensive, disturbing, pornographic, racist, sexist, bizarre, misleading, fraudulent, or otherwise objectionable." It stresses that it does not "endorse or sponsor" any of the content it hosts nor "guarantee or warrant" that it is "accurate, complete, noninfringing, or legally accessible in your jurisdiction." However, it does warn that "some of the content available through the Archive may be governed by local, national, and/or international laws and regulations."

It adds a comprehensive disclaimer: "Under no circumstances, including, without limitation, negligence, shall the Archive or its parents, affiliates, officers, employees, or agents be responsible for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from or in connection with the use of" the Internet Archive, and sets out no further guidelines on what, if any, content it permits or forbids.[19]

As noted above, however, the platform is already implementing measures to inform readers about the reliability and veracity of select types of content uploaded to it.

The platform also does not keep information on its readers: "As with most libraries we value the privacy of our patrons, so we avoid keeping the IP (Internet Protocol) addresses of our readers and offer our site in https (secure) protocol."[20]

Opening An Account To Upload Content

One of the reasons the Internet Archive is so widely used by neo-Nazis and white supremacists – and for that matter by jihadis – as a file storage database from which content is shared is that doing so is that doing so is extremely simple, and no verification or credentials are required. All a potential user need do to sign up is to provide a screen name.

This ease of use was underlined in a November 2018 article in the pro-Al-Qaeda online newspaper Al-Masra, which specifically noted the role of Internet Archive in maintaining an online jihadi archive and urged jihadis to use it. It stressed that "the [jihadi] supporter... will not lose [anything] by signing up with a fake email, in a [few] steps that take less than a minute."[21]

Previous MEMRI Reports About The Internet Archive

MEMRI has already released several reports about content on the Internet Archive. Six years ago, we wrote in one of those reports:

"The Internet Archive is free, easy to use, and versatile, and it is no surprise that ISIS has chosen to use it so extensively. It is also used frequently by other jihad groups, including Al-Qaeda. Its appeal to ISIS, however, can be partly attributed to the fact that the website offers visitors no way to instantly flag undesirable content on it – meaning that ISIS content can remain active on it for months. ISIS's extensive use of Archive.org can also be seen against the backdrop of the flagging and reporting of ISIS content on other video-sharing websites such as YouTube, which has in the past year significantly increased its removal of ISIS videos. YouTube removes these videos with considerable input from YouTube users who flag and report them. While the strategy of online reporting of jihadi content to effect its removal will not in and of itself lead to the elimination of such content online, it makes it more difficult for jihadi supporters to disseminate their material, as they must constantly monitor content they have posted and find new platforms when this content is removed. The problem of Archive.org's lack of any flagging mechanism is exacerbated by the lengthy and counterintuitive reporting mechanism that must be followed whenever a user wishes to report an item. Additionally, Archive.org's own Terms of Use does not prohibit content frequently featured in ISIS releases, including graphic violence and hate speech."

Six years later, it seems that nothing has changed. The Internet Archive continues to allow extremists – jihadis, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists – to freely upload some of the most violent content online.

The following are previous MEMRI reports about this content on the Internet Archive:


II. MEMRI Calls On The Internet Archive To Remove Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, And Other Hate Content, And Add Registration To Deter Uploading And Using It 

As the following report clearly shows, hateful, inciting, and false content continues to be uploaded to the library that Kahle has built. The results for simple search terms like "Jews" and "Talmud" are full of antisemitic libel and dangerous misrepresentations of a cultural tradition and its historic realities. Even actual historical results for these terms often provide, at the bottom of the page of each item, additional suggestions for further reading that include Holocaust denial, antisemitic tracts, and other hate content.

Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are constantly uploading to, downloading from, and sharing links to historical Nazi content on the Internet Archive. This historical Nazi content includes copies of Der Sturmer, the virulently antisemitic Nazi-era newspaper that was a significant part of Nazi propaganda, and speeches and writings by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels – and it is being disseminated today in a way that would very much please Goebbels himself. Also found on the Internet Archive, and constantly being uploaded to it and shared from it, are classic antisemitic tracts such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, in multiple languages.

The antisemitic conspiracy, anti-immigrant, anti-black, misogynistic, anti-LGBTQ, and Holocaust denial material hosted on the Internet archive include videos and writings by well-known and convicted Holocaust deniers such as David Irving, Robert Faurisson, and Ursula Haverbeck; content by violent neo-Nazi groups such as Atomwaffen Division and by other neo-Nazis, antisemites, and white supremacists, including the Ku Klux Klan and former KKK Grand Wizards David Duke and Don Black. All this is being used to spread their ideas, recruit new followers, and incite violent action.

MEMRI has compiled a video of examples of this type of hate content hosted on the Internet Archive. To view this video, click here or below:

Based on MEMRI's ongoing research in our Cyber and Jihad Lab project, and on our understanding of how the platform is being used, we call on the Internet Archive, its founder Brewster Kahle, and its board members archivist and University of California-Santa Cruz professor Rick Prelinger,[22] publisher and San Francisco Center for the Book cofounder Kathleen Burch,[23] and David Rumsey, founder of the David Rumsey Map Collection,[24] to develop a solution for dealing with the glut of hateful content on the platform. While the platform's mission – to provide "universal access to trustworthy knowledge" – is admirable, it is unacceptable that as popular platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, Google, and others are being held to task for their role in enabling the spread of antisemitic, racist, and hateful misinformation, with all-too-real and often deadly consequences, the Internet Archive remains a safe haven for such content and allows it to flourish.

Neo-Nazi, white supremacist, racist, anti-LGBTQ, and other hateful content must not be allowed to present itself as legitimate. Kahle, the self-described digital librarian who strives for universal access to all information, must be held to the same standards as trusted librarians in traditional libraries. If his library is indeed to be of value to the public, it must take seriously the responsibility of curating and vetting the content it hosts.

The following report on antisemitic, Holocaust denial, white supremacist, and neo-Nazi content on the Internet Archive reflects what was available on the platform at the time of writing, and is only a small sample of the hate on the platform. All information in this report was accurate at the time of data collection.

MEMRI will publish a follow-up report examining whether any of the content mentioned in this report is removed.

III. Internet Archive Search Results For "Holocaust," "Jews," "Talmud," "Jewish Holocaust," "Shoah" and "Hitler"

Searches conducted on the Internet Archive for terms relating to Jews and Jewish life and about World War II, Nazi Germany, and the Holocaust bring up both actual historical documents and virulent antisemitic content, misrepresenting and distorting a religion, a people, and history itself – on the very first page of the search results.

A search for the term "Talmud, for example, produces Talmudic and educational treatises and texts but also videos and texts such as "Satanic Talmud," "The Talmud Unmasked," "Talmud Jude," "Talmud" uploaded by "Satanism Spiritual" and tagged "Education, Kike, Kikes," and more – plus mention of the "unique,' shoved-down-the-throat, Jewish-Talmudic translation about the 'murder of Jews' in 'gas chambers' that never existed..."

The following are examples of some of these searches and the antisemitic, Holocaust denial, and conspiracy-theory content they produce.


The first page of results for a search using the term "Holocaust" yields content about the "German Holocaust" – i.e. about German suffering allegedly caused by Jews, by the German neo-Nazi publisher and pamphleteer (d. 2017) Ernst Zundel, who was a prolific promoter of Holocaust denial – as the "real Holocaust," along with such content as "Holocaust – What Holocaust?" "Probing the Holocaust," and other historical revisionism/Holocaust denial.

Archive.org/search.php?query=%28holocaust%29, accessed November 20, 2020.

The "Holocaust? What Holocaust?" document (in the original Dutch, "'Holocaust'? Welke holocaust?!") states: "You expect me to talk about 'the' Holocaust. The 'unique,' shoved-down-the-throat, Jewish-Talmudic translation about the 'murder of Jews' in 'gas chambers' that never existed, carried out by the Germans against six million of the 4.5 million Jews who actually existed."

Information about this item: account that posted it, "collection" to which it was added, publication date, topic, language, etc:

The "Similar Items" suggested at the bottom of the page include titles in Dutch such as "Holocaust, The New Religion," "Holocaust Legend Exploded," and more.


"German Holocaust Real Holocaust" – about German suffering allegedly caused by Jews, by the  German neo-Nazi publisher and pamphleteer (d. 2017) Ernst Zundel, who is best known for promoting Holocaust denial – as the "real Holocaust."


"Holocaust" – This video includes Holocaust survivors' testimonies and graphic images from the camps. Commenters and reviewers of this video claimed, inter alia, that according to a "U.S. government report" only "1.5 million Jewish people died in the camps." Also, every one of the "Similar Items" suggestions at the bottom of this page are Holocaust revisionism and Holocaust denial.

Information about this item: account that posted it, publication date, reviews, etc:

Titles of "Similar Items" suggested at the bottom of the page are all Holocaust-revisionism and Holocaust denial-related.


For more examples of antisemitic search results for the term "Holocaust, see APPENDIX.


The following is the first page of results of a search using the term "Jews." The results include "Jewish insurance fraud"; guides to "Recognize Jews – and Crypto-Jews – On Sight"; and a video about "Jews" praising American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell, posted by an antisemitic conspiracy theorist (according to his Gab account).

"Secret Jews aka Crypto Jews" video:

Information about this video. "Similar Items" suggested for the reader include titles such as "Thanks Jews," "The Secret History of the Khazarian Mafia – Fake," and "Jews in America vs Jews in Israel."


"Jews": About the number of Jews at Ivy League universities, with the addition of antisemitic imagery.

Information about this post; similar items suggested for the reader include titles such as "Jews Finance Bolshevik Coup," "Jews And Whitey," "'White Jews' In Science," and "It's The Jews."



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