Article In Issue 12 Of ISIS-K Magazine 'Voice Of Khurasan' Narrates Journey Of Indian Christian Convert To Islam Who Rejected Marriage To Join ISIS And Become A Suicide Bomber In Libya

August 31, 2022

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An article in the latest issue of "Voice of Khurasan," which is published by the Islamic State's Khurasan Province (ISIS-K), has published the profile of an Indian Christian who converted to Islam somewhere in the Gulf and later carried out a martyrdom-seeking attack in Libya.

The article is part of ISIS-K's series eulogizing jihadi fighters who were killed. Titled "Memories of Shuhada Abu Bakr Al-Hindi," the article appears in Issue 12 of "Voice of Khurasan," which is dated Muharram 1444 Hijri, the month beginning July 31, 2022.

A screenshot of the article on Abu Bakr al-Hindi

This is the second successive month when ISIS-K has published two issues of the magazine in a single month. In the past, the magazine had been published as a monthly. The "Voice of Khurasan" is published by Al-Azaim Foundation, which is the media branch of the Islamic State's Khurasan Province. In the article, the Indian is identified only by his assumed name Abu Bakr Al-Hindi.

Following is the text of the article:[1]

"Abu Bakr Al-Hindi Was Born In Kerala In A Christian Family"; "Through Surfing Internet, He Found Dawah Materials Of Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki, And He Got Inspired"

"Abu Bakr al-Hindi was born in [the southern Indian state of] Kerala in a Christian family. He was the only child of his parents. So, he was well nurtured and also got good education. After completing his engineering degree he did job in Bengaluru.

"Meanwhile, he got a good offer for a job in the Gulf; and he took the offer and went there. One day while passing by a Dawah [preaching, invitation] stall in a market, Abu Bakr received a pamphlet in which the Islamic teachings about Prophet Isa [Jesus], peace be upon him, and his mother Maryam [Mary], peace be upon her, was written.

"From then only, Abu Bakr started learning and researching about Islam. After some days he made his mind to accept Islam. So, he reverted to Islam. Abu Bakr used to be busy on his job; and he had no time to get to the Islamic centers for learning about the teachings of Islam. So he started surfing internet and researching on salah [the five daily prayers in Islam], siyam [fasting], and about other deeds of Islam, and he started learning about them.

"Through surfing internet, he found Dawah materials of [late Yemeni-American Al-Qaeda ideologue] Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, and he got inspired by the beloved Shaykh [al-Awlaki]. Then he started reading about jihad and he came to the conclusion the Islamic State [ISIS] is the Taifatul Mansurah (victorious group of the time), and it is the only faction who is upon the right path."

"On Reaching Libya, Abu Bakr Met With The Brothers Of The Islamic State And Started His Training"; "Abu Bakr Decided To Take Part In An Istishhadi [Martyrdom-Seeking] Operation... And He Carried Out The Istishhadi Attack On The Murtadeen And Attained Martyrdom [In Sirte]"

"Accordingly, he tried to find a way for migration. So, he started looking for some connections with the relevant [jihadi] brothers of the Islamic State through surfing internet. Then finally he found contacts of some Arab brothers; and he told them that he wants to make hijrah [migration] to the Islamic State, the land of Ijjah.

"So, those brothers were struggling for him for the Khilafah [caliphate]–controlled territories in Yemen, but Allah, glory be to him, wanted something else for him. His tenure for job in the Gulf company was over, and brothers told him that the situation was not favorable for making hijrah to the Khilafah-controlled territories and it would take more time. So, Abu Bakr had to return to India.

"Abu Bakr's parents... were eagerly waiting for return. He let them know that he reverted to Islam. However, soon after coming to India, his old parents started looking for a bride for him. After some days, Arab brothers told Abu Bakr that the way for Libya became open for muhajireen [i.e., foreign fighters]. So, he rejected [the offer] to get married and left for Libya with an excuse for job.

The magazine's coverpage

"So, Abu Bakr embarked on a difficult journey of hijrah, except for the fact that Allah the almighty made that journey easy for him. However, on reaching Libya, Abu Bakr met with the brothers of the Islamic State and started his training. After some days he completed his training period.

"Meanwhile, the murtadeen [apostates] attacked the city of Sirte which was a stronghold of the Islamic State. It was a tough situation when the deen [religion] of Islam demanded sacrifice from the sincere slaves of Allah. And Abu Bakr was following the footsteps of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him, who were the brilliant examples of sacrificing everything for the sake of the religion of Allah.

"So, being a sincere slave of Allah, Abu Bakr didn't want to lag behind in the caravan of warriors of Islam. So, he got ready for sacrificing his beloved life for the sake of Allah. Brother Abu Bakr decided to take part in an istishhadi [martyrdom-seeking] operation, and when apostates reached gate 4o [sic], he was selected for the operation; and he carried out the istishhadi attack on the murtadeen and attained martyrdom. May Allah accept him among the caravan of martyrs."


[1] August 22, 2022.

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