Article In Issue 36 Of ISKP Magazine 'Voice Of Khurasan' Slams Afghan Taliban For Abandoning Implementation Of Shari'a In Afghanistan, Befriending Unbeliever Countries Like U.S., China, Russia, Israel, India

June 12, 2024

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A lead article in the "Voice of Khurasan," an English-language monthly magazine published by Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS), accuses the Afghan Taliban of waging jihad against America and NATO forces for two decades but after victory in Kabul going back on the need for implementing shari'a in Afghanistan.

The article, titled "Actions Speak Louder Than Words," argues that after signing the 2020 Doha Agreement, the Taliban have been befriending unbeliever countries like the U.S., Russia, China, and India to gain international legitimacy and funds. Such friendship, it says, comes at the cost of Islamic issues, notably the Taliban's endorsement of One China policy at the cost of the interests of Uyghur Muslims of Xinjiang province.

The article appears in the magazine's current edition, Issue 36, which is dated Dhu Al-Qadha 1445, in the Hijri calendar, which corresponds with the lunar month ending June 7, 2024.

Following is the text of the article:[1]

"After The Victory, The Taliban Shamelessly Decided To Shake Hands With The Devil By Signing An Agreement With The International Community [In Doha] In Return For Assisting The American Mission And Interest (Killing The Believers)"

"1. The Most Recent Actions

"Actions speak louder than words and the Taliban's actions scream that they are the greatest bunch of shameless and spineless people in the world. It took the Taliban 20 years of armed jihadi struggle to achieve victory and expel the Western infidels from Afghanistan. Many Muslims deemed this as a victory of the entire Islamic Ummah. However, while the purpose of jihad is clearly to fulfill our obligation to practice Islam and protect the safety of our Ummah, it seems that the Taliban militias, instead of promoting Islam, degraded and defiled the sanctity of Islamic Ummah.

"After the victory, the Taliban shamelessly decided to shake hands with the devil by signing an agreement with the international community [in Doha, Qatar] in return for assisting the American mission and interest (killing the believers). Islam instructs Muslims to dominate the world. Allah says in the Quran: 'It is he (Allah) who has sent his Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, in order for it to be dominant over all other religions, even though the Mushrikoon [idolaters] hate it' – (At-Tawbah: 33).

"And the Prophet Muhammad said: 'Verily Allah has shown me the eastern and western part of the earth, and I saw the authority of my Ummah (nation) dominate all that I saw' – (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2889). Instead of asserting dominance, the Taliban militias decided to be subservient to the West. There are a number of incidents that show that the Taliban are nothing but a puppet slave. For instance, while signing the deal [in Doha on February 29, 2020], U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated: 'We are signing this agreement with you, but you will fulfill your promises, you will fight and defeat the Islamic State.'

"Their actions clearly show their intent. The infidels made it their mission to extricate the militias from the cause of our Ummah and the realm of Islam and turn them into proxy militias for the benefit of the West. On the surface, the Taliban show that they wholeheartedly support the Islamic world and Islamic Ummah. But in reality, they started a proxy war with the Islamic State and participated in every way to show that they stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Crusaders and seek to please them. Unfortunately, every step they took toward that goal is a clear step back from Islamic law and unwavering support on the side of democracy.

"Naeem Wardak, the head of the Afghanistan embassy in Qatar and a certified coward, stated that they have no problem with Israel. Furthermore, he said that the oppressed Uyghur people are an internal issue of China. Abbas Stanikzai, the deputy foreign minister of Afghanistan, stated: 'We are building a government in the future that the people want.' [In response to] The follow-up question a reporter in Doha asked, 'If the people want democracy, will you accept it?' Stanikzai shamelessly replied, 'Yes, we are establishing the government that the people want and that is the demand of the majority of the people of Afghanistan.'"

Afghan Taliban's Defense Minister Mullah Yaqoob Said: "There Is No Jihad Without The Command Of The Emir; If Someone Did, That Is Not Called Jihad, But It Is A Hollow War'; The Ambassador Of Peshawar Stated: 'War Is Forbidden In Pakistan'"

"The primary goal of jihad is to protect the safety of the Muslim community and fulfill our obligation to practice Islam and share it with the world. The Taliban has for years deceived people in the name of jihad. This is not some baseless claim. Now, when they have the opportunity to strengthen shari'a, they reveal their true face by welcoming so-called democratic projects from the international community in Doha and submitting to the rule and authority of the people instead of exalting the word of Allah.

"Mullah Baradar, the Acting Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs of Afghanistan. firmly stated that as long as they are alive, no one will pose a threat to America's security. Additionally, Mullah Kabir, the Acting Third Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs of Afghanistan, said: 'It is the blessing of the Islamic Emirate that there is security in America today.'

"The Taliban committed every crime possible to directly or indirectly make our Ummah suffer and secure international interests and security. To make matters worse, they began participating in spineless acts by officially spying on mujahideen through international agencies, intelligence organizations, and taghuti [tyrannical] governments to please the United Nations.

The magazine's cover article was devoted to the mistreatment of Muslims by Hindus in India

"2. We Sent Iran And Pakistan A Complete Report On The Recent Attacks Of The Islamic State And The Mujahideen Living There

"Every law that the Taliban now follow is dictated by Western values and standards to satisfy the international kufr [unbelief] forces. They adopted and implemented man-made laws by the apostate Zahir Khan [means Mohammad Zahir Shah, king of Afghanistan from 1933 to 1973] instead of following Allah and the instructions of Quranic law. This shows that they have retreated from the position of shari'a in al-Walaa wal-Bara [theological principle: loyalty and disavowal for the sake of Allah], politics, governance, and all other matters.

"The Taliban are now gaining recognition for their intelligence (backstabbing mujahideen). The Iranian authorities have already gloated that the Taliban's intelligence has helped them fight against terrorism (Islamic State). Furthermore, the attacks against the IRGC and Rawafidh [rejectionist, a pejorative term for Shi'ite] in Mashhad and some other areas have also been prevented based on the intelligence provided by Taliban officials.

"According to the holy words of Allah the exalted, the light of Allah will spread even if many mushrikeen [polytheists] like the Taliban militia try to restrain it or falsely show it to be bad. Allah almighty says: 'They wish to extinguish Allah's light with their mouths, but Allah will only allow his light to be perfected, even to the dismay of the disbelievers.'

"Publicly the true face of its taghuti officials and government is coming into light. They suspended Hudood and cancelled jihad, with all of them joining hands to end it. Mullah Yaqoob, the Minister of Defense of Afghanistan, said: 'There is no jihad without the command of the Emir. If someone did, that is not called jihad, but it is a hollow war.' The ambassador of Peshawar [Mullah Yaqub?] stated: 'War is forbidden in Pakistan.' Many other similar corrupted officials are trying their best to stop jihad forever.

"They have declared war against Islam by issuing outrageous fatwas to prohibit jihad and by starting a war against the sincere mujahideen. Truthfulness and honesty are terms they no longer understand. The Taliban militias are vocally neutral about the ongoing troubles happening in the Islamic Ummah, and they disgustingly claim that the shari'a does not oblige Muslims to help them."

"[The Taliban] Not Only Took A Shameful Position On The Palestinian Issue But To Make Matters More Abhorrent, Abd Al-Hakim Haqqani, The Chief Judge And Grand Mufti Of The Apostate Taliban Militias, Submitted [In Violation Of Shari'a] The Palestinian Case To The International Court Of Justice"

"[Foreign Minister Amin Khan] Muttaqi, Mullah Baradar, [Interior Minister] Sirajuddin Haqqani, Mullah Yaqoob, Zabih Watani [Zabihullah Mujahid], and others have jointly said: 'We do not interfere in anyone's internal affairs. Who said that the issue of the Uyghurs is an internal issue of China?' Moreover, they also justified Russia's merciless bombing of Muslims in Syria and called the issue irrelevant issue to them. Sirajuddin Haqqani also added that 'Palestine is the problem of its people and we do not interfere in anyone's internal affairs.'

"Over the years, the Taliban kept their real intention and disgust for the Islamic world and Ummah hidden, but now they are proudly parading their disgust and they have even made clear their disgust for the First Qibla [Jerusalem]. There is no genuine support from the Taliban for the oppressed Islamic Ummah. They only deceive the Ummah through their empty cries, demonstrations, and hollow slogans. They are professional deceivers and hypocrites.

"Allah the exalted says about such people: 'However, these hypocrites have forgotten that it is impossible to deceive Allah and the believers, and even if they try, they will only deceive themselves, but they fail to perceive this. They will suffer a painful punishment for their horrible actions and lies and Allah will only increase their sickness in their hearts.'

"Their hypocrisy does not stop here and can be considered something beyond disbelief. They not only took a shameful position on the Palestinian issue but to make matters more abhorrent, Abd al-Hakim Haqqani, the chief judge and Grand Mufti of the apostate Taliban militias, submitted [in violation of shari'a] the Palestinian case to the International Court of Justice. In all political issues of the Islamic Ummah, they disgustingly submit them to man-made laws by the United Nations, international judicial organizations, and other organizations."

"The Taliban Militias Recently... Declared Their Support For The 'One China' Policy Of The Communist And Atheist Chinese Regime; This Action Is The Utmost Betrayal And Slap To The Face To Our Uyghur Brothers And Sisters"

"3. Within The Realm Of The Islamic Ummah, Everyone Should Inspire, Protect, Support, And Uplift Each Other. However, The Taliban Militias Are Venomous And Treacherous Snakes. They Completely Withdrew From The Circle Of Islam, From The Minister To The Mercenary, And From The Governor To The Laborer.

"The Taliban militias are clearly murtadeen [apostates] and they destroyed their imaan [faith] by replacing Allah and pledging their alliance and submitting their will to another god (the United Nations, the Security Council, the International Community, and the International Court of Justice). These insufferable murtadeen have been dishonoring Islam for a long time for their own interests. In particular, they have insulted Islamic rituals by mourning the death of and by paying condolences to the nobles, murtadeen, and mushrikeen.

"Recently they mourned the death of the great taghut of Kuwait [Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah], which is pathetic and embarrassing, as he was known to be a loyal dog of the Cross. They considered his death a great loss to the Islamic world, even though Allah the exalted forbade such: 'It is taboo and sin for the prophet and the believers to seek forgiveness for the mushrikeen because after it is clear that they are bound for the hellfire, no amount of forgiveness can exempt them from suffering the wrath of Allah (even if they were close relatives).'

"The worst part is that they honored Qassem Soleimani, the greatest criminal toward the Islamic Ummah, by giving him the title of hero and a martyr. The Taliban claimed that the entire Islamic world was saddened by the death of that pig, Soleimani. Quite frankly, it is both detestable and laughable when they make such claims because we are aware that Sunnis all over the world, from Andalusia [Spain] to Mozambique, and from Libya to Tehran, expressed their happiness and joy at the death of Soleimani.

A poster on Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi who died in a helicopter crash

"Moreover, if their objective is to please the Najis Rawafidh [i.e., filthy Shi'ites], the Iranian Brotherhood, or the armed militia, the Taliban militias should understand that the Islamic Ummah is completely disgusted with such because they do not accept Islam wholeheartedly. So how do you expect the Islamic Ummah and the entire Islamic world to see them?

"Every step and action taken by them keeps revealing their degeneracy. They are doing everything to satisfy international powers. For example, the Taliban militias recently released a statement in which they openly declared their support for the 'One China' policy of the communist and atheist Chinese regime. This action is the utmost betrayal and slap to the face to our Uyghur brothers and sisters.

"Right now, the Taliban militias are working only for their own personal and national interests. Even if the cost of achieving their interests means selling a group of believers to the hands of the kuffar [infidels], they will not hesitate and will be happy to do so. Their direct support of the One China policy reassures those Chinese atheists that they have every right to cause endless atrocities and exploit Uyghurs without any consequences."

"[The Taliban] Strongly Reject The Islamic World, Islamic Values, And Islamic Principles. Instead, They Are Committed To The Friendship Of The United Nations And Openly Welcome Its Laws And Its Criminal Division In The Muslim World"

"4. Recently China Has Announced That Their Communist Government Will Give 100 Million Chinese Yuan To The Taliban. It's Evident That History Is Repeating Itself Because It Has Been Proven That Those Who Sell Their Islamic Ummah To The Kuffar For Money, End Up Having A Permanent Stain Of Embarrassment And Shame On Their Name. Whenever The Taliban Militias Take Actions That Are Questionable And Conflicting, They Start Calling Their Actions 'National Interest' And 'Values.' They Have Torn To Pieces And Stepped On The Belief Of Al-Walaa Wal-Bara.

"This proves they strongly reject the Islamic world, Islamic values, and Islamic principles. Instead, they are committed to the friendship of the United Nations and openly welcome its laws and its criminal division in the Muslim world. These Taliban militias are the perfect definition of cowardice, because, with the position and opportunity they have, they should have made shari'a the core of their progress and fought the kuffar [unbelievers], murtadeen, and mushrikeen.

"But instead, they are building friendships by becoming slaves of Russia, America, China, India, Israel, Turkey, Iran, and others – all this to get as much money as they can from them. The Taliban are doing everything possible to stay in power domestically and gain recognition and support internationally. They do the opposite of everything Allah wants and they regard the problems of the Islamic Ummah as internal domestic issues of taghuti countries.

"The most shameful thing is they suspended jihad and discarded Islamic values to develop so-called national values. Now the Taliban are eying the same position as other taghuti governments like Qatar and Turkey so that no one can point the finger of terrorism and disbelief at them anymore, and all the disbelievers of the world should consider them as their brothers, friends, sympathizers, and close friends."

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