Cover Article In Issue 38 Of ISKP Magazine 'Voice Of Khurasan' Says Only Shi'ite Iran Has 'Responded To The Jewish 'State'... With The Language Of Action,' Warns: 'Jews Will Be Expelled From The Holy Land And America And Its Allies Under 80 Flags Will Be Put To Death In The Battle Of Malhamat-ul-Kubra'

August 28, 2024

A cover article in the latest issue of the "Voice of Khurasan," an English-language monthly magazine published by Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS), says that Sunni Islamic states have responded to the Palestinian issue with discussions and condemnations while only Shi'ite Iran has responded against the Jewish state of Israel at the practical level.

The article is titled "Sufyani's Army is Gathering!" Sufiyani, distinct from Dajjal, is an evil figure in Islamic eschatology whom the hadith usually portray as a tyrant. The article draws on the Islamic prophecies of Malhamat-ul-Kubra ("the Last Great Battle"), which is to lead to the establishment of a global Islamic caliphate, and raises asks who will protect the Sunni Islamic states. It asks: "How long can the UAE, in the form of small emirates, withstand Iranian aggression?"

"By the grace of Allah, the Muslims will make great strides due to their enemies fighting each other and the confluence of events in their favor. Coalitions will be shattered, captive Muslims in the world will be liberated and – with the help of Allah almighty – they will achieve great conquests in places like Sham, Iraq, Khurasan, Africa, and they will fight great battles with Sufyani and his army," it states.

The article appears in the Issue 38 of the magazine, which is dated Safar 1446 Hijri, the Islamic month beginning August 5, 2024. The issue of the magazine was released as a PDF online.

Citing a Quranic verse, the magazine has a poster warning Ariel Sharon of death.

Following is the text of the article:

Sunni "States Have Adopted The Language Of Discourse [On The Palestinian Issue] Such As Condemnation, Denunciation, Boycott, Rallies And Protests, Which Do Not Disturb The Jewish 'State' And The West In Any Way"

"When we look at the recent developments in Sham [Syria], Iraq, Khurasan [Afghanistan], Yemen, and Africa in general, and Gaza in particular, we see that the response to the crimes against humanity and atrocities committed by the Jewish 'state' and the West in the Middle East is coming from Rafidhi Iran and its guided groups like Hamas, Hizb ash-Shaytan [Party of Satan, meaning Hezbollah], the Yemeni Houthis, etc., that pretend to be representatives of the Muslim.

"On the other hand, the other taghut [tyrant] states, which identify themselves with Sunni Islam, have either sided with the Jewish 'state' and the West, or have tried to develop a language of anti-Jewish 'state' rhetoric so as not to lose the position of the representative of Islam to Iran and its supporters and to protect themselves from any danger that may come from them.

"The main point to note is that only the Rafidhis [pejorative for Shi'ites] have responded to the Jewish 'state' and the West with the language of action, whereas the other states have adopted the language of discourse such as condemnation, denunciation, boycott, rallies and protests, which do not disturb the Jewish 'state' and the West in any way and do not cause any harm.

"However, is it not the primary duty of every individual who calls himself a Muslim to protect these regions, Jerusalem, al-Aqsa Mosque and also the blessed lands in Sham, which are known by the names Palestine and Gaza?"

"Every Response To The Jewish 'State' Is Cooked In Iran's Kitchen And Then Served"

"In the 80 years of the Palestinian issue, the decision-making authority against the Jewish 'state' was primarily Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, Iraq, Syria and other states that identity themselves as Sunni Islamic. However, in the last 10-15 years, with the increase of Iran's population in the region, it has been under the control of the Rafidhis.

"The recent developments in Gaza are the most obvious manifestation of this change of hand. This is because every response to the Jewish 'state' is cooked in Iran's kitchen and then served.

Today, after Iraq and Syria were somehow Rafidhized and handed over to Iran by the United States, Russia and others in order to 'liberate' it from the Islamic State, Iran has suddenly become the largest land power in the region.

"Iran, which has become out of control over time and has become dangerous to the U.S. and its allies in the region, has also become an actor in the new multi-polar world order that Russia, China and other allies want to create against the U.S. With the Russia-Ukraine war that has been ongoing for three years, it is obvious that the U.S. is about to put Iran, another of the main architects of this multipolar world order, into a war environment.

"An enemy for Iran

"An enemy for Russia

"An enemy for China"

"If Europe Will Fight Against Russia And The U.S. Will Fight Against China, Who Will Lead The Fight Against The Iran-Led 'Rafidhi Crescent' In The Middle East?"

"If Europe will fight against Russia and the U.S. will fight against China, who will lead the fight against the Iran-led 'Rafidhi Crescent' in the Middle East? Can Saudi Arabia, which has all kinds of weapons and airplanes in Yemen, but was forced to sign a humiliating peace in Yemen, bowing down to the much smaller Houthis, fight against Iran and its allies in the Middle East?

"Or how long can the UAE, in the form of small emirates, withstand Iranian aggression? Do you think Jordan, which is in the middle of the ring of fire of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, whose governments have been Rafidhized, has the strength to stand up to Iran and its allies?

"How long can the Jewish 'state', which was crippled as soon as the apostate Hamas attacked with its limited forces and begged for ammunition from America after a few days of fighting, withstand an all-out attack by Iran and its other allies, and with the help it will not receive in the shadow of a possible American war with China?

A poster included in the magazine shows Iran and its allies

"The world powers, which have been trying to determine the front in the New World Order for the last 10 years, are trying to implement their real agenda through the Palestinian issue, and the environment is now more favorable than ever for this.

"Iran, which for thousands of years has wanted to re-establish the 'Shi'ite Fatimid Caliphate State' in the Middle East and realize the 'Great Persian Empire', is waiting for an opportunity to achieve this goal. In the event of possible U.S. and Jewish intervention, the first thing Iran would do is to attack Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the UAE, Egypt and many other regions with Sunni populations, which is what Iran wants."

"Iran's Real Agenda Is To Get The Jewish 'State' And The U.S. To Attack It In Order To Gain The Justification To Attack The Holy Lands, Especially Mecca And Medina, Whose People Are Sunni And Have Not Yet Been Usurped By Iran"

"Yes, Iran's real agenda in the Palestinian issue is neither to help Gaza nor to wage a permanent war with the Jewish 'state' and the U.S. History has witnessed many times that Rafidhis have fought against Muslims, not against kafir [unbeliever] states, and betrayed Muslims.

"Iran's real agenda is to get the Jewish 'state' and the U.S. to attack it in order to gain the justification to attack the Holy Lands, especially Mecca and Medina, whose people are Sunni and have not yet been usurped by Iran, and to become the biggest military and economic power in the Middle East in the New World Order.

"Today, the control of these regions is in the hands of the apostate tawagheet [tyrant rulers] who are American puppets. The real agenda of the Jewish 'state' in the Palestinian issue is, of course, to establish the Greater Israel that they have been dreaming of for thousands of years and to take over all of Damascus, especially Gaza, in order to rule the whole world from there.

"The real agenda of the U.S. on Gaza is to draw Iran into a war in the Middle East as much as possible before going to war with China, to eliminate it if they can with the Jewish 'state' and other allies in Europe, and if they cannot, to cut off its hands and feet so that it cannot help China and Russia. The biggest reason for this is that the U.S. has persistently energized the Jewish 'state' against Iran, patting it on the back and pointing to Iran as the main culprit of what is happening in Gaza."

"The Messenger Of Allah Said: 'Doomsday Will Not Come Until The Muslims And The Jews Clash; The Jew Will Hide Behind A Stone Or A Tree, Then The Stone Or Tree Will Say To The One Who Is Chasing The Jew: 'O Muslim! There Is A Jew Behind Me, Come And Kill Him'"

"Up to this point, we have tried to explain as much as we could about the cruelty in Gaza and the dirty plans made over the blood of Palestinians. But where will this issue lead? What awaits us in the Middle East in the future? How long will the Jewish 'state' continue? Will Iran be able to take Gaza and Jerusalem from the Jewish 'state' or occupy Mecca and Medina? What will be the position of the Islamic State in the midst of all these developments?

"Let us try to discuss these in the light of the hadiths [traditions of Muhammad].

"1. It must be known for certain that the Jewish 'state' will not be able to go beyond the Jordan River, which constitutes its current border, and that it will be perhaps the first major power to be wiped off the face of the earth. This is because when the Mahdi (peace be upon him) appears and before the Final Battle (Malhamat-ul-Kubra), the Muslims will fight the Zionist Jewish 'state,' capture Damascus, and once again erase the Jews from the stage of history.

"The Messenger of Allah [Muhammad] said: 'Doomsday will not come until the Muslims and the Jews clash. The Jew will hide behind a stone or a tree, then the stone or tree will say to the one who is chasing the Jew: 'O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him! Only the tree of Gharkad will not say anything, because it is one of the trees of the Jews' – (Bukhari, Jihad 94, Managib 25; Muslim, Fitan 82).

"From this hadith, it is clear that the Muslims will be victorious and that although the Jews will hide, the Muslims will find them and kill them in humiliation.

The magazine's cover page

"2. Although Allah knows best, we believe that Sufyani's army mentioned in the hadiths are the Iranian-led groups of Rafidhis, Shi'ites, Hazaras, Alawites, Ja'afaris, Nusayris, etc. As mentioned in the hadiths, these groups are waging a great war against the Khilafah [Caliphate] and will continue until the Mahdi (peace be upon him) kills Sufyani and Sufyani's army will sink to the ground in a place called Bayda.

"It is clear from the hadiths that Sufyani will conquer many regions, burn and destroy them, and slaughter Muslims, and his atrocities will continue until he reaches Mecca, and the pilgrims are slaughtered, and a lake of their blood is formed, at which time the Mahdi (peace be upon him) will appear.

"3. The Romans (Westerners), led by the U.S., will most likely be forced to make peace with the Muslims because of the Sufyani insurrection. Because, as we mentioned above, the Westerners and their allies in the Middle East, who cannot find any other power to fight Sufyani in the Middle East, will obviously be forced to take their hands off Muslims.

"This will continue until the Mahdi (peace be upon him) appears and the Sufyani insurrection is eliminated, at the end of which the peace will be broken and the Muslims and Westerners will fight the Final Battle. At the end of this war, the Muslims will defeat the Westerners and America will be thrown into the dustbin of history."

"The Mahdi (Peace Be Upon Him) Will Slaughter Sufyani And His Army Will Sink To The Ground; The Jews Will Be Expelled From The Holy Land"

"The Messenger of Allah said: Soon you will make a sure peace with the Westerners. Then you will go forth. And they will be hostile to the one you are fighting behind you. You will be victorious in that war and you will take booty. Then you will land on a green plain.

"There a Greek nephew will raise the cross and say: 'The cross is victorious.' One of the Muslims will resist him and kill him. Then the Greeks will break the peace and fight. There will be great battles. They will gather for you and come against you in eighty banners; twelve thousand men under each banner – (Abu Dawud, Melahim 2; Ibn Majah, Fitan 35; Ahmad b. Hanbal, IV-91; V-372, 409).

"4. It is inevitable that major wars will break out in all parts of the world during this period. Most probably, every corner of the earth will be devastated by atomic bombs. The world will be in turmoil as stated in the hadiths. Billions will die. Many states will disappear and be wiped off the map. At the moment, many states are ready to quickly attack their enemies because of any war that America might enter.

"North Korea - South Korea

"North Korea - Japan

"China - Taiwan

"China - India

"India – Pakistan

"India - Bangladesh

"Russia - Europe

"U.S. - China

"5. By the grace of Allah, the Muslims will make great strides due to their enemies fighting each other and the confluence of event in their favor. Coalitions will be shattered, captive Muslims in the world will be liberated and – with the help of Allah almighty – they will achieve great conquests in places like Sham, Iraq, Khurasan, Africa, and they will fight great battles with Sufyani and his army.

"They will kill and be killed, will conquer some and lose some. Their war will continue until the Mahdi (peace be upon him) appears and the flag of Khilafah is handed over to him. The Mahdi (peace be upon him) will slaughter Sufyani and his army will sink to the ground. The Jews will be expelled from the Holy Land and America and its allies under 80 flags will be put to death in the battle of Malhamat-ul-Kubra (The Last Great Battle). The Mahdi's army will conquer Constantinople, Rome, China and every region of the earth, Allah willing.

"Be vigilant, O Muslims! The real battle begins now... May Allah grant us to be in that army, to follow the Mahdi, to fight in his army and be among the best martyrs on earth. Allah the Most Knowing knows best. And our final prayer is praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds."

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