Cover Story In Issue 16 Of ISIS-K Magazine 'Voice Of Khurasan' Accuses Afghan Taliban Of Working For CIA And ISI, Declares: 'We Say To Taliban: You Will Be Unable To Save Your Masters From Our Bloody Attacks'

November 3, 2022

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The cover story in the latest issue of the Voice of Khurasan magazine accuses Afghan Taliban of working in partnership with the CIA and Pakistani military's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to further their objectives in Afghanistan. The magazine is published by Al-Azaim Foundation, the media arm of the Islamic State's Khurasan Province (ISIS-K). The article appears in the Issue 16 of the magazine, dated Rabi-ul-Awwal 1444 Hijri, corresponding to the month beginning September 28, 2022.

The article, titled "They Meet CIA Operatives In Secret," affirms that the Afghan Taliban make decisions based on instructions from CIA and ISI. It goes on to argue that the Afghan Taliban leaders spent "years in the hotels and beaches of Qatar, which is a state housing one of the largest military bases of the U.S. outside American soil." The reference is to the Political Office provided by Qatar at the American behest in Doha where the U.S. and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the Taliban jihadi organization) negotiated for months before signing the Doha peace agreement on February 29, 2020.

A screenshot of the first page of the article

"[Afghan Taliban] were controlled by the CIA and were connected with other infidel nations around the world. High-ranking Taliban officials, who do not bark without the permission of the CIA and the ISI, have readily accepted all the conditions of the infidels," the article states.

The article adds: "Through this [Doha] agreement, they have done business with the blood and the honor of the Muslims, for the sake of the symbolic authority over Kabul and some worldly benefits, as the Taliban murtadeen are now amalgamating themselves with the former murtad [apostate] regime of Afghanistan."

Following is the text of the article:[1]

"High-Ranking Taliban Officials, Who Do Not Bark Without The Permission Of The CIA And The ISI, Have Readily Accepted All The Conditions Of The Infidels"

"The U.S. Crusaders consider other people, like themselves, to be stupid. They believe that despite all of the games and dramas, no one will understand America's basic goals, and they shall persuade everyone, just like they persuaded the blind supporters of the Taliban. [During the peace talks in Doha, Afghan] Taliban have spent years in the hotels and beaches of Qatar, which is a state housing one of the largest military bases of the U.S. outside American soil, and they have also been well trained in the training centers of ISI (Pakistani intelligence).

"They [Afghan Taliban] were controlled by the CIA and were connected with other infidel nations around the world. High-ranking Taliban officials, who do not bark without the permission of the CIA and the ISI, have readily accepted all the conditions of the infidels. America, in association with the Taliban, introduced a brand-new regime of treachery and hypocrisy, thinking that they would be able to deceive the Muslims all over the world and extinguish the light the tawheed [Islamic monotheism].

"The U.S. has made very unscrupulous utilization of the Taliban [as a] pawn on the chess board, as they have replaced old leadership of the Taliban with new ones who have been perfectly trained on how to throw dust into the eyes of the Ummah. However, the way the Taliban have been modernized hints at the secret training sessions of these jihad claimants in the simulated environment of kufr [unbelief] in the clandestine headquarters of the [American and Pakistani] intelligence agencies.

"Undoubtedly, these puppets mastered the game of deceiving the Ummah perfectly. A new episode of American drama is ongoing in Afghanistan, in which screenwriters and directors are the CIA and the ISI operatives, and the actors are the Taliban militias who deliver every scene with aplomb."

"The Master Plan Of The Surrendering Taliban Murtadeen [Apostates], Along With The Jihad Claimants Affiliated With Them, To Kuffar [Unbelievers], In The Name Of Peace Agreement, Is Being Implemented Gradually"

"The master plan of the surrendering Taliban murtadeen [apostates], along with the jihad claimants affiliated with them, to kuffar [unbelievers], in the name of peace agreement [signed in Doha, February 29, 2020], is being implemented gradually, when the Muslims have been subjected to an experiment where their reactions are periodically observed through intentional violations of the agreement.

"And this experiment has no objective other than changing the mind of the Muslims and influencing them into accepting shirk [idolatry] of democracy whose failure – as a political system – has been manifested all over the world.

"Through this [Doha] agreement, they have done business with the blood and the honor of the Muslims, for the sake of the symbolic authority over Kabul and some worldly benefits, as the Taliban murtadeen are now amalgamating themselves with the former murtad [apostate] regime of Afghanistan.

"The new form of democracy, designed in Doha, is being implemented in the name of Islamic shari'a. They want to subdue the religion of Allah to their whims and that of their masters. As a result, the basis of their loyalty and disavowal has been dictated by the desires of their infidel masters, and this is the ultimate humiliation of their struggle, sacrificing blood, and wealth."

"The Taliban Have Already Been Integrated With The Global System Of The Infidel Nations, And The Moment Of Their International Recognition Is Just A Matter Of Time"

"The Taliban have already been integrated with the global system of the infidel nations, and the moment of their international recognition is just a matter of time. A few years ago, the Islamic Khilafah[caliphate]-controlled territories were captured by the Taliban militias with the U.S. air support, but still they are playing their role of U.S. proxies on the soil of Khurasan by continuing their fighting against the Khilafah, when their ordinary fighters have taken every kufr of the Taliban for granted for the sake of this proxy war, and they have been even boasting about being the U.S. boots on the ground in Khurasan.

"We still remember those days when the Taliban mercenaries advanced toward the Khilafah-controlled territories under the shadow of the U.S. warplanes. Besides, the former murtad regime of Afghanistan was also cooperating with the Crusaders in their fighting against the Islamic State. All of these were part of the Doha agreement.

"Prior to this operation of the coalition forces comprising Crusaders, murtadeen, the Khurasan Wilayah [Afghan Province of ISIS] had been brought under severe pressure due to intensive aerial bombardment. U.S. drones used to strike wherever they saw any movement, sparing not even animals. And this harsh chapter was followed by a chapter of treachery in which the personnel of former murtad government were deceived by their Crusading masters, as the power of Afghanistan was handed over to the Taliban – the new U.S. mercenaries."

"The Leaders Of The Taliban Militia Tried Their Best To Conceal The Aerial Support They Took From The U.S. In Their Fighting Against The Islamic State, But They Failed"

"Initially, the leaders of the Taliban militia tried their best to conceal the aerial support they took from the U.S. in their fighting against the Islamic State, but they failed eventually, as the U.S. officers published statements in their media about these bombardments claiming that these were done by the air power of the Taliban militia, not of America.

"This is proof that their lying tongues hardly use reasoning and intellect! Taking aerial support from the infidels also worked as a psychological training session for the Taliban fighters and their followers, in which their dedication for kufr was tested.

"So, it was proven later on, when the Taliban leaders felt no shame in acknowledging that [the] U.S. became their intimate ally, supporting them in their ongoing fighting against Islam. The same idiots, who once hesitated in revealing that they took support from the kuffar when they were used as proxies, feel no shame now in begging to kuffar for financial and military aid, and international recognition.

"It truly manifests the effectiveness of their years of training sessions in the camps of kuffar and murtadeen. Now these idiots do not react at all when their leaders say, 'America is no longer our enemy and may Allah bring them back in Afghanistan as our allies!'"

"It Seems ISI [Inter-Services Intelligence] Has Put A Spell On The Taliban Murtadeen That They Cannot Get Out Of Their Talisman In Any Way"

"Their brain has been washed to such a level that they never contemplate the fact that Hamid Karzai (former president of Afghanistan) landed on top of the mountains of Afghanistan in a U.S. helicopter, while their leaders have been transported in U.S. transport planes to Kandahar, which they consider to be outstanding political success of their leaders and they consider them to be the glorious victors!

The cover of Issue 16 of the magazine is focused on CIA's ties with the Taliban.

"They believe that the U.S. has transported the Taliban leaders from their intelligence headquarters to Kandahar for the sake of the ruling of an Islamic system! To these idiots, the newly designed democracy in Doha seems to be an Islamic system.

"• The system that originates from the false beliefs of patriotism and ethnicity,

"• The system that demands subjugation to the international laws of kufr and blasphemy,

"• The system that allows for friendship and intimacy with harbi kuffar [kuffar who wage war against the Muslims],

"• The system in which the protection of the world's infidels, including the United States, is regarded as a noble duty,

"• The system which considers it as jihad to protect the leaders of polytheists and their ceremonies,

"• The system in which the protection of the American and Russian Crusaders is considered as a shari'i [shari'a-based] obligation and getting killed for that sake means martyrdom,

"• The system that was founded on the moral and administrative corruptions of the former Taghuti [literally "false deity," refers to governments that do not rule in accordance to shari'a] regime, and

"• The system which rules by the man-made laws.

"Despite all these, these fools still consider this system to be an Islamic system and consider it to be their religious obligation to defend it. It seems ISI [Inter-Services Intelligence] has put a spell on the Taliban murtadeen that they cannot get out of their talisman in any way."

"Murtad Taliban Fighters Clearly See That Their Leaders Regularly Visit U.S. Intelligence Headquarters And Hold Secret Meetings With CIA Operatives In Qatar For Reporting About Their War Against Islam And Receiving New Plans And Objectives"

"Murtad Taliban fighters clearly see that their leaders regularly visit U.S. intelligence headquarters and hold secret meetings with CIA operatives in Qatar for reporting about their war against Islam and receiving new plans and objectives, but these fools (Taliban fighters) still think that they are the heroes of freedom and the defenders of the Islamic system.

"Despite their attempts to hide such secret meetings with Crusaders, Allah unveils their plots against Islam and the Muslims. On the one hand, Americans have staged the same old drama that they are the arch enemies of the Taliban Emirate by apparently imposing some travel ban on the Taliban officials and putting their names on the [travel] blacklists, but these high-ranking Taliban officials travel freely on the lands.

"In spite of this, we can hear that the Taliban chief of intelligence was summoned by the CIA operatives, and he travelled very quietly to meet them. Then we wonder how he got there despite the travel ban! If the travel ban is no longer in effect, why have they announced about it?

"The summary of the meeting should be disclosed publicly; and why the Taliban always feel embarrassed about hiding such confidential trips and meetings? If the chief of their intelligence felt the pain of the Islamic Ummah and met the U.S. Crusaders for reckoning for their crimes against the Ummah, then such a meeting should be made public so that the Ummah may become happy.

"So, what is point of holding such meetings in secret? But that's not the case, and it is clear to all. The Ummah is now well aware of the 'behind-the-screen' plots and machination of the Taliban Emirate against them."

"The Crusaders Must Have Appreciated Their Work And Congratulated Taliban In The Successful Killing Of Ayman Al-Zawahiri, And Their Operations Against The Soldiers Of The Islamic State"

"CIA Assistant David Cohen, U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Tom West, and other officials recently met with Abdul Haq Wasiq, the chief of the murtad Taliban militia's intelligence unit. The Taliban tried their best to hide such meeting, but it was exposed by the U.S. media.

"And in this meeting, murtad Abdul Wasiq delivered the report of the progress of a year in terms of security to his U.S. masters, when the Crusaders must have appreciated their work and congratulated the Taliban in the successful killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri, and their operations against the soldiers of the Islamic State. They must also have appreciated their killing of the monotheists and oppressions on them, and the closing of many madrassas and mosques."

"And Crusaders must have also reminded the Taliban that they had tried hard to ensure security for the Rawafidh [rejectionist, a pejorative for Shi'ites] and other polytheists, but they have ultimately failed in that. They must have condemned the Taliban's failure in thwarting the deadly attacks of the warriors of the Khilafah in Khurasan."

The magazine's table of contents

"In a nutshell, they need more dedication from their new boots [Afghan Taliban] on the ground. On the other hand, the Taliban murtadeen must have replied that they have fallen short in money, men, and equipment, so they need further aids from their U.S. masters. So, we are hoping to see a significant boost in U.S. aids for them in near future.

"Hence, it is noteworthy that during the reign of former murtad government, CIA operatives used to come to Kabul to take reports from them, but now they don't come for this; rather they summon the Taliban officials to their intelligence headquarters and take reports of their progress, which is another indication of how the Taliban are sincerely forbearing their humiliation at the hands of the Crusaders.

"Therefore, following the Doha agreement, we have found the Taliban militias have been trying their best to prove themselves more loyal to the U.S. and other Crusaders so that they don't get ousted from power, even if that takes heavy toll of the lives of the believers."

"The U.S. Crusaders Massacred Innocent Muslims In Every Corner Of The World For No Crime Other Than Taking The Name Of Shari'a, And Now With The Change Of Wind, The Same Of U.S. Crusaders Are Supporting The So-Called 'Islamic Emirate' Chanting Empty Slogans Of Jihad And Shari'a"

"Accordingly, Taliban militias talk about implementing shari'a, which is nothing more than empty slogan, and in practice, they are gradually making people ready for their democratic version of Islam. All institutions, departments, and ministries are still in the state as it was before, which means the Taliban takeover has simply manifested the change of the ownership of the previous taghuti republic and the entire system remains unchanged.

"So, the insightful minds can never overlook the fact that the U.S. Crusaders massacred innocent Muslims in every corner of the world for no crime other than taking the name of shari'a, and now with the change of wind, the same of U.S. Crusaders are supporting the so-called 'Islamic Emirate' chanting empty slogans of jihad and shari'a. So, one can easily presume what kind of shari'a rule it will be!

"Prior to the secret meeting between the CIA and Taliban intelligence, there was a similar meeting between Pakistan's army chief, General Qamar Bajwa and the U.S. officials a few days ago, when both [of] the parties devised plans on how to eliminate believers from the soil of Khurasan through effective use of the play card named 'Taliban militia.' The secret meeting of the murtad militia with CIA officers testifies to the fact that in addition to protecting [the] U.S. interests, all infidels, and working as U.S. proxies, Taliban militia will share intel about the believers with infidels of the world."

"In The Islamic World, The CIA Is Leading An Ideological Warfare Against Islam To Secularize The Young Generation Of The Ummah"

"Contrarily, the murtad Taliban militias should know that the CIA is the intelligence network that masterminded the systematic massacre of millions of Muslims in dozens of Islamic countries; it is the one of the root causes of the ongoing problems in the Islamic Ummah; it has shattered the Ummah; it has pillaged the Ummah and stolen the wealth of the Muslims.

"In the Islamic world, the CIA is leading an ideological warfare against Islam to secularize the young generation of the Ummah. To sum up, CIA is the arch enemy of all those Muslims who are striving to bring the Ummah under a single banner and imam, and who are striving to restore their glory and honor.

"But the Taliban militias really don't care about this. And why should they care, as they have sold their faith for a cheap price of temporary power in this ephemeral worldly life? And CIA wants the Taliban to strive more to eliminate the threat of the Islamic State so that they can't endanger the security of the neighboring tyrants, and they are spending billions of dollars for this purpose."

"Taliban Want To Keep The Crusader Nations Secure, But They Must Remember That They Will Be Destroyed In This Cause And Will Be Unable To Keep Them Secure"

"Allah says: 'They plan, and Allah plans. Surely Allah is the Best of the Planners' (Quran 8:30). They are trying to keep the Ummah fragmented and stuck in the tangle of nationalism, but by the grace of Allah, the Islamic State will break these borders, and from the Philippines to Andalusia [i.e., Spain], there will be one Islamic world, one imam, one flag, and one Kalima [words used to express belief in Islam].

"The Taliban want to keep the Crusader nations secure, but they must remember that they will be destroyed in this cause and will be unable to keep them secure. We say to Taliban: 'You will be unable to save your masters from our bloody attacks.' They want to divert believers from the right path of Tawhid [monotheism] through their ongoing atrocitys, but they should understand that these atrocities only increase believers' patience and perseverance, which is a sign of victory and conquest of the Ummah, bi'dhnillah [with the permission of Allah].

"These new U.S. mercenaries should not forget that these kufri intelligence agencies make use of militias in their proxy war against Islam, and right after the use, they are thrown to trash bin. The fate of Taliban militia will be no different than this. And Taliban, the new U.S. mercenary in Khurasan, won't be even remembered in the history, bi'dhnillah. And this is the final outcome of the slaves of Tawagheet [tyrants]."


[1] October 17, 2022. The original English of the article has been lightly edited for clarity and standardization.

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