Dari-Language Article In Afghan Media Outlet: 'The Jewish State Has Faced A Crisis In Its Confrontation With The Faithful Sons Of The Ummah'

October 18, 2024

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In a Dari-language article marking the first anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attacks in Israel, an Afghan media outlet that favors Hizb-ut-Tahrir Afghanistan lamented the absence of leadership for hundreds and thousands of young Muslims ready to wage jihad against Israel in support of the Palestinians.

The article, titled "The Gaza War: The Solidarity Of The Unbelievers And The Disunity Of The Muslims," says that the October 7 attack exposed "the fragility of the Zionist state."

Following are translated excerpts from the Dari-language article:

"Hundreds And Thousands Of Young Muslims Are Ready To Go To The Battlefield, But There Is No One To Lead Them To The Field Of Jihad"

"The Gaza war has reached its one-year mark [on October 7, 2024]. During this year, much blood has been shed from among the children of the Islamic Ummah. Dear children, women, youths, and men lost their precious lives in the most horrific ways and joined the ranks of the martyrs. The number of wounded is very high, and many are still missing. Homes, streets, public places such as mosques, schools, hospitals, roads, and markets in Gaza have turned to ruins, a situation that has recently begun happening in Lebanon as well.

"The voices rose from every side, and ordinary people in Western societies, from Germany to England, France, America, and beyond, protested in large demonstrations. They raised their voices to express their hatred and disgust toward the crimes of the Jewish state and the actions of their rulers in supporting Israel.

"An officer [Aaron Bushnell] from the U.S. Air Force, in the early months of this event, said, 'I do not want to be a part of the genocide in Gaza.' He set himself on fire in protest in front of the Israeli Embassy in the U.S. and perished. Public protests in Israel itself against the government's policies are also reported from time to time.

"Complaints from the country of South Africa against the Israeli government were presented to the International Court [of Justice, ICJ], and so on. However, unfortunately, support and sympathy from the Islamic lands were very limited, and some of the ruling governments in these lands did not even allow their people to raise their voices.

"Many issues were revealed in this unequal war, of which I will mention a few below:

"1. The Fragility Of The Zionist State

"The Al-Aqsa Storm attack on October 7, 2023, by the mujahideen of Hamas revealed that the Zionist state and its intelligence system were not as powerful as they had portrayed. But it became evident that, with the courageous and coordinated action of the mujahideen, they lose their morale, and they cannot stand the faith-driven strength of the sons of the Islamic Ummah and are defeated.

"It should not be forgotten that the group that attacked the land of Israel was small in number and equipped with basic tools. If such an action were carried out with more advanced equipment and better management, what would happen!

"Additionally, it has been seen and heard multiple times through media that the Jewish state has faced a crisis in its confrontation with the faithful sons of the Ummah and is experiencing a severe shortage of military personnel, as they forcibly recruit men from their religious schools, youths who have disguised themselves among the clerics to avoid being sent to the battlefield.

"In contrast, hundreds and thousands of young Muslims are ready to go to the battlefield, but there is no one to lead them to the field of jihad."

"The Current Global Structure (Multiple Nation-States Under The Umbrella Of The United Nations And The Rule Of Unbeliever Laws) Revolves Around The Interests Of The Unbeliever West"

"2. The Oppression and Terror of the Zionist Regime

"Since then, a full year has passed, and the criminal and occupying Jewish regime has continued its ground and air attacks on residential homes day and night, and it does not stop killing the children, women, and civilians of Gaza. It even attacks refugee camps and, in the most horrific ways, massacres civilians, crimes that are not hidden from anyone. Horrifying images from Gaza are published every day.

"It is interesting that the representative of the Jewish state at the United Nations Human Rights Council expressed concern about the state of human rights in Afghanistan under Taliban rule! Here it becomes clear what the purpose of human rights is for Western societies!

A screenshot of the article

"3. The Problem Of Disunity And The Role Of National Governments

"Although it was already clear to the wise, the current global structure (multiple nation-states under the umbrella of the United Nations and the rule of unbeliever laws) revolves around the interests of the unbeliever West. Through this divisive structure, by promoting values and national interests, Muslims are being driven further apart. The more this system of governance is implemented, the more fragmented and weaker the Muslims become, while the unbelievers are united and stand together in defense after coming to help from long distances. As seen in the case of Gaza, the United States, from a distance of 11,000 kilometers, rushes to the help of the Jewish state, and never abandons it.

"Meanwhile, only a wall called a 'border' separates Egypt from Gaza, and on both sides of that wall, there are Muslims. However, the Egyptian Muslims are not allowed to send a piece of bread or a bottle of water to the starving people of Gaza, nor are they permitted to let a wounded person cross their land for treatment!

"4. The Courage And The Strength Of Faith Of The Mujahideen

"The Gaza case showed that among the children of the Ummah, there exists faith-based strength and courage, and the blessed verse of the Quran can be observed, where Allah says: 'How many a small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allah. And Allah is with the patient' – [Quran 2:249]."

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