In Dari-Language Video On Facebook, Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) Accuses Afghan Taliban Rulers Of Not Avenging China's Mistreatment Of Uyghur Muslims

September 5, 2024

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On August 22, 2024, a Facebook account publishing ISKP-related material posted a video critical of the Afghan Taliban rulers for not avenging the Chinese officials' mistreatment of Uyghur Muslims in East Turkestan (i.e., China's Xinjiang province).

The eight-minute Dari-language video, titled "Revenge, Oh Communists! Taste The Bitterness of Death," is presented by The Return Of The Khilafat Foundation, a media outlet of the Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) and focuses on the Muslims of China, particularly the Uyghurs.

The video begins with a poem, which seems to be in the Uyghur language. Along with the poem, there are pictures and scenes of Chinese Muslims, showing they are tortured by the Chinese government. Also, there is a short interview of a woman, whose name is Gulbahar Jalil, who is an Uyghur Muslim. She speaks Uyghur, and the video features Dari subtitles.

Gulbahar Jalil says that the Chinese government arrested her and other women without them having committed any crime, gave them sterilization tablets and injections, and made them forget their religion. She says that Chinese officials stripped them and tortured in different ways.

The video features a short interview of Mohammad Sohail Shaheen, head of the Afghan Taliban's Political Office in Qatar, who says that the problem of the Uyghur people is a Chinese internal matter, that they are citizens of that country, that they have their own laws, and these people must comply with that law.

A commentator says in Islamic history there were heroes who avenged wrongs done to their sisters by non-Muslims and even now there are people who are following in their footsteps who are the lions of the Islamic State and take revenge for the Muslim Uyghur sisters against the Chinese communists and their apostate friends like the Taliban.

The video mentions a November 29, 2022 attack on the Chinese by two fidayeen (martyrdom-seeking bombers) of the Islamic State in Kabul in which 30 people were killed and injured, including the Chinese and the Taliban. The video includes a pre-recorded video of a pledge of allegiance of two ISKP fighters who conducted the attack. After this, some scenes from that attack were included in the video.

Threatening the Chinese, the video says that the Islamic State fights will not tire, and that their coming attacks will be even harder. The video also asks the Taliban: "If you are protecting the unbelievers... then who is your enemy?" The video warns the Taliban that they are on the wrong path and the Islamic State will continue to fight them.

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