Expressions Of Joy Over Paris Attacks In Islamic State Provinces

November 15, 2015

The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.


Following the series of deadly attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, there have been increasing expressions of joy in various Islamic State provinces, with ISIS members handing out flyers and candy to residents on city streets. There have also been messages of joy and support from ISIS supporters in other locations, such as Gaza. Following are several examples:

The information office of the Islamic State in Al-Anbar Province, Iraq, published a series of images on November 15, showing ISIS members handing out flyers with the organization's claim of responsibility for the Paris attacks.[i]

"Printing and distributing news on the blessed France operation"

Distributing the flyers to pedestrians

The information office of the Islamic State in Tripoli Province, Libya, published images on November 15 showing its members distributing candy to residents in celebration of the Paris attacks.[ii]

"Muslims joyous over the blessed Paris raid"

Handing out candy to residents, including children, in Tripoli

On November 16, 2015, the pro-ISIS Al-Nusra Al-Maqdisya media company in Gaza published images of a masked man holding a sign expressing support for the Islamic State in the wake of the Paris attacks.[iii] The sign reads: "Supporters of the caliphate in Gaza: We congratulate the caliph of Muslims, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, for the successful blows struck [at the French] in the heart of Paris, the capital of injustice."

Image caption reads: "Congratulations from caliphate supporters in Gaza for the blessed attacks carried out in the heart of Crusader France"

[i], November 15, 2015.

[ii], November 15, 2015.

[iii], November 16, 2015.


The Cyber & Jihad Lab

The Cyber & Jihad Lab monitors, tracks, translates, researches, and analyzes cyber jihad originating from the Middle East, Iran, South Asia, and North and West Africa. It innovates and experiments with possible solutions for stopping cyber jihad, advancing legislation and initiatives federally – including with Capitol Hill and attorneys-general – and on the state level, to draft and enforce measures that will serve as precedents for further action. It works with leaders in business, law enforcement, academia, and families of terror victims to craft and support efforts and solutions to combat cyber jihad, and recruits, and works with technology industry leaders to craft and support efforts and solutions.

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