Following Joint Iraqi-American Announcement Of Talks On Future U.S. Presence In Iraq, Iran-Backed Iraqi Militias Attribute 'Victory' To 'Resistance's Strikes'; Claim Announcement Is American Attempt To Buy Time; Threaten To Continue Attacks

January 29, 2024

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On January 25, 2024, the U.S. Department of Defense and the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs published[1] official statements, reporting that the countries have agreed to launch the U.S.-Iraq Higher Military Commission (HMC), comprised of officials from both countries, to hold "high-level talks" to examine the future of forces of the U.S.-led Global Coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq. The Iraqi statement added that the talks aimed to formulate a "specific timetable" for the duration of the presence of the coalition's advisors in Iraq, with the aim of reducing it in a "gradual, examined manner." This report reviews reactions to the announcement by several Iran-backed Iraqi militias and affiliated media outlets.

Hizbullah Brigades: We Will Not Be Deceived By Americans; 'American Enemy' Only Understands Language Of Force

On January 26, Abu Ali Al-Askari, spokesperson for the Iran-backed Iraqi Hizbullah Brigades, published[2] a statement on his official Telegram channel stressing that the "resistance" is steadfast in its position against the "foreign presence" in Iraq, and will not be deceived by "what the Americans try to pass, under the title of negotiations for the withdrawal of their forces."

According to the statement, the "support and praise" of these "lies" by several "dubious" people, including Kurdish politician Masoud Barzani, whom it describes as a "Zionist," and several other Sunni leaders "linked to dubious agendas," only "increase its foolishness" and strengthen their "principled position" against the "American enemy… that only understands the language of force."

Leader Of Asa'ib Ahl Al-Haqq: Announcement Is Achievement Of Islamic Resistance, Forces Should Leave 'As Soon As Possible'

On January 25, Qais Al-Khazali, leader of Iran-backed Iraqi Asa'ib Ahl Al-Haqq militia, published[3] a post on his official Telegram channel stating that the withdrawal of the "foreign forces that entered Iraq" is an "important step in the right direction" to achieve security and stability in the country, and complete "national sovereignty." Describing the future withdrawal as an "achievement" and "great victory" achieved thanks to the efforts of the Islamic resistance and the "pure blood" sacrificed by its fighters, in addition to the "devoted national efforts" and the "national stance" of the Iraqi prime minister, the statement stresses that it is important that the forces leave "as soon as possible," without foot-dragging.

Leader Of Sayyed Al-Shuhada Brigades: U.S. Willingness To Negotiate Is Result Of Our 'Blessed Strikes'

On January 26, Abu Alaa Al-Wala'i, leader of the Iran-backed Iraqi Sayyed Al-Shuhada Brigades militia, published[4] a post on X stressing that the willingness of the "American occupation" to negotiate its withdrawal from Iraq is the result of the "blessed blood" of the martyrs of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, and their "blessed strikes" against the occupation in Iraq, Syria, and the "occupied Palestinian lands." The statement embraces the "steadfast stance" of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani on the "lack of need" for a foreign military presence in Iraq, and his "great confidence" in the capabilities of the Iraqi Armed Forces.

The statement adds that the operations of the Islamic resistance in support of Gaza will continue, and reminds the "Iraqi negotiator" that it is negotiating from a position of power, in light of the blood of the "commanders of victory," the "brave parliament resolution," the resistance fighters' "acts of heroism," and the public opposition to "any foreign presence in Iraq."

Islamic Resistance In Iraq: Announcement Is American Attempt To Buy Time; We Will Continue Attacks Against 'Foreign Presence'

On January 26, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an Iran-backed joint operations group of Iraqi militias, published[5] a statement on Telegram asserting that although the Iraqi people and resistance have long desired the withdrawal of "foreign forces," the Americans have continued to implement their "malicious agenda" in Iraq and the region. According to the statement, the U.S. would not have agreed to form the commission to discuss the status of their forces without the "strikes" of the resistance and the martyrs' "blessed" blood, as "the Americans only understand the language of force."

Describing the announcement as an attempt to "shuffle the cards" and "turn the tables" on the resistance in an attempt to buy time and perpetrate more "crimes" and "devilish plans," the statement stresses that the response of the Islamic resistance will be to continue its attacks against the "foreign presence." It adds that it would prefer that the talks concerning the "alleged withdrawal" not begin until the U.S. reveals its "true intentions" and "extent of commitment" to withdraw its forces, leave Iraq's airspace, and hand over the joint operations headquarters to Iraqi forces.

The statement warns against giving immunity to any "foreign force," and the Iraqi government and its security services against committing to protect these "murderous invaders." It concludes: "If that happens, it will constitute a historical betrayal of Iraq and the blood of its martyrs."

Telegram Channels Supporting Iran-Backed Iraqi Militias: Announcement Is 'Worthless,' American Attempt To Deceive Iraqis

On January 26, the "Writing and Analysis" Telegram channel, which supports Iran-backed militias in Iraq, published[6] a post describing "America's statements about leaving Iraq" as "worthless," explaining: "It is the resistance that calls the shots in this matter. When the drones and the ballistic missiles – including the Al-Arqab [missile] – start talking, the American voice disappears like dust under the explosions of the resistance's strikes."

On January 26, the "Al-Qiddisoun" Telegram channel, which supports Iran-backed militias in Iraq, published[7] a post claiming that the reports about "meetings and negotiations" between the Iraqi government and the "American occupation" are a "new tactic followed by the occupation and other political and media figures" planned by the "American intelligence." The post adds that it is the Islamic Resistance in Iraq that has the "final word."

Since mid-October 2023, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has claimed over 100 assaults on U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria, as well as on targets in southern and northern Israel.[8]

Iran-backed Iraqi militias continue to issue threats against U.S. forces in the country, and recently claimed to have entered the "second phase" of their attacks on Israel, by "tightening the blockade on Zionist shipping in the Mediterranean Sea and making it impossible for the ports of the oppressive entity to function."[9]

[1], January 25, 2024; Twitter, January 25, 2024.

[2] Telegram, January 26, 2024.

[3] Telegram, January 25, 2024.

[4] Twitter, January 26, 2024.

[5] Telegram, January 26, 2024.

[6] Telegram, January 26, 2024.

[7] Telegram, January 26, 2024.

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