Houthi Ansar Allah Movement Claims Red Sea Attacks On 'American Destroyer', Commercial Ship Providing 'Deceptive' Declaration About Destination

May 15, 2024

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On May 15, 2024, the armed forces of the Yemeni Houthi Ansar Allah movement claimed responsibility for attacks against U.S. warship USS MASON and cargo vessel DESTINY in the Red Sea.

The Houthis' Military Media website published a televised statement delivered by Houthi Armed Forces spokesman Yahya Sare'e, claiming that Yemeni naval forces targeted American warship USS Mason with "appropriate" anti-ship missiles in the Red Sea and achieved a direct hit.[1]

In a separate incident, the Houthi Navy's rocket force and drone force launched a "joint operation," targeting cargo vessel Destiny in the Red Sea, claiming the hit was precise. The vessel violated the ban imposed on ships headed to Israeli ports, said the statement.

According to the statement, the vessel sailed to southern Israeli port city Eilat on April 20, after it provided "deceptive" information about its final destination.

"[The ship] remained closely monitored by our armed forces, and warnings were directed to it not to enter the ports of occupied Palestine, but it insisted on violating the ban and therefore was on the list of targeted ships prohibited from sailing in the area of operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces."

Sare'e asserted that the Yemeni Armed Forces "will continue to carry out military operations in support of the oppressed Palestinian people and in defense of beloved Yemen," and that these operations "will not stop until the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted and the aggression is stopped."



[1] May 15, 2024.

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