Houthi Military Maneuver Simulates Attacking American, British, and Israeli Targets, Including Storming Israeli Towns And Capturing Soldiers

June 10, 2024

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On June 8, 2024, Houthi forces conducted a military maneuver which simulated attacks on American, British, and Israeli targets.

The Houthi Ministry of Interior's General Administration of Training and Qualification held a military maneuver, which was titled "With Gaza Until Victory." According to Yemeni Security Media – which released a statement on the maneuver[1] – the training came as part of preparations for "The Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad" and centered on preparing to attack "hypothetical sites and settlements of the Zionist enemy."

Participants in the maneuver simulated various combat scenarios, including storming Israeli towns, capturing Israeli soldiers, and assaulting positions marked by American, British, and Israeli flags.

Major General Abd Al-Fatah Al-Madani, the director general of training and qualification at the Ministry of Interior, noted to Yemeni Security Media: "The maneuver came as part of the preparation and readiness to confront the forces of hegemony and arrogance led by America, Britain, and the Zionist enemy."

Below are photos released by Yemeni Security Media documenting the maneuver.[2]

A person standing next to a car covered in a flagDescription automatically generated

A person holding a flagDescription automatically generated

A group of people sitting in front of a microphoneDescription automatically generated

A group of men in military uniformsDescription automatically generated

A group of men shooting gunsDescription automatically generated

[1] June 8, 2024.

[2] Telegram, June 10, 2024.

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