ISIS Releases Another Nasheed In French: "We Must Strike France… We Want To See Suffering And Deaths By The Thousand"

March 15, 2015

On March 15, 2015, Al-Hayat Media, the official media wing of the Islamic State (ISIS), released an audio-recording of a new nasheed (religious song) in French via a new official Twitter account (@fr__alhayat12). This is the second nasheed in French released by ISIS.[1]

The lyrics of the song, titled "We Will Not Let Ourselves Be Beaten Down," praise and justify the attack on Charlie Hebdo, urge additional attacks on French soil and warn that the "battle has begun". The last verse declares that ISIS shall dominate and  shall spread Islam by the sword.

Such songs, distributed widely online, play an important role in the organization's indoctrination and recruitment process and in maintaining morale among its fighters.

The following are the translated lyrics of the new nasheed:


We will not be beaten down

We wish to die for Allah

We will persist infighting

And leave [this world] with a smile 



Yes, Charlie Hebdo is dead, he mocked the prophets

Indeed we will kill without remorse those coming to provoke us

Why are you looking for a fight? You reap what you sow

For those with loaded weapons, it's time to revolt


We must strike France

It is time for it to be humiliated

We want to see suffering

And deaths by the thousand

The battle has begun. The revenge will be terrible

Our soldiers are enraged. Your end will be horrible


Islam will prevail, it will be spread by the sword

Those who want to oppose it will never know peace

We came to dominate and our enemies will perish

We will annihiliate them and let their bodies rot