On February 4, 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) released a video documenting Muslims celebrating in Al-Raqqa, Syria following the execution of Jordanian pilot Mu'adh Kasasbeh.
The previous day, ISIS had released a video showing Kasasbeh's execution by being burned to death.[1]
The newest video features interviews with a number of Muslims, including a young child, who express jubilation over Kasasbeh's burning. The interviews are conducted as the video of the killing plays on a large screen next to a busy street.
The video, 4:57 in duration, was released via the Twitter account @dyala_news1.
Several speakers interviewed in the video are asked to share their thoughts and feelings about the execution, and some are asked to send messages to other coalition pilots.
Asked about his favorite part of the video, the first speaker says that it was "the burning." He also notes that Kasasbeh's execution was meant as a lesson to other pilots not to bomb ISIS. Pointing to the large screen behind him where Kasasbeh's video is being screened, the speaker notes that the video shows what will befall anyone who attacks Muslims and their honor. Addressing coalition pilots, the speaker says: "By Allah, the fate of Mu'adh shall become your fate, Allah willing… [indicating the screen behind him] This is their fate, nothing new will change… what happened to Mu'adh, will happen to them, and even worse, Allah permitting."
The second speaker supports ISIS's method of choice in killing Mu'adh, and says that the pilot had deserved an even worse punishment for killing Muslims. "In regard to the execution method [of ISIS], then a punishment is related to the act [performed]. He [i.e. Mu'adh] was bombing with missiles, Muslim children and Muslim lands, so his killing should be [carried out] in a similar way, by burning [him], that is, and he deserves even more." The speaker also notes that the Muslims have been "awaiting this rejoicing for a while." Addressing coalition pilots, the speaker says: "I advise them not to fly over a place where Islamic State soldiers are present, because their fate will be like Mu'adh Kasasbeh's."
At one point in the video, when Kasasbeh is seen engulfed in flames, the crowd starts shouting "Allah Akbar."
The third interviewee, a young child, says that he was "very happy" with the video. Asked why, he responds: "Because they [i.e. ISIS] burned him." He also adds, "If [it were] me, then I would have burned him with [my own] hand." The boy further expresses his hope that other pilots are captured as well, so that they, too, can be burned. He also expresses his wish that he personally would get to burn those pilots, for, he says, they have "burned Muslims" too. Addressing coalition pilots, the child says: "Come [over], come [over], so we can burn you, inshallah." The boy also addresses the tawaghit (tyrants) in general, and says: "May Allah burn you. Oh dog Obama, send the aircraft, the Islamic State shall not be defeated. Inshallah, you and the rest of the Arab tawaghit will fall."
The fourth speaker thanks Allah for allowing ISIS soldiers to capture and kill "this apostate dog, the dog of [Jordanian king] 'Abdallah II." The speaker also hopes that ISIS wins over all other soldiers of tyrants, including those of Egypt, Jordan, "and all of America's and France's soldiers." He also prays for ISIS to overcome the "soldiers of the Jews, [so that we] eradicate them all together."
The last speaker expresses his gratitude at ISIS capture and killing of Kasasbeh, while noting that Kasasbeh's burning was a fitting punishment for his crimes.
[1] See MEMRI JTTM report WARNING – GRAPHIC: Video Shows Islamic State (ISIS) Execute Captured Jordanian Pilot By Burning Him Alive, February 3, 2015.