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A lead article in the latest issue of "Voice of Khurasan," an English-language monthly magazine published by Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS), accuses successive Hamas leaders of "suspending" Quran verses and hadiths and of collaborating with Shi'ites of Iran, undermining the true meaning of jihad and promoting non-shari'a systems, such as electoral democracy and territorial nationalism.
The article, titled "Hamas: The Right Hand Of The Rafidis And The Evil Ones Who Believe In Democracy", says that Hamas leaders from Ahmed Yassin to Yahya Sinwar have led Muslims away from the concept of the global Islamic nation and the true meaning of jihad in the path of Allah and have changed the meanings of shari'a laws.
"The path you have taken has led you away from the Kaaba and Turkestan [Xinjiang]. Know that merely fighting the Jews does not signify the truthfulness of a cause. If that were the case, then there would be no greater mujahideen than Hitler and the German soldiers, as they targeted the Jews," the article says.
It urges Hamas supporters to return to the methodology of jihad adopted by the Islamic State (ISIS): "So, Oh soldiers of Hamas, sympathizers, and supporters! If my words are bitter and provoke your anger, then get angry – get very angry. But reflect on your methodology and beliefs, for those bitter words that may lead to your salvation are far more beneficial than sweet words that may lead to your destruction. So, think deeply and return to the Quran and Sunnah."
The article appears in Issue 41 of the magazine, which is dated Jamadi-ul-Awwal 1446, in the Hijri calendar, which corresponds with the lunar month beginning November 4, 2024.[1]
A screenshot of the article
Following is the text of the article:
"If Someone's Belief Is Filled With Shirk (Polytheism) Or They Are Involved In Actions That Nullify Faith, Such As Aligning With Disbelievers, Not Only Is Their Jihad Invalid, But All Of Their Deeds Are Rejected"
"Some shari'a rulings are extremely intricate, and if one does not carefully consider these intricacies, the true essence of those rulings may be lost or distorted. Among such rulings are those concerning jihad and martyrdom. Regarding these, shari'a has left us clear guidelines, and we must take these as our standard.
"As Allah said: 'And fight them until there is no more fitnah (disbelief and polytheism and (until the religion, all of it, is for Allah alone' – (Al-Baqarah, 2:193). If we reflect on this verse, we can clearly see that jihad must be waged against disbelievers and that its purpose should be to eradicate disbelief, polytheism, and apostasy. Moreover, once disbelief is eliminated, shari'a will be implemented. Similarly, the Messenger of Allah [Muhammad], in response to a question from a companion about fighting in the way of Allah, said: 'The one who fights so that the word of Allah is supreme, he is in the path of Allah.'
"So, take this blessed verse and hadith [a saying or deed of Muhammad] as your criterion. If someone aligns with this, they are fighting in the way of Allah, and if they are killed, regardless of the circumstances, they will be considered a martyr, and the rules of martyrdom will apply to them. But if someone does not align with this, they are not mujahideen, and if they are killed, they cannot be regarded as martyrs.
"For example, if someone fights for the freedom of their homeland or to end occupation but has no intention of eradicating disbelief and implementing shari'a, such people cannot be considered mujahideen, even if the entire world calls them so. This includes many [territorial] nationalist groups and others fighting under the banner of jihad or resistance, as well as those waging war for tribe and clan.
"Similarly, many groups claim to fight in the path of Allah to defeat disbelief and disbelievers, and to end occupation. However, when it comes to implementing religion, they do not uphold Allah's entire religion but instead impose secular laws, create un-Islamic rules, or consider organizations like the United Nations and the international community as partners with Allah. Such people are neither mujahideen nor martyrs, no matter what titles they may give themselves.
"In addition to the above conditions, the most important trait a mujahid must have faith and acceptance of Allah's oneness (Tawheed). If someone's belief is filled with shirk (polytheism) or they are involved in actions that nullify faith, such as aligning with disbelievers, not only is their jihad invalid, but all of their deeds are rejected. This is because the belief in Tawheed precedes everything else.
"I introduced these preliminary points to address how some movements, organizations, and resistance groups claim to engage in jihad, martyrdom, sacrifices, and selflessness, but in reality, their fight is only a battle of ignorance and nationalism with no shari'a foundation."
"Hamas Nationalist And Rafidhi Movement, Which Outwardly Claimed To Fight Against The Jews And Free Al-Aqsa, But In Truth, They Are The Greatest Traders Of The Al-Aqsa Issue, And Their Threat Is No Less Than That Of The Jews"
"Among these groups is the Hamas nationalist and Rafidhi [[rejectionist, a pejorative term for Shi'ites] movement, which outwardly claimed to fight against the Jews and free Al-Aqsa, but in truth, they are the greatest traders of the Al-Aqsa issue, and their threat is no less than that of the Jews. In this article, we will logically examine the violations that Hamas has committed, which have caused them to leave the fold of faith.
"Hamas adheres to democracy and has adopted it as its methodology instead of shari'a. Yet, Allah said: 'And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter, he will be among the losers' – (Aal-e-Imran, 3:85). The founder of Hamas, Ahmed Yassin, was once asked: 'But the Palestinian people want a government based on democracy, why are you opposed to it?' He replied: 'I, too, want a state based on democracy, where there are multiple political parties.'
"The journalist then asked: 'What if the Communist Party wins the elections, what would be your stance?' Yassin responded: 'If the Communist Party wins, I will still respect the will of the Palestinian people!' He was then asked: 'What if the elections show that the Palestinian people want democracy with multiple parties, what will your position be then?'
"Yassin angrily replied: 'By Allah, we are the people, and the people's rights and dignity must be respected. Even if the Palestinian people reject an Islamic state, I will still respect their will and consider it sacred' – (See: Ahmed Yassin / The Miraculous Phenomenon and the Legend of Defiance, Dar al-Furqan Publishing, pp. 116-117)."
Ismail Haniyeh Said: "Whatever The Outcome In The Ballot Boxes, We Accept It Because The Ballot Boxes And Democracy [Rather Than Islamic Shari'a] Are The Only Sound And Legitimate Way"
"In an interview with Reuters on February 23, 2006, the Speaker of the Palestinian Parliament and a senior Hamas official stated: 'Hamas does not force the Palestinian people to adopt the principles of Islamic shari'a in their daily affairs. We do not close down cinemas or hotels, and no one within Hamas intends to impose shari'a by force.'
"In a similar interview with al-Arabiya TV, when a journalist asked if Hamas would recognize Israel if Israel recognized the Palestinian state, the response was: 'That is a very good question. We want the same thing that borders between us should be established. Once borders are determined, we will be more committed to democracy than the West itself. Then, we will present the issue to the Palestinian people. If they accept it, we are democrats; and we will respect their decision. If they reject it, it is the land of the Palestinians, and they are the sole rightful owners.'
"A senior Hamas official, the apostate Aziz Dweik, responded to a journalist's question as follows. Journalist: 'Is it possible that this chaotic situation will eventually have a unified solution that satisfies all Palestinians?' Aziz Dweik: 'Let's talk a bit about democracy in this regard. Democracy is always about votes and the majority's decision. That's why I say that the election ballots always show us the majority's will, and everyone must respect the majority vote.'
"Given that Hamas is strongly aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, this is the stance of all Ikhwan members. In a video clip, Dr. [Yusuf] Qaradawi said: 'We cling to democracy and believe in it. We fight for democracy, and we want a country based on democracy.'
"In a broadcast aired on Wednesday, May 10, 2005, at 7:45 PM, Ismail Haniyeh said: 'Hamas respects the will of the people. Whoever the people choose, Hamas will accept. Whatever the outcome in the ballot boxes, we accept it because the ballot boxes and democracy [rather than shari'a] are the only sound and legitimate way.'
"Until today, this is the consistent stance of Hamas and its leaders; no change has occurred, and no leader from Hamas has retracted this position. Hamas refers its matters to international and regional tyrants, who are clearly in opposition to the shari'a of Allah. Allah said: 'Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to taghut [tyrant], while they were commanded to reject it, and Satan wishes to lead them far astray' – (An-Nisa, 4:60)."
"Hamas Participates In Parliaments That Create Non-Islamic Laws, And These Parliaments [Rather Than Allah] Are Responsible For Changing And Enacting Laws"; "Hamas Provided Intelligence To The Tyrannical Egyptian Government Against The Mujahideen In The Sinai Region"
"In a video clip, the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, said: 'The government supports the national interests of the Palestinian people, protects their rights, and works for their advancement. It strives to achieve the national and patriotic goals agreed upon by the national councils, the constitution, the federal government law, and the decisions made in the Arab summits. On this basis, the government respects international law and the decisions made by the Palestinian Liberation Organization.'
"Khaled Meshaal, the leader of Hamas, while addressing a public gathering in the presence of Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, and other prominent officials, said: 'We all agree on this law, and this is what we present to our foundations and the Palestinian people. We have sought the assistance of legal experts in the drafting of this law. We have critically reviewed it both linguistically and legally. As wisdom is a sign of a believer, we have ensured that it aligns with international laws, current circumstances, and the language of humanity. The law should be understandable and free of obstacles, for that is true wisdom.'
"He further added: 'We believe in and accept democracy and partnership with others, and we respect the opinions of others. We are ready for any form of elections like those in 2006, be it provincial, national councils, factional, parliamentary, or presidential elections in Palestine... We accept the results, whatever they may be.'
"i) Hamas participates in parliaments that create non-Islamic laws, and these parliaments are responsible for changing and enacting laws.
"Allah said: 'And do not say, concerning the falsehood which your tongues utter, This is lawful, and this is unlawful, in order to fabricate lies against Allah. Indeed, those who fabricate lies against Allah will never succeed. A brief enjoyment in this world, and they will have a painful punishment' – (An-Nahl, 16:116-117).
"One of the Hamas leaders, Khaled Meshaal, said: 'The homeland cannot be divided. We do not accept two sovereignties or a divided government, nor do we want an Islamic Emirate, as it has been falsely accused of us. These are merely rumors.'
"ii) Aligning with tyrants and apostates, showing affection and cooperation with them, such as Hamas's dealings with Iran, Qatar, Turkey, and other oppressive regimes. Allah almighty said: 'Give good news to the hypocrites that there is a painful punishment for them – those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Are they seeking honor through them? Indeed, all honor belongs to Allah alone' – (An-Nisa:138-139).
"In a video clip, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar said: 'Qasem Soleimani contacted the leaders of al-Qassam and assured them that the Iranian government, the Revolutionary Guards, and the Quds Force would stand by our people with all their might to defend Al-Quds.
iii) Assisting tyrants in military campaigns and wars against monotheists, such as in the Sinai region and other places.
"Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, may Allah have mercy on him, said: 'The eighth nullifier: supporting and assisting the polytheists against Muslims,' with evidence from Allah's words: And whoever among you takes them (disbelievers) as allies, then indeed he is one of them. Indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people' – (Al-Ma'idah: 51).
"Hamas provided intelligence to the tyrannical Egyptian government against the mujahideen in the Sinai region, and they actively stood with Egypt and the Jews in fighting against the mujahideen. Additionally, Hamas's close ally, Saraya al-Quds, fought alongside the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria against the Islamic State mujahideen, and they remain involved in these battles against the mujahideen in the Syrian desert. Hamas is also a staunch supporter of the Syrian regime – (Bashar al-Assad)."
"The Head Of Hamas's Political Bureau [Khaled Meshaal] Traveled To Iran On 23rd Muharram 1427 (February 22, 2006) To Visit Khomeini's Tomb"; "Meshaal Placed A Bouquet Of Flowers On Khomeini's Grave And Said: 'Hamas Is The Spiritual Offspring Of Imam Khomeini'"
"Hamas has suspended many rulings of the Quran and Sunnah, even going so far as to criticize those who implement them, such as fighting the disbelievers and imposing jizya [tax on non-Muslims] on them. Allah almighty said: 'And none denies our signs except the disbelievers' – (Al-Ankabut: 47).
"The apostate Aziz Dweik said: 'This is my problem and the problem of all of us. We must all present our decision to the ballot boxes, and then whatever the outcome, we must accept it with open hearts and a happy spirit, as it is stated in the Book of Allah: But no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they make you (O Muhammad) judge concerning that over which they dispute – (An-Nisa: 65).' This means that in cases of disagreement, they must refer to your judgment, that is, the judgment of Allah's shari'a.
"However, the most important part of the verse is the last section: '... and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in full submission.' So, we, too, submit our fate and decision to the ballot boxes and are satisfied and happy with whatever outcome it may be.' Considering the Rafidha [rejectionist, a pejorative term for Shi'ites] as Muslims, believing their religion to be correct, and drawing closer to them.
"Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, may Allah have mercy on him, said: 'Whoever does not consider the polytheists as disbelievers, or doubts their disbelief, or believes their path is correct, such a person becomes a disbeliever.' In al-Sharq al-Qatariya newspaper, published on Friday, May 1, 1998, it was reported: 'Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, yesterday visited the tomb of the father of the Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini, and there he vowed to follow Khomeini's path. The Iranian news agency quoted Ahmed Yassin as saying: Hamas is ready to follow the path of Imam Khomeini, who led the 1979 revolution and laid the foundation for the Islamic Republic of Iran.'
"The head of Hamas's political bureau traveled to Iran on 23rd Muharram 1427 (February 22, 2006) to visit Khomeini's tomb. There, he met with Khomeini's grandson, Hassan Khomeini, and, according to the Iranian news agency, Khaled Meshaal placed a bouquet of flowers on Khomeini's grave and said: 'Hamas is the spiritual offspring of Imam Khomeini.'
"That same Khomeini who wrote in his books: 'Fatima is a divine and forceful creature who has appeared in the form of a woman. In another place, he wrote: 'If Fatima had appeared before the Prophet, she would have been given the Prophethood.' Elsewhere, he wrote: 'The Prophet was not successful in his mission.' He also wrote: 'The Quran has been altered.' He stated: 'Neither the closest angels nor the Prophets can reach the rank of the Imams.'
"Furthermore, he claimed: 'The Prophet failed in delivering the message.' And in another place, he wrote: 'We do not worship the God who created the earth and heavens and then destroys them with his own hands.' Additionally, he said: 'The companions of the Prophet were disbelievers and cursed.'
"We seek refuge in Allah from such blasphemy. The leaders of Hamas proudly consider themselves the spiritual offspring of such a cursed individual. In a video clip, Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida said: 'We thank all people, governments, and organizations, foremost of which is the Islamic Republic of Iran, the country that has never withheld its wealth, weapons, and other support from us.'"
"There Are Dozens Of Other Statements In Which Hamas Considers The Rafidhi Government Of Iran And The Rafidha As Muslims And Proudly Associates With Them"
"The former Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said: '[We] Express my gratitude to those who provided money and weapons to the resistance, particularly the Islamic Republic of Iran.' Another high-ranking Hamas official, Khaled Meshaal, upon welcoming an Iranian delegation, said: 'Hamas is delighted by your visit. Hamas presses joy in meeting Iran, the Iran that stands for Islam, resistance, and the support of the Palestinians.
"There are dozens of other statements in which Hamas considers the Rafidhi government of Iran and the Rafidha as Muslims and proudly associates with them. One cannot help but pity the supporters of Hamas, who, with what reasoning and vision, establish friendships and alliances with the fiercest enemies of the Ummah, while the Rafidha hold the following views about Ahl al-Sunnah [Sunni Muslims].
"The famous Rafidhi preacher, Ni'matullah al-Jazairi, said: We do not share the same Prophet, the same God, or the same Imam with Ahl al-Sunnah... because the God of Ahl al-Sunnah is the one who made Muhammad his prophet and appointed Abu Bakr and Umar as his successors. We do not recognize such a God or such a prophet. In fact, we say: The God whose Prophet's successor is Abu Bakr is not our God, nor is this Prophet our Prophet' – (Al-Anwar al-Azairiyyah, 2/278).
"Hamas claimed in its charter that it is an Islamic movement, but high-ranking Hamas leaders such as Khaled Meshaal, Mousa Abu Marzouk, Ismail Haniyeh, Izzat al-Rishq, Mahmoud al-Zahar, Khalil al-Hayya, Abu Zuhri, and Fawzi Barhoum unanimously state: 'Hamas is a national liberation movement, a patriotic movement for the liberation of the homeland.'
"When a journalist asked Ahmed Yassin about the fight with the Jews, he replied: 'We only want our rights, and we don't want more than our rights. We do not fight the Jews because they are Jews, nor do we hate them because they are Jews, because Jews have their own religion just as we have ours... Look, if my own brother, born of my mother and father, seizes my home and forces me out, I will fight him. I would fight my brother or my cousin if they took my house and drove me away. In the same way, the Jews took our land and our homes and forced us out, so we fight them. I am not fighting America, Britain, or anyone else; I live in peace with all, and just as I wish good for all people, I also wish good for the Jews' – (video clip)."
"Hamas's Battle Is A National Struggle, Not One Based On Creed Or Religious Law; It Is A Purely Nationalistic Conflict, And Dying In Such Battles Is Akin To Dying In Ignorance"
"The leaders of Hamas nationalist movement tie their struggle to lzz al-Din al-Qassam, who came from Syria in 1936, stepped onto the borders drawn by Sykes and Picot, and began his jihad in Palestine and the region. Hamas's battle is a national struggle, not one based on creed or religious law; it is a purely nationalistic conflict, and dying in such battles is akin to dying in ignorance.
"Listen to the statements made by Hamas leaders: Former al-Qassam leader Salah Shehadeh said in al-Jil lil-Sahafa magazine, published on 29/5/2002: 'We act according to our jihadist principles. Our slogan is that we do not fight Jews because of their Judaism, nor do we fight them because of their faith; we fight them because they are occupiers who have seized our land.'
"On 7/6/2010, in response to a question, Khaled Meshaal said, as reported by the Center for al-Zaytouna Studies and Consultations: 'So, from this, I understand that your issue with the Jews is not religious, but purely political. Is that correct?'
"Khaled Meshaal, in response, said: 'We respect all religions. We do not fight Israel because it is a Jewish state but because they have occupied our land. We have no problem with Christians or Jews. Our issue is with those who occupy our land. Our problem is with the occupation, not with religion. We do not wage a religious war, nor are we against Jews or Christians. We do not issue declarations against them. We resist only those who occupy our land and attack us. My goal is that this land, especially Palestine, is the cradle of the prophets and religions, and for centuries, we have lived with tolerance toward all. This is Hamas's position.
"Likewise, on the 25th anniversary of Hamas's founding, in front of thousands, he said: 'We do not fight Jews because they are Jews. We fight only the Zionist occupiers, and we will fight anyone who tries to attack or invade us. We fight those who fight us, who attack us, who besiege us, and who violate our sanctities. Hamas's crimes do not stop there. If we were to detail them, it might fill several books."
"Those Who Today Support Hamas – Whether The Nationalistic Taliban, Al-Qaeda Supporters, Or Other Groups That Claim Jihad Under A Nationalistic Guise – Turn A Blind Eye To Hamas's Kufr (Disbelief) And Shirk (Polytheism) Only Because The Mujahideen Of The Islamic State Declare Hamas As Disbelievers"
"However, we have presented here just a few of the major crimes of Hamas and have provided documented statements from Hamas officials so that readers do not think the article is making false accusations or slander. Those who today support Hamas – whether the nationalistic Taliban, al-Qaeda supporters, or other groups that claim jihad under a nationalistic guise – turn a blind eye to Hamas's kufr (disbelief) and shirk (polytheism) only because the mujahideen of the Islamic State declare Hamas as disbelievers. They should consider some of Hamas's condemnations:
"Hamas condemned the September 11, 2001, attacks on the Pentagon and economic centers in the U.S. When asked about the attacks, Khaled Meshaal replied: 'Yes, of course, we do not support killing civilians. The people killed in the American towers were innocent, and we firmly state that we reject and condemn the killing of Americans within the United States' – (Al-Mustaqbal Al-Arabi, 07/06/2010).
"When the French magazine Charlie Hebdo insulted the Prophet and made caricatures of him, three heroes – two of them the Kouachi brothers and the third, Coulibaly – carried out an attack on its office, killing 12 individuals responsible for the insult.
"This brave attack was praised worldwide. However, Hamas strongly condemned the attack, and according to a report by Agence France Presse, Hamas issued a statement saying: 'We condemn the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine office in Paris, and freedom of expression and thought does not justify killing innocent people' – (Al-Jazeera TV, 11/01/2015).
"When Abu Musab az-Zarqawi, may Allah have mercy on him, was martyred, some news reports circulated claiming that Hamas issued messages of condolence regarding his death. Hamas quickly released a statement rejecting these reports, stating: We have not issued any messages of condolence regarding Zarqawi's death. All parties should exercise caution and not fall for rumors' – (Media Office, Monday, 16 Jumada al-Awwal 1427 AH)."
"The Objectives And Conditions Of Jihad Are Very Clear; Those Who Accept The Laws Of Global Disbelief, Ally With Tyrants And Polytheists, And Commit Numerous Acts That Undermine Islam Can Never Be Considered Mujahideen"
"When Osama bin Laden, may Allah have mercy on him, was martyred, Ismail Haniyeh stated at that time: America killed an Arab who was defending a just cause. The then-deputy of Hamas's political bureau, Musa Abu Marzouk, hastily issued a statement saying that Ismail Haniyeh's remarks represented his personal opinion and did not reflect Hamas's position.
"There are many contradictions within Hamas that cannot be fully explored in this brief document, but it is sufficient to note that they have engaged in treacherous and deceitful dealings concerning the Palestinian issue, profiting from the blood and bones of the oppressed, and the ruins of Gaza.
The magazine's table of contents
"They credit Iranian Rafidha, Hezbollah's Lebanese Rafidha, Yemeni Houthis, Syrian Nusayris, and Iraqi Shia militias for their gains, aiming to use the Palestinian issue as a means to absolve the Rafidha from the atrocities they have committed in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and the region while attempting to erase the bloodshed suffered by the oppressed. They wish to transform the decades of oppression by the Iranian Rafidha into the achievements of heroes within the Ummah instead of exposing the tyrants and aggressors.
"Liberating Palestinian land from the Jews (which these traders may not be able to achieve) does not count as jihad if they establish a republic and democracy in place of it. If the Rafidha's polytheistic slogans replace the cries of the Jews in the streets, then that is not jihad, nor are those who die in that way, martyrs. The objectives and conditions of jihad are very clear. Those who accept the laws of global disbelief, ally with tyrants and polytheists, and commit numerous acts that undermine Islam can never be considered mujahideen.
"So, O soldiers of Hamas, sympathizers, and supporters! If my words are bitter and provoke your anger, then get angry – get very angry. But reflect on your methodology and beliefs, for those bitter words that may lead to your salvation are far more beneficial than sweet words that may lead to your destruction. So, think deeply and return to the Quran and Sunnah. The path you have taken has led you away from the Kaaba and Turkestan [Xinjiang]. Know that merely fighting the Jews does not signify the truthfulness of a cause. If that were the case, then there would be no greater mujahideen than Hitler and the German soldiers, as they targeted the Jews.
"Rather, the mark of truth lies in fighting for the sake of monotheism, upholding the word of Allah, and avoiding all forms of shirk and disbelief. Instead of grasping the staff of falsehood, which will ruin both your worldly life and your hereafter, hold on to the strong rope of truth so that you may succeed in both this world and the next. Then, your slogan will be more fitting: 'Indeed, to jihad is victory and martyrdom!' And our duty is only to deliver the clear message [of Allah]."
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