Islamic State (ISIS) Critic Claims 'Abd Al-Qader Mu'min, Governor Of Somalia Province, Is ISIS Caliph, Still Alive

July 3, 2024

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On July 2, 2024, an anti-Islamic State (ISIS) channel on the Al-Qaeda-operated Rocket.Chat server, "Qanat Fadh 'Ubbad Al-Baghdadi Wal-Hashemi" [the Channel to Expose the Worshippers of Al-Baghdadi and Al-Hashemi], published[1] a post claiming that "pious brothers" from Somalia had confirmed to them that 'Abd Al-Qader Mu'min, the head of ISIS' Somalia province and Al-Karrar office, is the current ISIS caliph known as Abu Hafs Al-Hashemi Al-Qurashi, in charge of the organization's affiliates worldwide. It adds that according to the sources, Mu'min is alive.

ISIS' Al-Karrar office is reportedly responsible for the group's Somalia, Central Africa, and Yemen provinces.

The channel claims that according to its sources, ISIS operatives in Somalia were not aware of the identity of the group's leader when they pledged allegiance to him.

It asserts that the matter raises "many questions," such as whether "those in charge" of ISIS' Yemen Province, which belongs to the Al-Karrar office, "played a role" in Mu'min's appointment, and whether ISIS official spokesperson Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari has a connection to the Yemen Province's media bureau. It explains that "many brothers" have confirmed that ISIS operatives in Yemen are familiar with Al-Ansari's voice, as well as the voice of the narrator of audio messages by ISIS' Al-Furqan media outlet.

On June 18, following American media reports about the possible killing of Mu'min in a May 31 U.S. airstrike in Somalia, the channel published a post declaring it "unlikely" that Mu'min is the current ISIS leader, explaining that he lacks necessary skills for the position.[2] A post published[3] by the channel on January 27, 2023 provided a letter by Mu'min, referring to him as the "slain Emir of the Somalia Province." There were no media reports of Mu'min's death at the time, suggesting that it might have been a mistake.

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