Issue 38 Of ISKP Magazine 'Voice Of Khurasan' Eulogizes Slain Al-Qaeda Leader Osama Bin Laden: 'Osama Risked Burning Like A Candle To Illuminate His Surroundings'

September 11, 2024

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A lead article in the current issue of the "Voice of Khurasan," an English-language monthly magazine published by Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS), rejects the argument that Islam is a religion of tolerance and eulogizes the slain Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. The article, titled "On The Path Of Being A Faithful Servant – 5," is part five in a series about former jihadi commanders. A PDF copy of the magazine was shared on Telegram.

The Islamic State (ISIS) considers Osama bin Laden as well as founder of Afghan Taliban movement late Mullah Mohammad Omar as authentic jihadi leaders while arguing that their successors and followers have deviated from the methodology of jihad advocated by Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

Questioning Islamic scholars who support Muslim governments and disparage the mujahideen, the article reads: "Osama [bin Laden] risked burning like a candle to illuminate his surroundings. Those who strip religion of its seriousness, who abolish the concept of jihad and enslave Muslims should not forget that their masters will be humiliated with the help of Allah." The article also notes that the Palestinian intelligence service arrested jihadi fighters and handed them over to Israel, while also accusing Turkey of applying a double standard to the mujahideen. The article appears in Issue 38, dated Safar 1446, in the Hijri calendar, which corresponds with the lunar month beginning August 5, 2024.

Osama bin Laden was killed in May 2011 (image: X)

Following is the text of the article:   

"The Biggest Lie Of The Century: Islam Is A Religion Of Tolerance; Osama [Bin Laden] Investigated The Falsehood Of This Statement"

"The Biggest Lie Of The Century: Islam Is A Religion Of Tolerance.

"Osama [bin Laden] investigated the falsehood of this statement and asked himself the question: 'What faith, ideology or faction would have smiled and extended the olive branch in the face of all these atrocities?' Which tolerance? Tolerance for those who break down the doors of houses at 5 in the morning without any regard for privacy and traumatize children? Is it tolerance for those who apply such cruelty against Muslims that is not applied to a murderer, pedophile, rapist or drug trafficker? Let's go one step further. Let's look at Abu Ghraib prison.

"Let's look at Guantanamo. Let's look at the chaste and honorable women of Islam who are made to drink semen in cups. Let's look at the rape of a 14-year-old hafiz [one who has memorized the Quran] girl just because her name was Aisha. Let's look at the young man who was tied to a pole and burned alive in the street because his name was Omar. All of these have happened in the last 20 years, and they happened in Mesopotamia [i.e., Iraq].

"Turkey is no different from this. In Turkey, these atrocities are only fancied up. Didn't the CIA, who persecuted our sister Aafia Siddiqi, tear the pages of the Quran and soil them with her blood, while playing on the emotions of other prisoners to rape her? Did our ears, incapable of hearing the truth, not hear sister Nur's cries for help? Have we forgotten the trauma of the father who asked for help from [Bashar] Assad's forces to rescue his daughter who disappeared in Syria, only to find her naked and bringing coffee with milk?  

"What is the crime of a Muslim? Is it that he is Sunni? Is it that he is not a Rafidhi [Shi'ite]? If Osama had the stomach and the spirit, he would have investigated further, but what he saw and learned would not end his hatred even if he slaughtered all the infidels of the world."

"Until Yesterday, There Was Osama Bin Laden; The Fearless Sword Of Islam Who Gave America Nightmares; They Called Him A Terrorist And Brought All NATO Countries Into Afghanistan"

"Today, the intelligence service in Turkey is pouring money abundantly into the 'religious' sects, whose weakness is women. It offers the most beautiful women to the so-called muftis [Islamic clerics who deliver edicts], taking advance of their weakness is women. It offers men to sect leaders who are homosexual. It gives houses to those who want houses and cars to those who want cars.

"And it pays for these with the taxes it collects from prostitution, drugs, and child trafficking. They have invented a cover for this called the 'secret fund.' And what do they offer to pedophile perverts with a weakness for children in exchange for information? When someone takes up arms against them, they are called terrorists.

"Until yesterday, there was Osama bin Laden. The fearless sword of Islam who gave America nightmares. They called him a terrorist and brought all NATO countries into Afghanistan in the name of peacekeeping forces. Turkey could not do without fulfilling the orders of America, of which it was a slave.

"NATO has a rule like this called Article 3 [sic., Article 5]: If any NATO country is attacked by another country or a terrorist organization, all NATO countries have to respond to this attack on that member country. So why don't the countries that attack Afghanistan for terrorism attack the PKK? Since Turkey is a NATO country and the PKK has attacked Turkey, why can't these countries unite and erase the PKK from existence?

"Because the PKK is the biggest subject on which to campaign for elections in Turkey. Because Turkey is the biggest manufacturer of terrorism. The people of Turkey need to answer this question: What does that photo of Abdullah Ocalan, Cem Ersever and Abdullah Çatlı (The first one is the founder of the PKK and the other two were tools of the deep state and the secret service) playing soccer in the same frame mean? Are the Turkish people in a simulation?"

"Whenever A Group Comes Out And Fights Against The Kuffar [Unbelievers], For Some Reason It Is [Dismissed By Puppet Islamic Religious Clerics As] Either An American Plot Or A Jewish Project"

"Are they [Turkish people] ruled by a single button? Are they afraid to question? Do they not have their own free will? Have they forgotten Allah, the Lord of the worlds, to whom they will give an account? Those who brainwash these people are the puppet clerics who sell utopia from fancy masjids [mosques].

"The same puppet clerics are the first to throw mud whenever a bearded mujahid takes the field with his weapon. Have they forgotten the hadith [saying] of the Prophet [Muhammad]: 'There will always be a group from my Ummah who will fight until the Day of Judgment and those who oppose them will not be able to harm them?'

"The names may change but the prophetic method never changes. These clerics are nothing but infidels who oppose the prophet. Either they can show this group fighting or they can wait for the Day of Judgment with their slander.

"Whenever a group comes out and fights against the kuffar [unbelievers], for some reason it is [dismissed by puppet Islamic religious clerics as] either an American plot or a Jewish project. They are nothing but religious dancers, women in beards and turbans who dress up their cowardice as if it is not something the mujahideen can do on their own. Don't these people who attribute weakness to Islam also attribute weakness to Allah? The cowardly robes who are fooling the West in the name of moderate Islam will never be able to tell the truth."

"Didn't The Palestinian Intelligence Service Capture The Mujahideen Who Were Going To Attack The Jews And Hand Them Over To Israel?"

"Let's turn our eyes to yesterday. There were the mujahideen that were attacked because they called it a Jewish project. 80 countries attacked and chemical weapons and bombs were used, which were considered war crimes. Thousands of women were captured, and thousands of children were killed.

"Today, the same massacre is taking place in Gaza. Why don't the despicable tyrants, who united under 80 flags and attacked the Islamic State under the pretext that it was a Jewish project, attack Israel today? Why is this genocide only condemned?

"Didn't the Palestinian intelligence service capture the mujahideen who were going to attack the Jews and hand them over to Israel? Didn't the apostate Mahmoud Abbas swear that 'Israel has the right to live in security?' When will this humanity open its eyes? Turkey has made Gaza and Palestine nothing but an election campaign issue with the cry of 'Al-Quds is our red line' every time."

"In Islam, Being A Mujahid Is Not A Crime But The Greatest Honor; The Pinnacle Of Islam Is Jihad; The Muslim Who Does Not Scare His Enemy Should Question His Faith"

"Osama [bin Laden] had sworn to Allah that he would 'pierce the ears that should hear with piercing blows all the truths they rejected.' Islam is not a religion of tolerance. Islam is tolerant toward Muslims who protect Allah's borders. It is tolerant toward the People of the Book who do not harm the religion [of Islam] and pay the jizya [tax on non-Muslims]. Those who do not are doomed to face the harshness of Islam.

"Those who think that Islam is only about knowledge, advice and dawah [call to Islam], and are afraid to talk about jihad, then let them try to remove the oppression of the Islamic Ummah today by only dawah. Let them stop the rape and massacre by giving polite advice to the enemy. They are wrong. It is the sword that will erase all these mistakes.

"In Islam, being a mujahid is not a crime but the greatest honor. The pinnacle of Islam is jihad. The Muslim who does not scare his enemy should question his faith. If this sword had been wielded properly, these atrocities would not be committed today. The time for a response in kind is near."

"Because Osama Was A Muslim, Those Who Had Been Martyred And Those Who Were Now In Prison Were Now Osama's Brothers"; "You Can Be Enemies With Those Who Have Blood Ties, But You Cannot Be Enemies With Those Who Have Religious Ties"

"Osama had become a Muslim and it was not in his nature to stop or sit still. The first ones to catch his eye were the apostates dressed in the shirts of Islam who criticized the mujahideen with their unclean tongues.

"Who else could he look up to but the Prophet [Muhammad], who ordered the death of a Jew for frightening a Muslim woman. He had sworn to make Turkey pay the price in the name of Allah, even if he was alone, against Turkey, which was breeding its own terrorists. How could he be harmed except by Allah's will?

A screenshot of the article under review

"Because Osama was a Muslim, those who had been martyred and those who were now in prison were now Osama's brothers. Because the bond of religion is stronger than the bond of blood. You can be enemies with those who have blood ties, but you cannot be enemies with those who have religious ties.

"Because it is necessary to love for the sake of Allah and to be enemies for the sake of Allah. Because hatred for the enemy comes before fighting the enemy. 'If this is terrorism, then yes, I am a terrorist now,' Osama said, because terrorism is terrorizing, and terrorizing the enemies of Allah is obligatory in the Book [Quran] and Sunnah [traditions of Muhammad].

"Allah almighty says: 'Prepare against them what you believers can of military power and cavalry to deter Allah's enemies and your enemies as well as other enemies unknown to you but known to Allah. Whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be paid to you in full and you will not be wronged' – (An-Anfal 60)."

"There Are Young Men In The Mountains Who Have Made A Covenant Of Death; There Are Brothers In The Deserts Waiting For Revenge"

"Osama expressed the fire of revenge burning inside him in two sentences as he walked through the streets of his city that reeked of insincerity: 'Everyone should prepare their nights. Because they will have many regrets to face.' Let the traitors who sold the martyrs prepare for the day when the martyrs will be avenged.

"Those who drown in questions while denying the existence of Allah will be introduced to Allah himself. Those who oppress our sisters will have revenge taken on them through their own women. Allah never forgets. People forget, but Allah reminds.

The magazine's table of contents

"Osama risked burning like a candle to illuminate his surroundings. Those who strip religion of its seriousness, who abolish the concept of jihad and enslave Muslims should not forget that their masters will be humiliated with the help of Allah. There are young men in the mountains who have made a covenant of death. There are brothers in the deserts waiting for revenge.

"There are brave men who fuel their hatred to uproot cities. In the cold, there are lions waiting for the day when they will be warmed by the blood of the infidel. In the heat, there are soldiers who will be refreshed by the death of the oppressor. There are leaders who will sit on the throne of lordship of this world.

"This Ummah has Umar, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Ali, Uthman, Abu Ubaydah bin Jarrah, Bara bin Malik, Anas bin Nadr, Muaz, Zayd and Osama! Allah willing, they will exist until the Day of Judgment. So how long do the enemies of Allah think they can stand against these lions?"


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