Jihadis On Telegram Continue To Celebrate Dagestan Attacks; Variously Claim Perpetrators Linked To Al-Qaeda, UK-Based Chechen Politician; Predict Attacks Will Lead Russia To Announce Support For Hamas, Iran

June 25, 2024

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In recent days, jihadi channels and media outlets have continued to publish posts celebrating the June 23 attacks in Russia's southern Republic of Dagestan, for which no group has yet to claim responsibility.[1] This report reviews a selection from these posts.

Prominent Al-Qaeda Supporter Celebrates Dagestan Attacks, Claims Perpetrators Are Al-Qaeda Supporters

On June 23, 2024, Warith Al-Qassam, a prominent Al-Qaeda supporter, published[2] a series of posts on Telegram reporting on the attacks in Dagestan in real time. Noting that the "blessed operation" had ended, he asked Allah to accept the "heroes" who perpetrated it as martyrs, adding: "This is how Gaza is supported and rights are reclaimed, and it does not matter who perpetrated the operation."

A day later, Al-Qassam claimed[3] that the "final toll" of the operation was 66 dead and injured, including Jews, "Crusaders," and a police official.

On June 25, Al-Qassam wrote[4] that according to "primary information" from "Russian intelligence," the assailants were linked to Al-Qaeda. He further claimed that the "coordinator" of the attacks was a cousin of Magomed Omarov, the head of Dagestan's Sergokalinsky district, whose two sons were reported among the perpetrators.[5] He also alleged that Omarov did not inform the authorities about his relatives' ideological support of Al-Qaeda despite being aware of it. Another post claimed[6] that Russian intelligence confirmed finding "jihadi materials" on the perpetrators' cellphones.

Pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Telegram Channel Justifies Killing Of Russian Orthodox Priest

On June 24, the pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Telegram channel "Bariqah Media Agency" shared[7] a photo of a priest reportedly killed in the Dagestan attacks. Later that day, the channel published[8] a photoset showing Russian priests and soldiers standing together, and wrote: "Russian priests and the unbeliever Russian army have a close relationship. A Christian priest is always present to bless the soldiers' weapons before battles, as they did in the wars in Chechnya, Afghanistan, and Syria."

Jihadi Telegram Channel: Dagestan Attacks Perpetrated To Divide Russia At Behest Of UK-Based Chechen Politician; Will Lead Russia To Announce Support For Hamas, Iran

On June 24, the jihadi Telegram channel "Abu 'Ubaydah Al-Naqadi" published[9] a post predicting that Ukraine's use of American weapons against Russian targets and the Dagestan attacks would cause Russia to publicly announce its support for Hamas and Iran in the following days.

Referring to Ukraine's recent launches of U.S.-made ATACMS missiles towards Russian targets in Crimea, which resulted in the killing of four children, the post claims that the missile attack constitutes "official [American] support," and that the U.S. granted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy "security permission" to use its weapons against targets "deep in Russia," in violation of American and international laws. It stresses that Zelenskyy entangles the U.S. by forcing it to fight on his side, asserting: "He is a dead person!"

Addressing the Dagestan attacks, the post estimates that their perpetrators were "followers" of Chechen politician and military figure Akhmed Zakayev, who the writer believes is located in the UK. He further claims that the goal of the attacks was to create "divisions" and "internal fighting" in Russia.

The post predicts that following these events, Russian President Vladimir Putin will publicly announce support for Hamas and "all Iranian wings" in the following days, asserting: "This means a devastating danger for Israel, as the quality of weapons always makes a difference in the number of casualties."

[2] Telegram, June 23, 2024.

[3] Telegram, June 24, 2024.

[4] Telegram, June 25, 2024.

[5] Politico.eu, June 24, 2024.

[6] Telegram, June 25, 2024.

[7] Telegram, June 24, 2024.

[8] Telegram, June 24, 2024.

[9] Telegram, June 24, 2024.

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