Newly-Formed Iran-Backed Militant Group Issues Statement Threatening To Overthrow Saudi Government If Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Is Not Deposed Within A Month

May 28, 2024

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here. 

On May 23, 2024, the Committee for the Liberation of the Arabian Peninsula, a newly formed Iran-backed militant organization, issued a statement demanding that the Saudi royal family relieve Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of his duties within one month. If not, the committee threatened to overthrow the Saudi Government by force.

The statement, which was issued on Telegram and X, was numbered "0001."[1] It was the first publication posted by the Committee for the Liberation of the Arabian Peninsula on its social media accounts. The organization's account on X (formerly Twitter) was created in May 2024[2] and links to its Telegram channel, which was created on May 26, 2024.[3]

According to the statement's title, it was authored by the committee's "military special operations – (Ababil) drones wing." The Ababil drone is an Iranian-made tactical drone.

The committee's logo, which features prominently on the statement, depicts an Ababil bird flying over the Arabian Peninsula with silhouettes of six Ababil drones surrounding it.

A gold and black logo with a bird and butterfliesDescription automatically generated

The logo of the Committee for the Liberation of the Arabian Peninsula.

The Saudi Royal Family Must Depose Crown Prince Within A Month Or Face Armed Resistance

The statement reads in full: "In view of the current conditions of the people of the Arabian Peninsula – or what is called Saudi Arabia – in terms of poverty, unemployment, cessation of services, detainment, suppression, taxes, prevention from travel, the spread of prostitution, debauchery, sexual immorality, perversion, degeneracy, depravity, and the spread of drugs – in view of the above:

"We, in the Committee for the Liberation of the Arabian Peninsula, demand from the Al Saud Family that it quickly redress the affairs of governance, and implement urgent steps to depose Mohammed bin Salman and reinstate the mandate of the Allegiance Council before [Mohammed] bin Salman reformed it. If bin Salman is not deposed by Al Saud within a month from today, then we will consider the whole [family] as being complicit in the current state of affairs, and we will target everything within our reach. The people who taste the bitterness of poverty and the curse of hunger and unemployment have decided to overthrow the rule of bin Salman by force.

"The profits of the resources of oil, gas, gold, and minerals which bin Salman granted to America, Britain, and Israel – as he undermined them with entertainment and festivals – will be returned to the people in spite of him. Tomorrow is just a day away."

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Muslim Pilgrims Should Condemn "Zionist Massacres," Express Solidarity With The Organization

Separately, on May 26, the Committee issued a second statement addressed to Muslims making pilgrimage to holy sites in Saudi Arabia.[4] The statement called on pilgrims to express "solidarity" with the organization, and to condemn the "Zionist massacres against the people of Gaza and Rafah" on the Day of Arafah – the second day of the haj pilgrimage - which will fall on June 15-16, 2024.

Additionally, the statement urged the Saudi Government to stop normalization with Israel and to provide aid to Gaza and Rafah "by force." In conclusion, it noted: "We call on Muslims to support the Palestinian people in their armed resistance to keep Palestine as the ever-present cause of the Arab and Islamic ummah."

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[1] X, May 23, 2024.

[2] X.

[3] Telegram.

[4] X, May 26, 2024.

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