In Pashtu-Language Article, Hizb-ut-Tahrir Afghanistan Criticizes Afghan Taliban For Ties With Russia: 'Russia Has A Policy Of Hostility And War Against Islam'; The Taliban 'Government's Closeness With Russia Provokes Other International Hegemonic Powers'

June 25, 2024

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On June 11, 2024, Hizb-ut-Tahrir Afghanistan published a Pashtu-language article about the Taliban-Russia relations, accusing Russia of creating links with the Taliban for its own benefits and blaming the Taliban rulers for prioritizing economic relations over Dawah ("preaching, invitation") and jihad.

The Pashtu-language article is titled "Conflicting Opinions Of Russian Political And Military Officials About The Current [Taliban] Government Of Afghanistan" and is written by Faridullah Ahrar. The writer notes that the political and diplomatic leaders of Russia praise the Taliban, while Russian military officials warn of terror attacks from Afghanistan.

He also criticizes Afghan Taliban for not implementing an Islamic foreign policy. "It has been almost three years that the current government has failed to implement Islam's foreign policy, i.e., Dawah and Jihad, and instead of Dawah and Jihad, it has chosen economy-oriented politics. So, this policy of the current government has caused Russia to act to establish good relations with the current government," he writes.

Following is the text of the article, as translated from Pashtu:

"The Russian Political And Diplomatic Institutions Highly Praise The Policies Of The Current [Taliban] Government, Support Them On The International Diplomatic And Even Economic Stages"; "But At The Same Time, Russian Military And Intelligence Authorities Have Repeatedly Considered Afghanistan To Be The Center Of Terrorism"

"In many countries, politicians and soldiers have conflicting opinions about the current [Taliban] government of Afghanistan. Russia is also a country whose politicians have a very positive and constructive opinion about the current government of Afghanistan. In order to use the current government in international political and regional geopolitical games, Russian politicians want to bring it closer to themselves. But the military officials call the current government a real and potential security and strategic threat to the region and Russia.

"The Russian political and diplomatic institutions highly praise the policies of the current government, support them on the international diplomatic and even economic stages, and want to have extensive political and economic relations with the Emirate. For example, recently, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice requested the Russian President Putin to remove the names of the leaders of the current government from the list of terrorists. Therefore, the current government officials participated in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"But at the same time, Russian military and intelligence authorities have repeatedly considered Afghanistan to be the center of terrorism and extremism in their term, and the current situation in Afghanistan is very dangerous for the region and Russia.

"Russian Defense Minister Andrey Removich Belousov said at the meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers of the Collective Security Organization that Afghanistan is the main source of insecurity for the countries of Central Asia. He said to this meeting in Kazakhstan: 'The situation in Afghanistan is the main source of insecurity and instability for Central Asia, where many radical groups have found a place to operate and are trying to promote their ideas in neighboring countries.'"

"Russia Is Facing Economic Challenges After The War In Ukraine, And Its Trade Relations With Europe And The West Have Been Cut; From This Point Of View, The Russians Consider Afghanistan A Good Market For Russia And Central Asian Countries"

"In this article, we try to discuss the purposes of these contradictory statements of the political and military authorities of Russia: why do the Russians support the current government of Afghanistan and why do they call Afghanistan a center of terrorism and security instability at the same time?

"Russia sees the current situation in Afghanistan and the current government as a very important opportunity to secure its national interests. The reasons why Russia wants to have a wider interaction with the current government are as follows:

"First: The Russians want to gradually turn Afghanistan into their sphere of influence and compete with America here. This is possible when the current government is given some concessions and finally the officials of the current government will make themselves available in exchange for these concessions.

"Currently, Afghanistan is facing serious problems from the economic side, and from the political side; only China and Russia are apparently supporting the current government. Therefore, this situation causes the officials of the current government to favor Russia and open diplomatic and economic channels with Russia instead of America.

An Afghan Taliban delegation led by the Taliban Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Abdul Manan Omari arrived in St. Petersburg on June 5 (image courtesy: Tass)

"Second: Russia's eyes are on Afghanistan's mineral resources, Afghanistan's mines and precious stones. Russia wants to invest in mining in Afghanistan and extract the mines of Afghanistan which are very close to Russia. Also, Russia is facing economic challenges after the war in Ukraine, and its trade relations with Europe and the West have been cut.  

"From this point of view, the Russians consider Afghanistan a good market for Russia and Central Asian countries. Besides this, Afghanistan can be used as a corridor for energy and other commercial goods to South Asia. Therefore, they consider the current situation in Afghanistan as an opportunity to strengthen their national economy."

"Russia Is Killing Our Muslim Brothers And Sisters In Syria, Libya And Other Islamic Lands Right Now; Therefore, One Should Not Get Close To A Country That Is Hostile To Islam"

"Third: After coming to power, the current government started a very serious struggle to suppress ISIS and almost reduced the armed activity of this group in Afghanistan. In addition, the current government controlled and managed the mujahideen of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Chechnya, and other Central Asian countries, who fought in Afghanistan for almost 20 years against the American occupation and has taken control over the daily life of these mujahideen. This is important for Russia and Central Asia.

"One of the main reasons behind the statements of the Russian military officials [warning of terror activities in Afghanistan] is to encourage the current [Taliban] government to strengthen the policy of elimination and pressure against all Islamic groups that Russia and Central Asia consider a threat to themselves. Also, criticism of military officials and political officials can be a purpose of encouraging the current government to a deal.

"We should keep in mind as to what are the politics of that country in relation to Islam and other Muslims in establishing bilateral relations with any country? Russia has a policy of hostility and war against Islam and Muslims for a long time. Russia is killing our Muslim brothers and sisters in Syria, Libya and other Islamic lands right now. Therefore, one should not get close to a country that is hostile to Islam and Muslims for its own interests and material benefits."

"The More The Current [Taliban] Government Follows The Politics And Principles Of The Nation-State, The More It Attracts Russia And The West"

"In addition, the current [Taliban] government's closeness with Russia provokes other international hegemonic powers and this causes Afghanistan to once again become a political and strategic playground. In general, it can be said that the current government, no matter how much it gets away from Islamic brotherhood and Islamic politics, it will come as much closer to Russia and even the West. The more the current government follows the politics and principles of the nation-state, the more it attracts Russia and the West.

"In addition to this, it has been almost three years that the current government has failed to implement Islam's foreign policy, i.e. Dawah and Jihad, and instead of Dawah and Jihad, it has chosen economy-oriented politics. So, this policy of the current government has caused Russia to take action to establish good relations with the current government.

"Unfortunately, by implementing such policies, the current government has prioritized the benefits of this mortal world instead of the hereafter. It thinks that with the full implementation of Islam, its relations with the world will deteriorate and it will face challenges. While Allah says: ... But you prefer the present life. Even though the Hereafter is better and more lasting..."

Source: X, June11, 2024.

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