Poster By Pro-ISIS Outlet Glorifies Suicide Attacks: 'Nearing Death Is The Way Of Life'

June 24, 2024

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On June 20, 2024, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) media outlet released a poster glorifying suicide bombing.

The outlet, Al-Taqwa Media Foundation, shared the Arabic-language poster on Telegram.[1] The poster was titled "Nearing Death is the Way of Life," and featured several images of suicide bombers, who recently carried out operations in various ISIS provinces.

The poster's text was an excerpt taken from an article which was published in issue 61 of Al-Naba', ISIS's weekly newsletter. The text encouraged Muslims to take after the first generation of Muslims, who, it said, sought martyrdom in the path of Allah.

A poster with text and images of peopleDescription automatically generated


[1] Telegram, June 20, 2024.

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