Saudi Daily: Senior IRGC Officer Holds Meeting With Iraqi Militias To Consider Their Proposals To Support Hizbullah In War Against Israel

June 27, 2024

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On June 25, 2024, the London-based Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published a report citing four unnamed sources, stating that Tehran is considering several options proposed by the militias it backs in Iraq on ways to support Lebanese Hizbullah in the event of a border war with Israel. [1]

The report claimed that "initial plans" were discussed in a recent meeting in Baghdad between an IRGC officer and representatives of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

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Iraqi Plans To Send Logistical Support Via Beirut Airport, Despite Hizballah's Rejection

The sources told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) representative agreed to attend the meeting after extensive contacts between Iraqi faction leaders, who expressed their desire to 'transition" their operation into Lebanon. The sources also claimed that the meeting was held in response to an "urgent request" to Tehran submitted by Lebanese Hizbullah, asking Iran to exercise control over Iraqi factions to prevent them from taking impulsive actions.

The report noted that despite Hizbullah's rejection of offers of support from Iran-backed Iraqi, Iranian, Syrian, and Yemeni militias, which wanted to send fighters to Lebanon, the Iraqi factions nevertheless proceeded in developing plans to support Hizbullah, presenting Tehran with a set of options, including providing weapons, missiles, drones, and fighters, if necessary.

Further, the Iraqi factions proposed establishing a supply line using Beirut International Airport. The proposal was not welcomed by Tehran nor Hizbullah, said the sources.

Hizbullah questioned the Iraqi factions' familiarity with the Lebanese domestic scene, claiming that their lack of insight in this regard could impact their ability to make decisions on the battlefield, said the report.

The report outlined some options proposed by the Iraqi militias, which the IRGC found "interesting" – such as establishing a secure supply line to transport weapons, missiles, and drones to southern Lebanon. According to the plan, the Iraqi factions will redeploy their presence in Syria to positions that enable them to send support to Hizbullah in Lebanon.

The report claimed that Qais Al-Khazali, leader of the militia Asaib Ahl Al-Haq, who attended the meeting, rejected all suggestions, proposing instead that Iraqi factions target American interests inside Iraq, saying this is the "best thing" Iraqi factions can offer Hizbullah.


[1] June 25, 2024.

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