WARNING: GRAPHIC – Video By Islamic State (ISIS) Furat Media Documents Attack At Volgograd Prison, Features Prisoners Urging Jihad To Avenge Those Killed By 'Jews,' Muslim Prisoners

September 10, 2024

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here. 

On September 9, 2024, Furat Media, an official outlet of the Islamic State (ISIS), released a 13-minute video titled "The Resolve of the Monotheists in Russia."[1] The video, in Russian with Arabic subtitles, contains extensive footage from the August 23 attack at the IK-19 Surovikino prison colony in southwestern Russia's Volgograd Oblast, which ISIS claimed on August 29.[2] Four prison employees were stabbed to death and other guards and inmates taken hostage in the attack, which was perpetrated by four inmates from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, before the attackers were killed by government snipers. The video also contains footage of the March 22 attack at the Crocus City music hall in Moscow's Krasnogorsk suburb, which was also claimed by ISIS.[3]

This is the second video released by Furat Media since 2019, with the most recent released in May 2022.[4]

Call For Jihad To Avenge Victims Of "Jews," ISIS Women In SDF Camps In Syria; Condemnation Of Government Muftis Who "Forbid What Is Permitted And Permit What Is Forbidden"

The video opens with footage of a television presenter reporting on the Volgograd attack, before quoting a 2020 speech by slain ISIS spokesman Abu Hamzah Al-Qurashi: "We will not compromise our religion. O tyrants of the world, listen carefully to us: We will not put down our weapons, and the war will not come to an end until there is no fitnah [temptation] and until the religion, all of it, is for Allah, and until you are subdued."[5]

It then shows a speech made in Russian by one of the prisoners, presumably recorded before the operation. The prisoner addresses "the Muslim monotheist mujahideen who are concerned for Allah's religion," telling them: "O Muslim brothers, contemplate that every soul has an appointed time [for its death], so how does each one of us use it and in what way? We see how the enemies of Allah, the Jews, kill Muslim women and children. These are enemies of Allah. These are tyrants. They kill many of our brothers. This is not publicized! Imagine the sisters in prison in Syria [ISIS women in camps run by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)]! They are persecuted by the oppressors."

Lashing out at government-appointed clerics in Russia's Muslim-majority republics, the prisoner further says: "O brothers, never wait for the support of the muftis and their followers. Most of them have sold Allah's religion for a small price… They can only please their rulers, the taghouts [un-Islamic rulers]. They forbid what is permitted and permit what is forbidden. They openly ban the hijab and niqab [face-veil] in places which are 90-95% Muslim, besides for some issues, like forbidding children from going to the mosque until the age of majority which they have determined. They close mosques on Fridays to thereby prevent the Friday prayer. These are collaborators with the taghouts who call themselves Muslims, but cannot categorically forbid selling alcohol, dance halls, naked women… Where is the call to go forth [in jihad] for the sake of Allah? … These muftis describe those who give preference to Allah's shari'a – and they are the real Muslims – as 'Salafis,' 'Wahhabis,' and 'terrorists!' When the Messenger of Allah and his Companions fought the polytheists and unbelievers, were they 'terrorists?' These people issue fatwas to support the unbelievers, polytheists, and their followers and to fight alongside them for the sake of the taghout, for their own benefit… We ask Allah to unite us with the righteous and accept our martyrs. Allah Akbar."

Captured Warden Begs Putin To Accede To Prisoners' Demands; Prisoner Accuses Guards Of Restricting Inmates' Religious Rights

Next, the video shows a prisoner guarding a handcuffed warden with a bloodied face in the prison yard. Other inmates armed with a knife and a crowbar are shown inside a room at the prison, where a few slain guards lie on the floor in pools of blood. One of the prisoners declares: "We, the mujahideen of the Islamic State, Allah willing, by Allah's will, by Allah's victory, we have taken Prison 19 in Surovikino, Volgograd." Pointing to a corpse, he states: "This is the deputy head of operational security." Pointing toward other corpses, he says: "That, I don’t know who he is. This is an unbeliever." He then asks: "Where is that warden, Devyatov? They took him, didn't they?" and another responds: "Yes, they took him."

A prisoner identifying himself as "Abu Safiyah, one of the mujahideen of the Islamic State," approaches the captured warden and says: "We have now surrounded the Surovikino prison in the city of Volgograd." At his command, the warden delivers a message: "I implore the president of Russia … Vladimir Putin, accede to the demands. I need a doctor." One of the prisoners tells the warden: "Do you see now how your protectors betrayed you? For half an hour we have been telling them 'Bring the doctor.' They fled and left you. Here are your protectors, here are your colleagues."

Walking through the yard with a drawn knife, a prisoner says: "This is Prison 19. We captured these filth, and we killed those who mistreated and tortured the Muslims here. They take the Quran and the mosques of prayer here. We have a right to that. And they also shave the [beards of] the brothers. And now we are taking revenge against them. We have no mercy towards them. Now we tell them 'Take your soldier,' but they aren't taking him!"

Moscow Attacker: No Difference Between Victims Of Attack And "Jews"

The video then shifts to archival footage of the Moscow attack. Firing his machine gun into the music hall, the attacker declares: "Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar.  This is Allah's recompense for the unbelievers and polytheists who oppress the Muslims. May Allah fight them for their oppression and torture of the Muslims. There is no difference between these and the Jews."

Prisoners Pray For Victory Or Martyrdom, Urge Jihad, Greet ISIS Leader And Fighters

Showing footage of one of the men arrested by Russia for participation in the Moscow attack being carried off by security forces, his ear partially severed, the video returns to a message by one of the prison attackers: "Praise to Allah. This is torture and revenge against the unbelievers for the brother whose ear they cut off, and also for those who are tortured by the taghout of Russia until now. They torture Muslims, kill them, expel them, and oppress them. This is revenge for all the brothers and sisters."

Brandishing a knife while standing over the captured warden, a prisoner prays for victory or martyrdom, while urging Muslims to take action: "O Allah, grant us victory or martyrdom. Those are the mujahideen brothers which the ummah [Islamic nation] needs … to fight the oppressive unbelievers. Thousands of our sisters are imprisoned in a difficult state. O brothers, think about the situation of those sisters and their children. O ummah of Islam, wake up!"

Another prisoner holding a knife sends greetings to ISIS operatives and the organization's caliph: "We send our greetings to our group, to all the mujahideen of the Islamic State, and also to the Commander of the Believers, Abu Hafs – may Allah protect him."

Showing the prisoner pausing to pray on a mat, another prisoner, holding a hammer and a knife, continues his message: "Today, praise to Allah and with His help, we have taken the Surovikino prison in the city of Volgograd. Now it is time for the noontime prayer. The brother is praying, Praise to Allah."

Addressing his expected audience, he continues: "Pray for us, brothers… Whichever of our brothers, the Muslim mujahideen, who see us now, pray for us. Pray for us that Allah grant us martyrdom and accept [this deed] from us, and we ask Allah not to make us prisoners to these taghouts, to these unbelievers.

He adds, while displaying a handmade ISIS flag: "Also, our Muslim brothers, our ummah, wake up... Wage jihad and fight for the sake of Allah wherever you are, Allah willing. Allah has cursed everything in this world except good deeds... This is for the sake of implementing Allah's shari'a, for the sake of Allah, for the sake of the imprisoned brothers, sisters, and their children. For the sake of this flag… Allah is our Protector. We ask Allah for support."

Returning to the prisoner guarding the hostage, the video shows him saying: "Here are the mujahideen of the Islamic State. I greet all the mujahideen: peace upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings." Another declares: "Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. For the sake of glorifying Allah, for the sake of elevating Allah's religion."



[1] Telegram, September 9, 2024. 

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