WARNING – GRAPHIC: ISIS Stones Two Homosexuals In Homs

April 27, 2015

The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On April 23, 2015, the Homs province of the Islamic State (ISIS) published pictures showing the stoning of two men convicted of homosexuality.

A picture showed one of the convicted being led blindfolded to his execution site. The image quotes a hadith prescribing the punishment for homosexuals: "Whoever you find doing the act of the people of Lot, execute the doer and the one to whom it is done."

Another picture shows an ISIS man hugging the men goodbye, with the picture's caption praying for Allah to have mercy on the men.   

A large crowd attends the stoning, with several seen throwing large rocks at the men.


Source: Shumoukh Al-Islam, April 23, 2015.

The Cyber & Jihad Lab

The Cyber & Jihad Lab monitors, tracks, translates, researches, and analyzes cyber jihad originating from the Middle East, Iran, South Asia, and North and West Africa. It innovates and experiments with possible solutions for stopping cyber jihad, advancing legislation and initiatives federally – including with Capitol Hill and attorneys-general – and on the state level, to draft and enforce measures that will serve as precedents for further action. It works with leaders in business, law enforcement, academia, and families of terror victims to craft and support efforts and solutions to combat cyber jihad, and recruits, and works with technology industry leaders to craft and support efforts and solutions.

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