February 8, 2012 Special Dispatch No. 4479

Abu Basir Al-Tartousi Expresses Reservations about Newly- Announced Syrian Jihad Group

February 8, 2012
Special Dispatch No. 4479

Prominent Salafi-jihadi cleric Abu Basir Al-Tartousi, a Syrian living in London, expressed reservations about the newly-established jihad group Jabhat Al-Nusra Li-Ahl Al-Sham ("The Front for the Defense of the Syrian People"), which announced its establishment in a video posted recently on jihadi forums, and whose goal is to fight the Syrian regime (See: New Jihad Group in Syria Announces Its Establishment). Al-Tartousi expressed his opinion on his Facebook page , titled "The Islamic Opposition to the Syrian Regime," in response to a query by a reader who asked whether such videos were of benefit to the Syrian people at this time....

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