June 15, 2010 Special Announcements No. 116

Announcing The New MEMRI Palestinian Media Studies Project Website

June 15, 2010
Palestinians | Special Announcements No. 116

Today, MEMRI is announcing the launch of our new Palestinian Media Studies Project website (

This new website is a central resource for all MEMRI translations and analyses from the Palestinian media, both print and television, from the past 12 years. These translations and analyses from the Palestinian media, sermons, and textbooks form the largest archive in the world of such research.

The following sections makes up the primary parts of the new webpage: Inquiry and Analysis and Special Dispatch series archives; cartoons from the Palestinian media; blog posts from the MEMRI Blog concerning Palestinian issues, including current affairs such as the Flotilla incident; and featured reports posted exclusively on this page.

Also on the page are links to MEMRI TV clips on subjects such as Palestinian child indoctrination; antisemitism; the peace process; jihad and terrorism; martyrdom; Hamas; the Palestinian Authority; sermons; and links to clips from channels such as Al-Aqsa TV and Palestinian TV.

The new webpage includes the latest MEMRI TV clips from the Palestinian media, with new content posted daily. The page also includes videos from the extensive MEMRI Palestinian video archives put on YouTube.

Research from the Palestinian Media Studies Project is frequently used by Western governments for legislation, counter-terrorism, and educational purposes. Most recently it was the basis for France's decision to ban Hamas's Al-Aqsa TV.

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Recent Research from the Palestinian Media Studies Project

*Special Dispatch Series

· Special Dispatch No. 3032 - 'Abbas in Vietnam: 'We Are Comrades in Struggle and Fighting' 'Abbas in Washington: 'We Will Not Relinquish the Path [of Peace]' – REVISED, June 14, 2010
'Abbas in Vietnam: 'We Are Comrades in Struggle and Fighting' 'Abbas in Washington: 'We Will Not Relinquish the Path [of Peace]'

· Special Announcements No. 115 - The Banning of Al-Aqsa TV in France Based on MEMRI Research, June 13, 2010
The Banning of Al-Aqsa TV in France Based on MEMRI Research

· Special Dispatch No. 3015 - On Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV, Imam Ahmad Ibrahimi, Coordinator of Algerian Delegation to 'Freedom Flotilla,' Says: 'Our Hatred For These People Is So Intense That We Wished... We Could Have Been Bombs and Blown [Ourselves] Up Among the Brothers of Apes and Pigs', June 10, 2010
On Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV, Imam Ahmad Ibrahimi, Coordinator of Algerian Delegation to 'Freedom Flotilla,' Says: 'Our Hatred For These People Is So Intense That We Wished... We Could Have Been Bombs and Blown [Ourselves] Up Among the Brothers of Apes and Pigs'

· Special Dispatch No. 3011 - Head of Palestinian Writers Union in Gaza Presents 'Jewish Plan for Taking over the World', June 8, 2010
Head of Palestinian Writers Union in Gaza Presents 'Jewish Plan for Taking over the World'

· Special Dispatch No. 3004 - Narrative of Struggle and Jihad in Statements By Islamist Participants in Gaza Flotilla, June 7, 2010 Narrative of Struggle and Jihad in Statements By Islamist Participants in Gaza Flotilla

· Special Dispatch No. 3000 – Head of Hamas' Political Bureau, Khaled Mash'al, In Interview Two Days after Flotilla Incident: The Resistance Front Is Creating a Situation In Which Israel Can No Longer Win, June 4, 2010
Head of Hamas' Political Bureau, Khaled Mash'al, In Interview Two Days after Flotilla Incident: The Resistance Front Is Creating a Situation In Which Israel Can No Longer Win

· Special Dispatch No. 2999 - 'Freedom Flotilla' Organizer Bülent Yıldırım at Hamas Rally in Gaza: 'Anyone Who Does Not Stand Alongside Palestine... Will Be Toppled'; 'Everything in the World... Is Progressing Towards Islam'; 'What Can The Enemy Do To Me?... If They Kill Me – That Is Martyrdom for the Sake of Allah... The Entire World Must Know That If They Do Not Lift the Embargo from Gaza, All the Muslims in the World Will March to Gaza' (Archival), June 4, 2010
'Freedom Flotilla' Organizer Bülent Yıldırım at Hamas Rally in Gaza: 'Anyone Who Does Not Stand Alongside Palestine... Will Be Toppled'; 'Everything in the World... Is Progressing Towards Islam'; 'What Can The Enemy Do To Me?... If They Kill Me - That Is Martyrdom for the Sake of Allah... The Entire World Must Know That If They Do Not Lift the Embargo from Gaza, All the Muslims in the World Will March to Gaza' (Archival)

· Special Dispatch No.2997 - Salafi Jihadi Sheikh Hussein Bin Mahmud: Gaza Does Not Want Freedom Flotillas with Blonde Women – It Wants Black Islamic Banners of Jihad; Hitler Left Some Jews Alive So the World Could See Why He Killed the Rest; 'Gaza… Is Thirsty and Wants to Drink the Blood of the Sons of Apes and Pigs', June 3, 2010
Salafi Jihadi Sheikh Hussein Bin Mahmud: Gaza Does Not Want Freedom Flotillas with Blonde Women - It Wants Black Islamic Banners of Jihad; Hitler Left Some Jews Alive So the World Could See Why He Killed the Rest; 'Gaza... Is Thirsty and Wants to Drink the Blood of the Sons of Apes and Pigs'

*MEMRI TV Project

· MEMRI TV No. 2468 - Martyrdom Indoctrination on Hamas TV Children's Show - Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - April 2, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2466 - Hamas Clerics: Iceland Volcano Eruption - Allah's Punishment to the Europeans - Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - April 22-30, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2465 - Bassam Abu Sharif, Former Political Advisor to Yasser Arafat: Israel Assassinated JFK, Yemenite Jews Set to Assassinate Obama - Abu Dhabi TV - April 25, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2457 - Girls on Al-Aqsa TV: We Want to Fight to Liberate Jerusalem - Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - March 25, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2443 - Blood Libel on Hamas TV - President of the American Center for Islamic Research Dr. Sallah Sultan: Jews Murder Non-Jews and Use Their Blood to Knead Passover Matzos - Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - March 31, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2436 - Yousuf Al-Sharrafi, Palestinian Legislative Council Member from Hamas, Calls for Suicide Operations in Israeli Buses and Restaurants - Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - March 17, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2430 - Deputy Hamas Minister of Religious Endowments Abdallah Jarbu': Only a Madman Would Think Jews Are Human - Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - March 19, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2426 - Play Aired by PA TV Lauds Child Martyrdom, Portrays Jews with Stereotypical Antisemitic Characteristics - Palestinian Authority TV - January 10, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2425 - Hamas Bans Men from Working as Women's Hairdressers in Gaza; LBC TV (Lebanon) - March 15, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2421 - Fatah Militants Claim Responsibility for Firing Missile, Killing Civilian in Israel - ; Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - March 19, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2419 - Hamas TV Puppets Encourage Children to Liberate Jerusalem - ; Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - March 11, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2417 - PA TV Commemorates Female Terrorist Dalal Al-Mughrabi; Al-Mughrabi's Sister: Dalal Is a Source of Pride for Palestinian Women - Palestinian Authority TV - March 11, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2416 - Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf, Son of Hamas Leader in the West Bank: The God of Islam Suffers from Split Personality; Muhammad - a False Prophet - BBC Arabic (The UK) - March 12 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2412 - PA Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Al-Habbash Implies that Islam Sanctions the Killing of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniya - Palestinian Authority TV - March 5, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2410 - Hamas Sermon in Gaza: Rome Will Be Conquered by Islam - Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - March 5, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2389 - Former Palestinian Plane Hijacker Leila Khaled: If You Use Force, the Enemy Withdraws; 1967 Borders - Just a Stage - Abu Dhabi TV - January 31, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2367 - Antisemitic Sermon on PA TV: Even If Donkeys Cease to Bray, the Jews Will Not Cease to Be Hostile to the Muslims - Palestinian Authority TV - January 29, 2010

· MEMRI TV No. 2366 - PA Security Chief Muhammad Dahlan Threatens Hamas and Admits Spreading False Rumors to Instigate Anti-Israeli Riots - Palestinian Authority TV - January 4, 2010

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