September 30, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11589

Arabs Welcome Elimination Of Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: Thank You Israel, Justice Has Been Served

September 30, 2024
Lebanon, Saudi Arabia | Special Dispatch No. 11589

The targeted killing of Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah was received with joy by many Arab journalists and activists on social media, who called it a justified act that has made the world a safer place. Writing on their X accounts, many of them thanked Israel and Allah for eliminating a man who was responsible for the killing of many Lebanese, Syrians and other Arabs and whose organization has sowed death, destruction and terror in the Middle East for many years. Several Saudi journalists who celebrated his death emphasized that he was a flagrant enemy of their country who sought to harm it and boasted about his hostility towards it.

The writers also stated that Nasrallah had not died defending Jerusalem, as his supporters claim, but rather defending Iran, whose interests he had served throughout his life, and that he had done nothing for Jerusalem except spew a lot of lies and noise.

The following is a sampling of these responses.

Nasrallah Was Responsible For The Death Of Many Arabs, Boasted Of His Hostility To Saudi Arabia; Thank God He Is Dead

Lebanese-Iraqi journalist Hussain Abd Al-Hussain commented in English on his personal X account: "I’m dancing of joy today like I did when Saddam [Hussein] fell in Baghdad and like I will do when the tyrants of Damascus and Tehran fall. Sorry, but not sorry… "[1] 

Senior Saudi journalist Tariq Al-Homayed wrote: "Thank you, God; how much justice you dispense."[2] In another post he wrote: "From Bin Laden to Nasrallah and everyone in between – they all set fire to the region and they were all killed in their homes and basements."[3] In a third post that day he praised the abilities of Israeli intelligence: "Israel's intelligence infiltration of Hizbullah will remain the greatest story for decades to come."[4]

Saudi journalist Khaled Al-Suliman likewise welcomed Nasrallah's death, writing: "Praise God. Anyone who shows hostility towards Saudi Arabia, conspires against it and seeks to harm it is destined to perish and die!"[5]

Saudi writer Muhammad Al-Sa'd likewise referred to Nasrallah's hostility towards Saudi Arabia, writing: "…Hassan Nasrallah is not just an adversary of Saudi Arabia but rather a flagrant enemy. He openly boasted about his hostility [towards it], from with the 1996 incident in Al-Khobar[6] to the smuggling of drugs [from Lebanon into Saudi Arabia] and the support for the Houthi war. All of these were wars waged by Hassan Nasrallah."[7] 

Saudi writer Saleh Al-Fahid shared a picture of the late Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Al-Hariri, assassinated in 2005 by Hizbullah operatives, alongside a picture of the great pit at the site of Nasrallah's assassination, and commented: "The one who dug a pit for his brother [i.e., for Rafiq Al-Hariri] has been buried in a larger and deeper [pit]." [8]

Saudi writer Fahd Deepaji shared a cartoon showing Nasrallah arriving in Hell and being greeted by Satan, who says, "We have been waiting for you a long time." Above the cartoon Deepaji  wrote: "VIP guest" and added a laughing emoji.[9]

Kuwaiti liberal Jasem Al-Juraid shared a picture of Nasrallah with the word "eliminated" stamped across it, and commented: "Thank you, Israel, for making the world a happier and safer place."[10]

Liberal Egyptian writer Dalia Ziada, who lives in the U.S. and heads the MEEM Center for Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Studies, wrote in English on her X account: "Iran’s Khamenei is calling upon Muslims to avenge Nasrallah’s killing. What Khamenei does not know is that a huge portion of Muslims are so relieved by Israel’s successful hunting of the ideological heads of the Iran-sponsored proxies that have been wreaking havoc in the Middle East for decades. As usual, the Mullah regime is trying to manipulate religious sentiments to make it appear as a “holy war” between Muslims and Jews."[11]

Nasrallah Died Defending Iran, Never Did Anything For Jerusalem

Saudi journalist Kassab Al-Otaibi rejected the claim made by Hizbullah supporters, that Nasrallah died defending Jerusalem. He wrote: "Iran's servants keep repeating that Hassan Nasr-al-Shaytan[12] was killed defending Jerusalem. That is a lie meant to improve his wretched image after his death and after he went way too far in [spilling] Syrian blood. Jerusalem was nearby, [yet] for 30 years he barked but did not bite. So what did he ever do [for Jerusalem] except spew noise and lies? He died defending Iran, with his oath of allegiance to [the Iranian] Jurisprudent [Ali Khamenei] hanging around his neck…"[13]

Saudi media figure and influencer Abdallah Al-TawiIa'i shared an image of Nasrallah as a rat, with the caption: "The rat and [Iranian] agent reached his expiration date after fulfilling its role." He commented: "Yes, the Arabs welcomed [Nasrallah's assassination] much more than the Israelis did, because this rat used to kill Arabs while only barking at the Israelis, and because this rat was known for destroying Arab homelands while merely barking at Israel."[14]


[1], September 28, 2024.

[2], September 28, 2024.

[3], September 28, 2024.

[4], September 28, 2024.

[5], Sepember 28, 2024.

[6]  The reference is to the June 25, 1996  Khobar Towers bombing, in which a truck bomb exploded outside a housing complex in the city of Khobar, Saudi Arabia, causing the death of 19 U.S. Air Force personnel and the wounding of hundreds other people, of various nationalities. Saudi Arabia held Iran responsible for the bombing.

[7], September 28, 2024.

[8], September 28, 2024.

[9], September 29, 2024. The image is by digital creator Jonathan Majburd, (

[10], September 28, 2024.

[11], September 28, 2024. The text has been slightly edited for clarity.

[12] This means "victory of Satan," a play on the name Nasrallah, which means "victory of God."

[13] September 28, 2024.

[14], Septepber 29, 2024.

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