September 3, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11539

Canada-Based Activist And Former PFLP Official Khaled Barakat On Hizbullah TV: Revoking The Charitable Status Of The Jewish National Fund Is An Important Victory For The Resistance Following October 7, But It's Not Enough – JNF Should Be Criminalized

September 3, 2024
Lebanon, Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 11539

Canada-based activist and former PFLP official Khaled Barakat said in an August 19, 2024 broadcast on Al-Manar TV (Hizbullah-Lebanon) that revoking the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund is an "important victory," but is "not enough," it should be criminalized. He added that if it were not for the "popular pressure and resistance, and everything that happened following the Al-Aqsa Flood, Canada would not have revoked the charitable status of the JNF." The video was uploaded to Masar Badil’s channel on the video sharing platform. Khaled Barakat is a member of the executive committee of Masar Badil Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement. He is the husband of Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, who was recently granted a human rights award by Iran during a trip to Tehran, following her arrest in Vancouver for hate crimes. For more about Samidoun, with which Barakat was affiliated in the past, see MEMRI Daily Brief No. 643.

"In Canada, The Charitable Status Of The Jewish National Fund Has Been Revoked. This Is An Important Victory"

Click here or below to view the clip on MEMRI TV.

Khaled Barakat: "In Canada, the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund has been revoked. This is an important victory, especially since it will apply to dozens of Zionist organizations that hide under the title of 'charity work.' However, these are in fact arms of the Zionist entity and the Zionist movement, which finance the military infrastructure of the enemy's army, steal and destroy the Palestinians' land, and displace them. These are not charity organizations."


"It Should Be Criminalized – It Should Be Included In The Criminal Lists, As A Criminal Organization"

"Revoking the charitable status of the JNF is not enough. It should be criminalized. It should be included in the criminal lists, as a criminal organization.

"This will be achieved through pressure by the people, and not as a favor (extended) by the Canadian government. The Canadian government is racist, and it supports the Zionist entity. Just yesterday, it agreed to sent 50,000 mortar shells to the Israeli enemy and many other types of weapons to the (Israeli) entity. Canada is also a settler colonialist country. The Jewish National Fund in Canada operates in complete freedom. If not for the popular pressure and resistance, and everything that happened following the Al-Aqsa Flood, Canada would not have revoked the charitable status of the JNF."

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