August 30, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11534

Criticism On Social Media Of Senior Hamas Official Khaled Mashal's Calls For The Resumption Of Suicide Attacks Against Israel

August 30, 2024
Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 11534

Hamas leader abroad Khaled Mashal recently joined in on the threats by Hamas's military wing, the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, to resume carrying out suicide attacks in Israel. In an August 28, 2024 prerecorded speech aired at a conference in Istanbul that was organized by the Hamas-affiliated Al-Quds International Institute (QII),[1] Mashal said: "We want to go back to martyrdom operations [i.e. suicide attacks]." He also called for "open conflict" with Israel that would consist of "all forms of resistance, headed by martyrdom attacks" and added, "We should reignite this spirit in the West Bank and in the 1948 borders" – that is, Israel.

Mashal's speech stirred anger among Arab users on X, who asserted that he was sacrificing the Palestinian people and their cause while he lives in peace and riches in luxury hotels in Qatar. The X users accused Mashal and Hamas of providing Israel with justification to harm the Palestinian people, and wrote that if Mashal really wants the resumption of suicide attacks, then it would be appropriate for him and his sons to be the first to carry them out.

Mashal's statements are consistent with Hamas's recent declaration that it will start carrying out suicide attacks in Israel again. Hamas even posted, on its Telegram channel, an image depicting a bus blown up in Tel Aviv with a caption reading in Hebrew, Arabic, and English: "We are coming."[2]

This report will provide details about Mashal's calls for the resumption of suicide attacks against Israel, as well as some criticism of Mashal by Arab users on X.

Khaled Mashal: Suicide Attacks Against Israel Must Be Renewed, We Must Wage All-Out Jihad

In a pre-recorded speech aired at the "Eye on Jerusalem" conference held in Istanbul by the Al-Quds International Institute, Mashal called for a return to suicide attacks, which he referred to as "martyrdom operations," saying, "We should unleash all forms of resistance." Mashal said that Palestinians in the West Bank and within Israel's 1948 borders should reignite the spirit, and he called upon student leaders in Arab and Islamic countries, as well as in the West, to renew the student movement, adding: "You should be proud of yourself." The video was posted on August 20, 2024 on the X account of Abdulaziz Mucahit, an Al-Jazeera reporter in Turkey.

To view this clip, click here or below:

Lebanese Journalist To Mashal: If You Want Suicide Operations, Start With Yourself

Lebanese journalist Simon Abou Fadel, editor-in-chief of the Al-Kalimah news website, wrote on his X account: "It appears that Khaled Mashal, who is calling for the resumption of suicide operations, feels shame and jealousy since Yahya Sinwar beat him to sacrificing the Palestinian people and their cause. If you want suicide operations, start with yourself. You should be the role model and the example, and not uttering slogans from fancy hotels [in Qatar] while placing your nation in the mouth of the dragon."[3]

Abou Fadel's post on X. Source:, August 28, 2024.

Saudi Journalist: Someone Who Sacrifices Others While Sitting In Hotels Is The Most Despicable

Saudi journalist Ibrahim Al-Suleiman wrote on his X account: "After Khaled Mashal's calculated adventures, he is today inciting to suicide operations!! The most despicable person is someone who sacrifices others while sitting in hotels and palaces and enjoying a peaceful life with billions [of dollars]."[4]

Ibrahim Al-Suleiman's post on X. Source:, August 28, 2024.

Palestinian Journalist: The Arabs Must Declare Hamas A Criminal Organization – It Will Turn The West Bank Into A Second Gaza

Palestinian journalist Ayman Khaled wrote on his X account: "Khaled Mashal is calling for the return of suicide operations. The extremist Hamas movement is going back to its roots. There must be an official Arab voice declaring this movement a criminal [organization]."[5]

Ayman Khaled's post on X. Source:, August 29, 2024.

On the previous day, Ayman Khaled had shared a short video in which he said: "Hamas has declared mobilization in the [West] Bank. Our message to it is: The weapons in the West Bank will not liberate Jerusalem – they will only turn [the West Bank] into a second Gaza."[6]

Saudi Journalist: Mashal's Sons Should Be The First To Carry Out Suicide Operations; Hamas Will Destroy The Palestinian Cause

Saudi journalist and songwriter Muhammad Al-Quaiz wrote on his X account: "Hamas will destroy the Palestinian cause. With its stupidity and its operations as an agent [of Iran], it has given the Zionists an excuse to ethnically cleanse and destroy Gaza. It is now giving them the same excuse in the West Bank. By calling for suicide operations, Khaled Mashal will give the Zionists an excuse to get rid of the Arabs of 1948. Oh Khaled Mashal, if you believe in suicide operations, start with your sons, so that they can reach Paradise before you do."[7]

In another post, he wrote: "Stop Hamas and its stupid acts, otherwise we will be saying 'May Allah have mercy on the Palestinian cause' [because it will have been destroyed]."[8]


[1] The Al-Quds International Institute (QII) was founded in Beirut, Lebanon in 2001. It is headquartered in Beirut, and it has branches in several other countries, including Syria, Yemen, Iran, Algeria, and Qatar. In October 2012, the U.S. Department of the Treasury added QII to its list of sanctioned organizations on the grounds that it is controlled by Hamas. See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 10418, Iran-Backed Conference In Damascus On The Topic Of Israel's Demise: Israel Is A Malignant Tumor That Will Be Eliminated Thanks To The Syrian Armed Forces, And The Lebanese And Palestinian Resistance, January 13, 2023.

[2] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11523, Hamas And Other Terror Organizations: We Will Resume Blowing Up Buses In Tel Aviv, August 26, 2024.

[3], August 28, 2024.

[4], August 28, 2024.

[5], August 29, 2024.

[6], August 28, 2024.

[7], August 29, 2024.

[8], August 29, 2024.

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