December 6, 2023 Special Announcements No. 1421

Exclusive Offer For Academics And Other Professionals: Free Subscription To DTTM Research

December 6, 2023
Special Announcements No. 1421

Dear Reader:

For the past 25 years, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has been translating, researching, and exposing antisemitic content in media – print, broadcast, and online, including social media – in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Urdu, Pashtu, and many other languages. MEMRI's Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial document antisemitism from across the Arab and Muslim world, in every form of media and across the political, educational, cultural, and religious spheres; the project maintains the largest archives in the world of this content.

The MEMRI Domestic And Transnational Terrorism Threat Monitor (DTTM) Project – Now Offering A Free Email Subscription For Academics, Government, And Law Enforcement

Five years ago, MEMRI launched the Domestic Terrorism Threat Monitor (DTTM) project, which focuses on monitoring, tracking, and analyzing the online activity of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, accelerationists, and other domestic extremists in the U.S. and worldwide. This research focuses on incitement to violence, calls to action, recruitment, fundraising efforts, and violence. If you are an academic, government employee, or in law enforcement, you may qualify for a free email subscription to DTTM research.

Working Worldwide Around The Clock Monitoring The Online Communications Of Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, And Other Domestic Extremists

DTTM analysts and translators in our Washington, D.C. office and around the globe scrutinize these extremists' online communications on mainstream and lesser-known social media platforms. They identify trends in outreach and radicalization, listen to their podcasts and livestreams, map their national and international relationships and networks, document the imagery, themes, and literature they use and share, and track the technologies they are adopting, including encryption, cryptocurrency, and artificial intelligence. Both the online space and the landscape of extremism are rapidly evolving and shifting, and the DTTM team strives to stay at the forefront of online extremism research.

Covering Dozens Of Countries And Languages, Tracing Global Connections

DTTM research covers extremist groups and individuals in dozens of countries across all six inhabited continents, and our team analyzes extremist content in over 15 languages, including French, German, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian, Serbian, Bulgarian, and more. The project publishes numerous reports every day, and provides up-to-the-minute reporting on neo-Nazi and white supremacist activity online on an almost 24/7 basis.

The DTTM is highly government oriented, specializing in tracing transnational and global connections. The project works closely with authorities on the federal, state, and local level, as well as with our international partners. DTTM alerts concerning immediate and actionable threats, as well as other DTTM research, are provided daily to governments, counterterrorism authorities, and law enforcement, as well as with academics and international agencies. We publish numerous reports every day about the online activity of extremist groups and individuals, including in-depth reviews of accounts of individuals involved in producing, consuming, and disseminating this content. We alert authorities in real time to threats and potential threats against Jewish targets as well as against people of color, political and public figures, and government officials and agencies. These alerts have helped lead to arrests and prevent violent attacks, and DTTM research has also been used in prosecutions.

In this email, we are offering academics, as well as government and law enforcement professionals, a free email subscription to daily DTTM research.

Academics, Government, And Law Enforcement Can Now Subscribe To Free DTTM Emails

The DTTM is now offering an email subscription to recent DTTM research reports. This subscription is specifically for professionals with valid academic, government, or law enforcement credentials; it does not, however, give access to the entire DTTM archives. (note: professionals who are not subscribers may still request individual reports).

If you are interested in subscribing to this list and receiving these emails, you can subscribe here.

The project also offers a free email list which allows other interested individuals and organizations to keep abreast of the breaking research that the team produces. You can subscribe to this list here.

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