On November 26, 2019, Al-Iraqiya Network (Iraq) aired a report about Ashwaq Haji Hamid, a Yazidi girl who had been held captive by ISIS, and Abu Humam, the ISIS terrorist who had held her captive and brutally raped her. Hamid recounted that she had been 14 years old when an ISIS gang abducted her and took her to Mosul with 300 or 400 other Yazidi women who were above the age of nine. She said that she was separated from her family and sisters and that the Yazidi women were sold off or given as gifts to ISIS members in Iraq or Syria. She described how Abu Humam selected her and violently raped her several times a day. Abu Humam, who has since been captured and is being held by Iraqi intelligence services, was also interviewed, and he described how he was given Hamid as a slave girl after casting lots with other ISIS members, how he raped her and beat her several times a day, and how he registered her under his name before an ISIS judge. Later in the report, Hamid was brought before the captured Abu Humam and tearfully confronted him, saying: "Why did you do this to me?... Do you have any feelings? Do you have any honor?" While speaking to him, Hamid fainted. Hamid and a group of other girls had escaped from ISIS captivity by drugging their captors.
To view the clip of Ashwaq Haji Hamid on MEMRI TV, click here or below.
"I Was Approximately 14 Years Old When I Was Arrested By The Terrorist ISIS Gangs"
Ashwaq Haji Hamid: "I was approximately 14 years old when I was arrested by the terrorist ISIS gangs.
"We arrived in Syria at midnight. We were worried and didn't know what would become of us, and whether we would be killed or not. However, we took some comfort in being together – we would either live together or die together. But then they separated us from one another.
"There, in Syria, the ISIS terrorists separated all the girls above the age of nine from their relatives. We were taken to Mosul."
"My Little Sister Was With Me, I Couldn't Leave Her All By Herself, I Decided That I Would Protect Her Even If It Cost Me My Life"
"We were 300 or 400 women in Mosul. We stayed there for three days and the ISIS men would come to see us. They would give us to one another as gifts or sell us for cheap.
"We were six sisters, but only I and one of my sisters stayed in Mosul. My other sisters, my cousins, and other women were taken to Syria.
"My little sister was with me. I couldn't leave her all by herself. I decided that I would protect her even if it cost me my life."
"Abu Humam": "They were given to the people who participated in the raid on Sinjar. Some were given as gifts and some were sold.
"I went [into a room] where there were five slave girls. [Abu Hilal] said to me: 'We cast lots and you got this slave girl, Ashwaq.'"
"Abu Humam Selected Me And Then He Pulled Me By The Hair, I Did Not Expect Them To Rape Us, Because I Was Only 14"
Ashwaq Haji Hamid: "Abu Humam selected me and then he pulled me by the hair. I did not expect them to rape us, because I was only 14. But they restrained us with iron handcuffs and violently raped us.
"They raped us one after the other. Abu Hilal raped three girls, Abu Anas raped another one, and Abu Humam raped me."
"Abu Humam": "She was a 14-year-old, born in 1999."
"I took her that same night and I raped her the next day, more or less. She did not want it, so I beat her to make her agree to the rape. She was raped the next day, more or less... the following day, after the rape, we went to the judge, and she was officially registered under my name."
"I Tried To Fight Him And Push Him Away... Not A Day Passed Without Him Beating Me Three Or Four Times"
Ashwaq Haji Hamid: "He kept promising me that he would let me go, but then he would rape three times a day and beat me three or four times a day. I was just a child and didn't know anything. I tried to fight him and push him away when he was trying [to rape me]. Not a day passed without him beating me three or four times.
"Even if I was allowed to kill him, I would not want to get his filth on my hands, but I demand that the government do us right – it's not just me, because who knows how many Yazidi girls he raped after me."
"Abu Humam, Look Up, Why Did You Do This To Me? Why? Because I'm Yazidi? I Was 14 Years Old... Do You Have Feelings? Do You Have Honor?"
Reporter: "Ultimately, Ashwaq's home to meet her rapist, the terrorist Abu Humam, was realized, and she saw him in his wretchedness, in the hands of the security forces."
Ashwaq Haji Hamid: "Abu Humam, look up. Why did you do this to me? Why? Because I'm Yazidi? I was 14 years old when you raped me. Look up. Do you have feelings? Do you have honor? I was 14 years old, as old as your daughter, your son, or your sister. You destroyed my life. You robbed me of all my dreams. I was once held by ISIS, by you, but now you will feel the meaning of torment, torture, and loneliness. If you have any feelings, you would not have raped me when I was 14, the age of your son, the age of your daughter..."
Ashwaq faints and falls to the floor